Mean and Medians


Mean and Median pay gap data
Mean pay gap 19.0% 14.1% 7.9%
Median pay gap 13.4% 10.8% 6.9%



Our mean gender pay gap between Men and Women has continued to decrease over time and is now the lowest recorded since records began. In 2017, the Mean pay gap was recorded as 23.1% which has since reduced to 19.0% in 2023 (total reduction of 4.1%). 

The median pay gap between Men and Women has also continued to decrease and is now the lowest recorded since records began. In 2017, the Median pay gap was recorded as 18.9% and has reduced to 13.4% in 2023 (total reduction of 5.5%). 


Our mean ethnicity pay gap between Racially Minoritised and White employees has increased since the previous reporting period by 1%, however, our median pay gap has decreased from 11.2% to 10.8%.  


Our mean disability pay gap is currently one of the lowest recorded out of all our pay gaps at 7.9% and our median disability pay gap is the lowest recorded out of all our reported pay gaps at 6.9%.   


Last edited Mar 26, 2024