Lumsden Lecture 2022

A48 Clive Granger Building
Wednesday 8th June 2022 (15:00-16:30)
Black image with stone age arrow heads on te left. Text reads "The Annual Philosophy Lumsden Lectures. Anachronistic Minds: Transhumanism and the Myth of the stone age"

The Department of Philosophy will welcome Professor Michael Hauskeller, University of Liverpool, for the Annual Lumsden Lecture 2022. 

Anachronistic Minds. Transhumanism and the Myth of Stone Age Man


I will first look at the way transhumanists employ various myths of their own making to bolster their arguments and gain support for their views. I will then, in the second part of my talk, focus on one particular transhumanist myth (the myth that we are mentally stuck in the stone age) to show how it is used to support various ideas, including the supposed need for moral bioenhancement, utilitarian solutions to the trolley problem, the view that life is bad, and the claim that we have a moral duty to “uplift” non-human animals

All staff and students are welcome to attend.

This event has been organised by PhilSoc.

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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