We are a multidisciplinary research team from Computer Science, Engineering and English. We are conducting a cross-disciplinary workshop around “AI for Wellbeing in the workplace”. This is an effort to address declining staff well being identified across UK HE institutions and through UoN surveys. We seek to understand what AI means to our University staff from across schools, how they see AI being able to support in mental wellbeing strategies and what safeguards should be put in place if AI driven mental wellbeing interventions are considered.
We would like to invite you to the workshop as we believe your contribution to the this conversation will be very valuable. We will keep the number of participants relatively small to best aid discussion, and we will also provide tea and coffee.
The workshop is being supported by the Connecting Human AI Interaction Researchers (CHAIR) initiative at Nottingham, which is funded through a Faculty of Arts Collaborative Research and KE Seed Corn Award.
If you are able to join us, please contact helena.webb@nottingham.ac.uk or lydia.farina@nottingham.ac.uk
University of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
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