Department of Philosophy

Joining Forces of Philosophy and the Empirical Sciences to Tackle Social Injustices

Monday 29th (11:00) - Tuesday 30th June 2015 (18:00)
If you have any questions please contact Monica Beale

Joining Forces of Philosophy and the Empirical Sciences to Tackle Social Injustices

Session A (room B21)
1. Alex Voorhoeve (LSE), Arnaldur Smari Stefansson (University of Uppsala), Ken Binmore (UCL) & Brian Wallace (UCL): When Can(‘t) We Trust Our Intuitions in Distributive Ethics? The Results of an Experiment
2. Florian Cova & François Jaquet (University of Geneva): Is utilitarianism really a psychological natural kind?
3. Pascale Melanie Willemsen & Kevin Reuter (Ruhr University Bochum): Are omissions on par with actions? An experimental investigation into people’s reasoning about actions and omissions

Session B (room C29)
1. Janet Michaud & Ashley Keefner (University of Waterloo): Judgments of Coercion in Mr. Big Cases
2. Elena Walsh (The University of Sydney / King's College London): Anger, Self-Deception, and Justice
3. Malik Ajani (Royal Holloway): Citizenship and Diversity, following the
Pendulum of Inclusion and Exclusion

Session A (room B21)
1. Nathan Hanna (Drexel University): Desert's Moral Significance Revisited
2. Nora Heinzelman (University of Cambridge): Evaluations in the brain
3. Michael Niekamp (Goethe University): Taking 'moral underdemandingness' seriously

Session B (room C29)
1. James Beebe (University at Buffalo): Shutting the Door on Epistemic Closure
2. Yan Zhou (Kyoto Sangyo University), Masashi Kasaki (Kyoto University) and Sobei H. Oda (Kyoto Sangyo University): The Knobe Effect Reconsidered: Uncertainty, Expectation andRelativity in the judgment of Intentionality
3. Adrian Ziółkowski (University of Warsaw): Folk Intuitions and the No-Luck-Thesis

Keynote lecture 1 (room B21)
Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh)

6th Conference of Experimental Philosophy Group UK:
Joining Forces of Philosophy and the Empirical Sciences to Tackle Social Injustices
This conference benefits from the financial support of The Mind Association, The Society for Applied Philosophy and The Analysis Trust.

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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