CHAIR II: Second Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human/AI Interaction organised by the Department of Philosophy, UoN, Department of Computer Science, UoN and Horizon, UoN
The aim of the CHAIR workshop is to contribute to network building and create an infrastructure to kick-start new partnerships and research collaborations between different disciplines working on the field of Human/AI Interaction e.g. Computer Science, Law, English, Philosophy, Psychology, Engineering, Sociology, Anthropology, Arts, etc.
This workshop combines perspectives from different disciplines researching Human/AI Interaction to focus on the areas of creativity, art, documentation and responsibility relating to AI ecosystems.
Keynote Speaker
Professor Gabriella Giannachi, University of Exeter, Department of English.
Testing the use of AI for art documentation.
This presentation is a hybrid of two different research papers offered at LIMA’s 2024 Unfold in Amsterdam and at Reading’s 2024 DH conference. The paper reflects Gabriella Giannachi’s current thinking about the potential of the use of AI in the documentation of complex and hybrid artworks. This research has been supported by the AHRC-funded BRAID project, led by Lydia Farina. The paper will introduce key practices and problematics in art documentation and key distinctions in the documentation of artworks for archives and collections before introducing three artist case studies and analysing suggestions as to the potential use of AI in the documentation and conservation of complex hybrid art.
Programme (provisional)
10-10.30 Registration/ Coffee.
10.30 – 11 CHAIR 2024: Current challenges facing research on Human/AI Interaction.
11 – 12.30 Keynote Talk: Prof. Gabriella Giannachi ‘Testing the use of AI for Art Documentation’.
12.30-1.30 Lunch.
1.30-2.30 Roundtable discussions on key themes of Creativity, Art, Documentation and Responsibility.
2.30-3.00 Coffee/ Summing up – Networking and Ideas for future research.
· Lydia Farina, (Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, UoN).
· Anna-Maria Piskopani, (Research Fellow, Horizon, UoN).
· Helena Webb, (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, UoN).
The workshop has received funding from the Faculty of Arts at UoN through the receipt of the Collaborative Research and Knowledge Exchange Seed Corn Award.
The workshop will take place face-to-face at University Park, University of Nottingham, but it can also be attended online.
Click here to register for the workshop.
Contact information
If you are able to join us, please contact, or