Arrangements for providing support to individuals identified as suffering from adverse psychological problems

If an individual appears to be displaying the signs of working beyond their capacity to cope, managers should consider the following steps:

  • discuss with the individual your concern for their health
  • implement any simple modifications to their working schedule and/or environment which are feasible
  • refer the person to Occupational Health if their work is affected
  • advise the individual of other agencies which are available to provide help (see below)
  • follow up the situation and check that some form of help/support is being used

The following facilities are available to support individuals  identified as suffering from adverse psychological effects due to stress.

University Facilities

  • Counselling Service. This is a confidential service available to the whole University community, staff as well as students. The counsellors are all professionally trained and experienced and subscribe to the British Association for Counselling's Code of Ethics and Practice. For further details see the web page or tel: 13695.
  • Occupational Health. The role of Occupational Health is to promote and maintain good health in the workplace through the services of specialised occupational health professionals. The service maintains high standards of confidentiality. The staff has contacts with local specialised counselling agencies to which they may refer an individual for specific counselling if they consider this appropriate with their clients consent. For further details see the web page or tel: 44329/4330.
  • Chaplaincy. The Chaplains can provide pastoral support that is independent of the University structures and academic procedures. For further details see the web page.

External Organisations

Trade Unions

Professional Bodies

A number of professional bodies have established helplines for their members. Examples include:

  • BMA
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Self-help Groups

There are a number of self-help groups that usually provide support in relation to specific problems (eg Alcoholics Anonymous). Contact details are available through the University Counselling Service.

Last edited Aug 16, 2020