What will we be saying about AI in ten years' time? Discussion and networking event

B8 Music Building
Monday 22nd April 2024 (10:00-13:00)
Registration URL

About the event

You are invited to join us at a discussion and networking event that poses the question ‘What will we be saying about AI in ten years’ time?’ What will be considered cutting edge in AI and what AI-informed technologies will be shaping how we live our lives? What crisis points may have emerged and what might AI governance structures look like?

We will explore these questions through presentations and open discussion. This is an interdisciplinary event designed to bring together different perspectives on this central question. It is also intended as a networking event to help academics and researchers across the University to meet each other and build connections.

The event is open to everyone across the University with an interest in AI. Registration is essential and can be completed here.

  • 10 am - coffee and networking
  • 10.30am to 12pm - presentations and discussion
  • 12pm to 1pm - light lunch and networking

A light sandwich lunch will be provided at the end of the session, with vegetarian and vegan options included.

Guest speakers

We are delighted to welcome two guest speakers who will give presentations on their work and respond to the questions posed in the session:

  • Gianluca Sergi is Professor of Film Industries and the Director of the Institute for Screen Research Industries at the University of Nottingham. He recently co-organised a Members’ Conversation on AI in film for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This was held in Los Angeles and attended by around 500 leading film makers.
  • Julia Ive is a Lecturer in Natural Language processing at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London. Her research area is Natural Language Processing (NLP), the field of science that enables machines to analyse and synthesise our text and speech or ‘natural languages’. Her field of research combines her three main areas of scientific expertise: computer science, linguistics and cognitive science. Her main research focus is on the generation of the natural language – she designs optimal ways to generate human language using machines. Currently, she is working on the theoretical aspects of bias mitigation and privacy-safety in artificial text generation.

Lightning talks will also be given by members of three groups who have collaborated to organise the session: Connecting Human AI Interaction Researchers (CHAIR), Responsible AI UK (RAi UK) and Human Rights in the Digital Age (HRDA). There will also be time for Q and A, and open discussion.

The event is funded through a Faculty of Arts Collaborative Research and KE Seed Corn Award given to CHAIR, and through sponsorship from RAi UK on behalf of the RAi at Nottingham Network.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact information

If you have any questions about the event, please contact helena.webb@nottingham.ac.uk or lydia.farina@nottingham.ac.uk

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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