Department of Philosophy

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Image of Tom O'Loughlin

Tom O'Loughlin

Emeritus Professor of Historical Theology,



The best way to introduce myself is through what I write. These two recent papers are on open access - you can download them for free!

Celebrating Synodality: Synodality as a Fundamental Aspect of Christian Liturgy

and Equality as a Theological Principle within Roman Catholic Ecclesiology

Born in Dublin, I began my life in universities when I did a B.A. in philosophy and medieval history in University College Dublin. Immediately after that I began work on my B.D. in theology from St Patrick's College, Maynooth. By this stage I knew I wanted to do research in early medieval thought, and did an M. Phil. in medieval studies concentrating on the cultural influences on the thought of Plotinus and Augustine. During the time I was doing the M.Phil. I became increasingly aware of the need to be skilled in languages of late antiquity and in palaeography - and entering the world of manuscripts was, though I did not realize it at the time, going to be a major step in my way of looking at the world, while at the same time my interests were moving ever more towards historical theology.

I was subsequently offered a research fellowship in the Department of Late Latin and Palaeography in University College Dublin, and later again I was made a Scholar in School of Celtic Studies of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, and this led to my Ph.D. which was devoted to the tradition of Genesis interpretation in Latin between the death of Augustine and the Carolingians.

While doing research for my M.Phil. and, later, for the Ph.D. I held various teaching positions (in University College Dublin, the Milltown Institute, Dublin, and the Dominican Studium in Dublin) teaching traditional logic, the history of theology, patristics, and church history. This teaching not only gave me a perspective on the topics I was researching, but exerted a constant pressure to reflect on my own theological method and to recognize that while my teaching might be valued by others as 'history of theology' or 'the history of ideas,' my own impulse to teach and research was rooted in the discipline and perspective of historical theology.

Teaching has also influenced the content of my research in a variety of ways. I have become fascinated with how earlier teachers taught theology and how the tools they developed to help them in that task had an impact on the theology they taught. Likewise, theology is a discipline that reflects its modes of communication far more than other academic pursuits: 'gospel' is communicated as 'the gospels' and, in turn, 'the gospels' become the core of 'gospel'; the early churches used codices rather than scrolls - the effects are still with us; theology became a university discipline when it moved out of a primarily oral environment and Christianity became a book-based religion; now what will happen in the new orality that arises with the web? These questions about communication fascinate me and crop up again and again in what I write.

While a Scholar the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies I was offered a post in the Dept of Theology and Religious Studies in the University of Wales, Lampeter beginning in January 1997. That appointment allowed me to develop a distinctive style of historical theology focused on the dynamics of tradition within theology. This work led eventually to my being made the first Professor of Historical Theology in the University of Wales in February 2006; and to the award of a D.D. by Bangor University in 2010. I am a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries; the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; and of the Royal Historical Society. In 2017 I was elected an Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy in recognition of my contribution to our understanding of the Latin culture of early medieval Ireland.

I was invited to accept the post of Professor of Historical Theology here in the University of Nottingham in 2009, and remained in post until my retirement in 2020. At that point I was appointed Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology here - and this allows me to continue my connection with the department and the University.

Now that I am Emeritus I continue to engage in academic research and in communicating that research.

I am leading three publication projects:

1. Studia Traditionis Theologiae.

This is a series of monographs - it began in 2009 and its 55th volume is about to appear - dedicated to the evolution of theology in the early and medieval periods across the Christian world. If you have a monograph on how theology evolved in its tradition, then you might consider it as a destination for your research.

For more information go to

2. The Brepols Library of Christian Sources.

This series is dedicated to producing bi-lingual editions of key texts from the Christian tradition from the earliest times until the thirteenth century. The series includes texts in both Greek and Latin, and in addition to what one expects in such bi-lingual texts, there is an emphasis on providing auxiliary materials to make them user-friendly for use in the classroom. Six volumes have appeared since 2021, and another five are in the press.

If you are interested in producing a translation of a Greek or Latin Christian text - not necessarily a 'theological' text - with commentary, then I would like to hear from you.

3. Explorations.

This is a new series of collections of essays aiming at drawing together new thinking on current issues in theology. The series is under the auspices of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain. I am part of three-person editorial team: the other editors are Prof. Stephen McKinney (Glasgow) and Dr Patricia Kelly.

The first volume will appear in February 2024 and will be devoted to synodality.

I also press ahead with research and am academic consultant to several theological faculties and organizations. I continue to do some teaching - usually in the form of intensive modules - most recently, in January 2023, I gave a one-week MA module to the students of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin introducing the methodology of historical theology - and making use of the excellent manuscript and artifact resources of the Chester Beatty Library and of the National Museum of Ireland. It was fun to be back in Dublin, near where I grew up, teaching.

I continue to face each day the key challenges of the academic theologian: on the one hand, one must be constantly seeking new knowledge by investigating historical material and subjecting well-known materials to new critical examination; on the other hand, communicating the fruits of one's research, training the next generation of researchers, and transmitting the dialogue of theology through teaching - an activity that can take many shapes.

This task of communication is also complex in that one has to dialogue with others in the research community through the publication of academic papers, and one must also communicate with the wider public - for theology and its history is of concern far beyond the academy - through other publications and media. One can see my attempts to so communicate with these various audiences through the range of items in my list of publications.

My most recent attempt to speak to both audiences is my latest book (2023): In Christ now meet both East and West: On Catholic Eucharistic Action. Here is a link to it

Some publications are intended only for a handful of specialists, others are attempts to distill the understanding of the origins of Christianity that has been built up since the discipline came into existence in Germany in the nineteenth century. Moreover, in recent years I have become ever more interested in how we are entering a new age of orality - learning is taking place through listening and watching - which is based not around the hearth in the household nor in the village church, but on the internet. If you want to see and hear what I mean by this, then just click this link:

The other 'slow burn' activity I am engaged in is seeking out new sources for historical theology, and sources that have not attracted attention from this angle in the past. In particular I am interested in how the activity of the Christian cult - liturgy - has played a complex role in the growth of Christian self-understanding and had interacted with formal theology in a myriad of ways - and ways that are far more complex and surprising than the old adage of lex orandi legem credendi statuat might suggest. Another area that interests me is how believers have used maps over the centuries to give expression to their faith and how their maps are the expressions of their world, which includes their religious world.

Despite the fact that historical theology tends to look at the distant past, it is one of the younger theological disciplines - when I was an undergraduate it was still fashionable in some quarters to dismiss it as little more than 'context of' or noise in an 'unchanging' body of doctrines - and, therefore, one of the more exciting approaches to take in the study of Christianity.

I have placed some of my papers on - here is a link:

Expertise Summary

Historical theology is one less well know approach to theology when compared with better known approaches of systematic theology and philosophical theology on the one hand, and the disciplines of church history or biblical exegesis on the other - yet historical theology has links with all of these approaches. Its basis lies in the reality of change: what any group of Christians, now or in the past, profess and how they imagine the world and their pace in it, is always changing. Historical theology investigates this phenomenon, the factors that lead to specific changes and developments, how that group then realign their 'take' on Christianity with the past (usually through a re-reading of history) and then the impact that has on the groups that come after them. So historical theology seeks to know what Christians believe and why they believe certain things at certain times by looking at particular point and situating it against the larger patterns of Christian belief. So when biblical scholars look at the work of the Chronicler, re-reading his history to make a theological point, and then describe the Chronicler's theology vis-a-vis other understandings of Israel's faith, those biblical scholars are acting as historical theologians. Likewise, when a systematician seeks to understand how western Christians could tear themselves asunder in the sixteenth century over 'sacraments' and seeks to explain this by noting how the notion of 'seven sacraments' began in twelfth-century canon law, and therefore all to do with the notion has to be seen as a function of that period's view of the universe, that systematician is using the methods of historical theology.

It would be fair to say that one of the characteristics of historical theologians is that they prefer empirically founded statements about what a specific group believed - which can then be studied - to vast statements that take the form: 'faith demands ... '

Areas of Interest:

  • Early Christian communities and the documents they produced
  • Patristic and Medieval Theology
  • History of Scriptural Interpretation
  • Method in Historical Theology
  • How Christians today use, re-use, and re-cycle their histories

To understand how historical theologians approach questions, probably the easiest route it to watch historical theologians at work. You can see historical theology being done in these videos:

Historical theology is often at the intersection between what is studied by theologians and what is found in the preaching of the churches and the opinions in the pews - this makes it an interesting place of intellectual dialogue.

Research Summary

The Eucharist

To see my overall approach, look at my 2015 monograph The Eucharist: Origins and Contemporary Understandings (T. & T Clark / Bloomsbury) which examines how developments and discoveries over the last century in the fields of early Christian studies make it essential that the churches subject their inherited views on the Eucharist - inherited mainly from the scholastic Late Medieval and Reformation periods - to a profound reappraisal. Such reappraisals are always difficult as there is usually a great deal of emotional investment in the theologies we inherit from the past, but part of the service of theologians is to help people formulate new and more comprehensive visions of what they believe.

You can get a taste of this book in these articles:

'Another post-resurrection meal, and its implications for the early understanding of the Eucharist' (details can be found under my 'PUBLICATIONS' but it is also on open access at ); and 'Eucharistic Celebrations: the Chasm between Idea and Reality' (details can be found under my 'PUBLICATIONS' but it is also on open access at ). I hope you enjoy reading both pieces!

Also, you might like to watch this video: Why study the Eucharist?

To get a free download of an article of mine on Lk 1:1 and what it tell us about ministry and books in the early churches, go to:

and you will find some excellent articles by other scholars besides!

Late patristic / early medieval theology

In 2012 I published a study of the sixth-century British theologian, Gildas, and how he used and interpreted the Christian scriptures. While many books are written on the exegesis of many theologians, such as Augustine (354-430), most actual theology, and virtually the whole of the teaching of theology was done by far less famous teachers - and it is their perceptions of what they were doing that had the greatest impact on the on-going development of Christianity. Unfortunately, most of these 'schoolmasters' left us no record to see what they were doing, and those that did leave a trace, such as Gildas, are often seen as too 'obscure' to merit study - so our understanding of Christian tradition remain defective! So this book is as much an experiment in method as it is an analysis of one Latin theologian from a period that is often presented as a 'dark age.'

This book is called Gildas and the Scriptures; Seeing the World through a Biblical Lens and is published by Brepols in the series Studia traditionis theologiae.

Current Writing Projects


I am working at present on the origins of the notion of 'apostolic succession' in Christianity.


The developing theology of synodality.

Selected Publications

  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. Gildas and the scriptures: observing the world through a Biblical lens Brepols.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. Making the Most of the Lectionary: A User's Guide S.P.C.K., London.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. The Didache: A window on the Earliest Christians S.P.C.K. / Baker Academic.

Here is a list of the volume published to date in Studia Traditionis Theologiae:

I. A. Steward-Sykes, The Didascalia apostolorum: An English Version with introduction and Annotation (2009).

II. R. Aist, The Christian Topography of Early Islamic Jerusalem: The Evidence of Willibald of Eichstätt (700-787 CE)((2009).

III. K. Ritari, Saints and Sinners in Early Christian Ireland: Moral Theology in the Lives of Saints Brigit and Columba(2010).

IV. D. Jenkins, 'Holy, Holier, Holiest': The Sacred Topography of the Early Medieval Irish Church (2010).

V. I. Warntjes and D. Ó Cróinín eds, Computus and its Cultural Context in the Latin West, AD 300-1200 (2010).

VI. J. Siemens, The Christology of Theodore of Tarsus: The Laterculus Malalianus and the Person and Work of Christ(2010).

VII. E. Narinskaya, Ephrem, a 'Jewish' sage: A comparison of the Exegetical Writings of St Ephrem the Syrian and Jewish Traditions (2010).

VIII. A. Andreopoulos, A. Casiday, and C. Harrison eds, Meditations of the Heart: The Psalms in Early Christian Thought and Practice (2011).

IX. N.L. Thomas, Defending Christ: The Latin Apologists before Augustine (2011).

X. I. Warntjes and D. Ó Cróinín eds, The Easter Controversy of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (2012).

XI. C.A. Cvetkovic, Seeking the Face of God: The Reception of Augustine in the Mystical Though of Bernard of Clairvaux and William of St Thierry (2012).

XII. T. O'Loughlin, Gildas and the Scriptures: Seeing the World through a Biblical Lens (2012).

XIII. C.L. Lubinsky, Removing Masculine Layers to Reveal a Holy Womanhood: The Female Transvestite Monks of Late Antique Eastern Christianity (2013).

XIV. P. Moran and I. Warntjes eds, Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship: A Festschrift for Daíbhí Ó Cróinín (2015).

XV. B.D. Wayman, Diodore the Theologian: Pronoia in his Commentary on Psalms 1-50 (2014).

XVI. G.T. Dempsey, Aldhelm of Malmesbury and the Ending of Late Antiquity (2015).

XVII. M.F.M. Clavier, Eloquent Wisdom: Rhetoric, Cosmology and Delight in the Theology of Augustine of Hippo(2014).

XVIII. D. De Bruyne, Summaries, Divisions and Rubrics of the Latin Bible (reprint of the volume from 1914 with introductions by P.-M. Bogaert and T. O'Loughlin) (2014).

XIX. D. De Bruyne, Prefaces to the Latin Bible (reprint of the volume from 1914 with introductions by P.-M. Bogaert and T. O'Loughlin) (2015).

XX. B. Walker, Memory, Mission, and Identity: Orality and the Apostolic Miracle Tradition (2015).

XXI. D. Clark, The Lord's Prayer: Origins and Early Interpretations (2016).

XXII. S. Lanzi, The Stations of the Cross: The Placelessness of Medieval Christian Piety (2016).

XXIII. K. Ritari, Pilgrimage to Heaven: Eschatology and Monastic Spirituality in Early Medieval Ireland (2016).

XXIV. W.M. Stevens, Rhetoric and Reckoning in the Ninth Century: The Vademecum of Walahfrid Strabo (2018).

XXV. W. Kursawa, Healing not Punishment: the Historical and Pastoral Networking of the Penitentials between the Sixth and the Eighth Centuries (2017).

XXVI. I. Warntjes and D. Ó Cróinín eds, Late Antique Calendrical Thought and its Reception in the Early Middle Ages(2017).

XXVII. E.M.G. Krajewski, Archetypal Narratives: Pattern and Parable in the Lives of Three Saints (2017).

XXVIII. N. Loudovikos, Analogical Identities: The Creation of the Christian Self - Beyond Spirituality and Mysticism in the Patristic Era (2019).

XXIX. Chun Ling Yu, Bonds and Boundaries among the Early Churches: Community Maintenance in the Letter of James and the Didache (2018).

XXX. R. Aist, From Topography to Text: The Image of Jerusalem in the Writings of Eucherius, Adomnán and Bede(2018).

XXXI. J. Hawkes and M. Boulton eds, All Roads Lead to Rome: The Creation, Context, and Transmission of the Codex Amiatinus (2019).

XXXII. L. Holford-Strevens, The Disputatio Chori et Praetextati: The Roman Calendar for Beginners (2019).

XXXIII. A. Osborne, A Cosmic Liturgy: Qumran's 364-Day Calendar (2019).

XXXIV. S. Towers, Constructions of Gender in Late Antique Manichaean Cosmological Narrative (2019).

XXXV. L. Cerioni, Revealing Women: Feminine Imagery in Gnostic Christian Texts (2021).

XXXVI. W. Sadowski and F. Marsciani eds, The Litany in Arts and Cultures (2020).

XXXVII. P. Pylvänäinen, Agents in Liturgy, Charity and Communication: The Tasks of Female Deacons in the Apostolic Constitutions (2020).

XXXVIII. A. Chouliaras, The Anthropology of St Gregory Palamas: The Image of God, the Spiritual Senses, and the Human Body (2020).

XXXIX. H. Goren, 'The loss of a minute is just so much loss of life': Edward Robinson and Eli Smith in the Holy Land(2020).

XL. G. Hermanin de Reichenfeld, The Spirit, the World and the Trinity: Origen's and Augustine's Understanding of the Gospel of John (2021).

XLI. P.M. Rumsey, 'Lest She Pollute the Sanctuary': The Influence of the Protevangelium Iacobi on Women's Status in Christianity (2020).

XLII. J.G. Sabak. 'Oremus et Vigilemus': The Theological Significance of 'Keeping Vigil' in Rome from the Fourth to the Eighth Century (2021).

XLIII. E. Bartzis, 'My God, my God, why have you abandoned me': The Experience of God's Withdrawal in Late Antique Exegesis, Christology and Ascetic Literature (2021).

XLIV. L. Misiarczyk, Eight Logismoi in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus (2021).

XLV. L. Hellsten, Through the Bone and Marrow: Re-examining Theological Encounters with Dance in Medieval Europe(2021).

XLVI. A. Renberg, The Son is Truly Son: The Trinitarian and Christological Theology of Eusebius of Caesarea (2021).

XLVII. J.R. O'Brien, Heralds of Hope: The Three Advent Hymns of the Roman Office (2022).

XLVIII. P.J. Brown, Friendship as Ecclesial Binding: A Reading of St Augustine's Theology of Friendship from his In Iohannis Evangelium Tractatus (2022).

XLIX. W. Trent Foley, Bede and the Beginnings of English Racism (2022).

L. S.E. Lied, Participation in Heavenly Worship: From Apocalyptic Mysticism to the Eucharistic Sanctus (2022).

LI. Lal Dingluaia, "The Letter Killeth": Redeeming Time in Augustine's Understanding of the Authority of Scripture (2022).

LII. I. van 't Spijker, Homo Interior and Vita Socialis: Patristic Patterns and Twelfth-Century Reflections (2022).

Past Research

Over the years I have worked on a number problems and texts. These have ranged from the significance the young Augustine attached to astrology to how someone on the very eve of Columbus's landing in the new world could still imagine the world in terms of 'the three continents' derived from Genesis 10. I have worked on the world of the earliest churches - I seem to keep being drawn back to the Didache and am always amazed how it throws yet more light on what we think we know - and the churches on the north-west fringes of Europe in the early middle ages where the Celtic languages were spoken. One can move between people, languages, and texts: but often the underlying questions that push one to do research remain curiously similar!

A collection of fifteen of my articles on these themes, written in the 1990s, has recently appeared in the Variorum series under the title Early Medieval Exegesis in the Latin West: Sources and Forms.

But the historian looking back at a distant time - and I have often worked on topics where the body of evidence was anything but large - is also part of the history of her/his own time, and so I have been drawn more than once into historiography and its place in the formation of identities. This is an interest that often seems 'too vague' to be of importance - but if you want to see why I attach such importance to it, look at what my colleague, Prof. Alan Ford, said about it:

Many problems, many periods, many texts: the best guide to my past research is a browse through my list of publications!

Future Research

I am planning two pieces of research.

First, a monograph on the origins and hermeneutic of the Eusebian Apparatus. You can get a taste of this work in:

  • 'Harmonizing the Truth: Eusebius and the Problem of the Four Gospels,' Traditio 65(2010)1-29;
  • 'St Augustine's view of the place of the Holy Spirit in the formation of the gospels,' in D. Vincent Twomey and Janet E. Rutherford eds, The Holy Spirit in the Fathers of the Church (Four Courts Press, Dublin 2010), pp. 86-95; and
  • 'The Biblical Text of the Book of Deer (C.U.L. Ii.6.32): Evidence for the Remains of a Division System from its Manuscript Ancestry,' Scriptorium 63(2009)30-57.

Second, work on 'mapping the early Christians.' This will be an examination of how we can use cartography to understand aspects of the spread of Christianity, and also of how the maps we use for the early churches and their texts have influenced our perceptions of them.

This research is a longer term goal.

  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2025. ‘Eucharistic Prayers: The Church’s Need for Being Specific’ Conversations. 2(1), 41-48
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'The epiphanic texts in Genesis as found in the Vetus Latina and the Vulgate: witness to a tradition of early reading and reception in Latin theology'. In: ROLAND DEINES, ed., Epiphanies of the Divine Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen. (In Press.)
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Spiritus Domini: The challenge of moving from "tasks' to "ministries"' The Pastoral Review. 20(1), 23-27
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Distoguide - a paper based computer' Sheetlines: The Journal of the Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps. 129(April), 47-50
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'The Welcoming Table, the Beauty of the Temple, and the Disciples of Jesus' Worship. 98(January), 76-84
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'What Pompeii reveals about the Eucharist' Tui Motu Interislands. 292(May), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Hospitality expresses the Gospel' Tui Motu Interislands. 293(June), 4-5
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Pompeii and the Eucharist: What the work of the trowel can contribute to contemporary Christian practice’ The Japan Mission Journal. 78(2), 102-108
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Pompeii revealed ... and ...?' The Pastoral Review. 20(3), 55-58
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. ‘Synodality Requires a Focus on Local Communities, but Are We Ready for What That Entails?’. In: STEPHEN J. MCKINNEY, THOMAS O’LOUGHLIN and BEÁTA TÓTH, eds., 'Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A new way for Catholics' Messenger Publications, Dublin. 225-237
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Synodal Virtues: Courage to Change' Tui Motu Interislands. 294(July), 11.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. ‘The continuing quest for "Eucharistic Origins" and the implications of this research for theologies of the Eucharist’. In: ETHNA REGAN and ALAN J. KEARNS, eds., Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane 18. Peter Lang: Oxford, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, New York. 57-66
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. ‘Gildas the Wise’. In: DAVID G. HUNTER, PAUL J.J. VAN GEEST and BERT JAN LIETAERT PEERBOLTE, eds., Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity: Authors, Tests, and Ideas 3. Brill, Leiden. 518-520
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Ireland'. In: DAVID G. HUNTER, PAUL J.J. VAN GEEST and BERT JAN LIETAERT PEERBOLTE, eds., Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity: Authors, Tests, and Ideas 3. Brill, Leiden. 815-824
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. ‘Bible XVIII. Christian Worship’. In: DAVID G. HUNTER, PAUL J.J. VAN GEEST and BERT JAN LIETAERT PEERBOLTE, eds., Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity: Authors, Tests, and Ideas
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. ‘The Social Identity of the Travelers between the Early Communities of Jesus-Followers’. In: IN JONATHAN A. DRAPER, NANCY D. PARDEE and SHAWN J. WILHITE, eds., “The Teaching of These Words” Intertextuality, Social Identity, and Early Christianity: Essays in Honor of Clayton N. Jefford 16. Brill, Leiden. 26-41
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'The Reader Performs the Word of God' Tui Motu Interislands. 297(October), 18-20
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2024. 'Eucharistic Prayers: The Church Needs Variety' Conversations. 1(6), 24-31
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. Prayer of the Faithful: Prayer of the Faithful: January, February, March 2023 The Pastoral Review. 19(1), 84-86
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'The vocations muddle' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Celebrating Synodality: Synodality as a Fundamental Aspect of Christian Liturgy' New Blackfriars. 104(1110), 161-178
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. Footwashing as a Christian Liturgy: A Challenge to Question What We Mean by “Sacrament”. In: MARTHA MOORE-KEISH and JAMES W. FARWELL, eds., The T. & T. Clark Handbook of Sacraments and Sacramentality T. & T. Clark, London. 307-316
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Pilgrim People and a Synodal Church' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'What you cannot see, you cannot be!' Tui Motu Interislands. 278(February), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. In Christ now meet both East and West: On Catholic Eucharistic Action Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'The Prayer of the Faithful: April, May, June 2023' The Pastoral Review. 19(2), 83-85
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘Making Intercession: The Work of a Priestly People’ Doctrine and Life. 73(3), 48-64
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Synodality and ordinary Catholics' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘Footwashing: Enacting Church' Tui Motu Interislands. 280(April), 14-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, ed., 2023. Shaping the Assembly: How our buildings form us in worship Messenger Publications, Dublin.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘Domestic Ritual, Public Space'. In: O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, ed., Shaping the Assembly: How our buildings form us in worship Messenger Publications, Dublin. 19-32
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘The origins of “apostolic succession” in early rabbinic writings' The Pastoral Review. 19(3), 6-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'The Prayer of the Faithful: July, August, September 2023' The Pastoral Review. 19(3), 84-86
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'World Refugee Day and Gospel hospitality' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. The Origins of an Ecumenical Church: Links, Borrowings, and Inter-Dependencies. In: SOTIRIS MITRALEXIS and ANDREW T.J. KAETHLER, eds., Mapping the Una Sancta: Eastern and Western Ecclesiology in the Twenty-First Century Winchester University Press. 41-71
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘Catholic Worship in the Light of the Pandemic: Have We Slipped Back into Neo-Scholasticism?’ Worship. 97(July), 230-250
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Hospitality embodies the Gospel Message and challenges the Church' The Irish Catholic. 36
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Presiding in the midst of the Baptised' Doxology. 34(1), 16-23
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Sacrosanctum Concilium @ 60 - still getting our bearings' CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'If I were going to the synod ...?' The Synodal Times. 8-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'What would you want to say at the Synod?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. '"Sacrosanctum Concilium" at 60: the focus of the Eucharistic Assembly' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. Prayer of the Faithful: October, November, December 2023 The Pastoral Review. 19(4), 82-85
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'The Focus of the Eucharistic Assemby' CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Sacrosanctum Concilium at Sixty: Finding our Bearings' The Japan Mission Journal. 77(3), 212-216
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'An Inculturated Liturgy: A Eucharistic Prayer Worthy of Study' Doctrine and Life. 73(7), 10-23
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Dear Synod, Be Not Afraid!' Tui Motu Interislands. 286(October 2023), 18-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Joyful Liturgies: Why?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘An “Atlas” in 90 Blocks: A nineteenth-century French educational toy' IMCOS Map Journal: Journal of the International Map Collectors' Society. 175, 6-16
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. Liturgical Resources: Feast of the Holy Family (B) Scripture in Church. 53(212), 77-83
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. ‘Christmas cards in the 1960s: annual ritual behaviour revisited’. In: SALVADOR RYAN, ed., Christmas and the Irish: A Miscellany Wordwell, Dublin. 271-278
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2023. 'Owning the Liturgy: the Foundation for any Ecclesiology of Worship' The Australian Journal of Liturgy. 18(3-4), 157-168
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. Liturgical Resources for Sunday 6C, Sunday 7C, and Sunday 8C of Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 52(205), 36-50
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodal Virtues of Mutual Trust' La Croix International. 6 January(6 January),
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'What a difference a year makes ... or maybe not' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodality Virtues: A Culture of Non-deference' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodality virtues: Avoid confusing language' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodality Virtues: Baptismal Awareness' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Equality as a Theological Principle within Roman Catholic Ecclesiology' Ecclesiology. 18, 35-56
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'We are all celebrants at Eucharist' Tui Motu Interislands. 268(March), 14-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodal Virtues of Mutual Trust Renew. 201(March), 4-5
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodal Virtues: A Culture of Non-Deference' Renew. 201(March), 5-6
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodality Needs to Express Itself in Liturgy' The Japan Mission Journal. 76(1), 27-38
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Sharing at the Table: The Time has Come' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘The Bible in the Context of the Eucharist’. In: GORDON JEANES and BRIDGET NICHOLS, eds., Lively Oracles of God: Perspectives on the Bible and Liturgy Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN. 33-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Liturgy is not a visit to a museum' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. Discipleship and Society in the Early Churches James Clark and Co., Cambridge.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'From Spectator to Participant' Liturgy. 47(1), 14-17
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodal Virtues: valuing a sense of "agency"' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodal Virtues: the value of open processes' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Celebrating "Vocations Sunday" and asking synodal questions' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Catholic – Anglican group behind on-going ecumenical explorations' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Time-Sensitivity as a Possible Way through Ecclesial Deadlock in Regard to the Eucharist’ Review of Ecumenical Studies. 14(1), 30-40
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Sharing at the Table: Has the Time Come? / Gemeinsam am Tisch: Ist die Zeit gekommen?’ At: Review of Ecumenical Studies 14,1
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'The future of ministry: by whom and for whom?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Liturgy is not a visit to a museum' Renew. 202(June), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. Prayers of the Faithful: July, August, September 2022 The Pastoral Review. 18(3), 84-86
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. '"Giving" or "Sharing": How we think about the Eucharist' Liturgy. 47(2), 15-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodality Virtues: Sending the wrong signals at this particular moment' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'When I see your heavens ...: The creator is still greater and ever greater La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Giving a Cup of Water' Tui Motu Interislands. 272, 8-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Locating Contemporary Catholicism in Relation to Apostolicae Curae: What it can tell Catholics about Themselves' Centro pro Unione Bulletin. 101(Spring), 30-40
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Is there a Synodal Spirituality?' Doctrine and Life. 72(5), 4-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Reflections in the light of Nostra Aetate: Are the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals a Basic Religious Text for Our Times?’ Doctrine and Life. 72(2), 52-63
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Heatwaves and the Christian Agenda' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'No looking back' The Tablet. 276(20/27 August), 6
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘When I see your heavens' Tui Motu Interislands. 274(September), 8-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Transparency: Necessary for Trust' Tui Motu Interislands. 274(September), 22-23
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Food in Christian Memory' Methodist Sacramental Fellowship. 149, 18-29
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Synodal Virtues: valuing a "sense of agency"' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Love all our neighbours' Tui Motu Interislands. 275(October), 18-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'No looking back: the goal of the pilgrimage of faith lies ahead, not behind us' Liturgy. 47(3), 24-26
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. Prayer of the Faithful: October, November, December 2022 The Pastoral Review. 18(4), 84-86
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Vatican II – looking back on its diamond jubilee' The Pastoral Review. 18(4), 6-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Backgrounds for a Synodal Spirituality' The Japan Mission Journal. 76(3), 197-195
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'More synodal virtues: looking forward with a Vatican II perspective' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Liturgy and Dialogue' Music and Liturgy: The Journal of the Society of Saint Gregory. 48,3(377), 7-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Do you know what we commemorate on November 25?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'Vatican II at 60' Tui Motu Interislands. 277, 18-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Liturgy, Synodality, and the Great Dialogue of Faith' Liturgy. 47(4), 18-22
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'The Advent Sunday Readings, Year A: Where Are The Women?' Scripture in Church. 52(208), 119-125
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. 'BEM @ Forty: A Document More Relevant Today than in 1982?' One in Christ. 56(1), 66-79
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2022. ‘Death, Burial, Community and Anamnesis in a Medieval Parish: The Interplay of Place, Liturgy, and Story in Thirteenth-Century Chaldon, England’ Archiv für Liturgie-Wissenschaft. 64, 87-111
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. Liturgical Resources: The Epiphany of the Lord; The The Baptism of the Lord (Year B) Scripture in Church. 51(201), 12-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Speaking post-Covid: Is the Traditional Homily Dead?' Doctrine and Life. 71(1), 47-50
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘The larger dimension of the pope’s new document on women and ministry' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Women Preachers in the Eucharistic Assembly' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Ministry in a changing church' Renew. 197(March), 3-4
  • THOMAS O'LOUGHLIN, 2021. 'Lay Preachers at the Eucharist' Tui Motu Interislands. 257(March), 20-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘Belonging/believing: navigating the tension’ The Pastoral Review. 17(2), 60-61
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘The new lectionary: For whose needs?’ The Pastoral Review. 17(2), 17-20
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'A Palm Sunday "remembrance" during lockdown' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘Holy Week – the opening days’ La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘A domestic setting for celebrating Holy Thursday’ La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘Good Friday: the victory over sin and death’ La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘The Holy Saturday Experience’ La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘Easter Eggs even in lockdown: a family ritual’ La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Liturgical Space: the Liturgy of the Eucharist' Liturgy. 46(1), 26-30
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Risen Christ in the Easter Icon' Tui Motu Interislands. 22-23
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Ascension Day: taking stock of our situation' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'A new lectionary: more than one translation CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Pentecost and a synodal Church': the diversifying Spirit' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'A New Lectionary: is it a matter of picking a version?' Pastoral Liturgy. 51(3), 1-5
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Liturgical Space: the Liturgy of the Eucharist' Renew: The Quarterly Magazine of Catholics for a Chaning Church. 198(June 2021), 6-7
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. Liturgical Resources: Sunday 23B of Ordinary Time, and Sunday 24B of Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 51(203), 45-56
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Our Dinner Tables: the new normal' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘La persistance de présupposés néo-scolastiques et la situation de la liturgie catholique contemporaine' La Maison-Dieu: Revue d’études liturgiques et sacramentalles. 304(2), 29-53
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘The ministry of lector: a service in and for the community' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Before you print a new lectionary, consider this!' Liturgy. 46(2), 20-24
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'The minefield of synodality: does "hearing" mean "listening"?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'The Ministry of the Reader' Tui Motu Interislands. 268(August), 14-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Lectors at the Eucharist: A Special Skill Set?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Human Authenticity: A Value at the Eucharist?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'The Meal of Memories: Common Action, Ecclesial Worship' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Speaking Post-Covid: is the traditional homily dead?' GIA Quarterly: a liturgical music journal. 32(3), 19-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Food Stories' Renew. 199(September), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Giving or Sharing?: How we think about the Eucharist La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'A future for our past: An argument for bi-lingual historical Christian texts' The Pastoral Review. 17(4), 51-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Liturgy, Responsibility, and Synodality' Liturgy. 46(3), 24-31
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'A Meeting Place Church' Tui Motu Interislands. 264(October), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Columba 1500: The Extent of our Knowledge' History Ireland. 29(6), 16-18
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'The Arrival of Lectors: An Ecumenical Opportunity' One in Christ. 55(1), 42-51
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. Liturgical Resources: Sunday 31B in Ordinary Time; and Sunday 32B in Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 51(204), 20-26; 30-33
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Getting the feel for what synodality means' La Croix International.
  • O"LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Food Shared, Power Released' Doctrine and Life. 71(8), 13-24
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Giving or Sharing?: How we think about the Eucharist' Renew. 200(December), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'The Ministry of Catechist' Doctrine and Life. 71(9), 22-28
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Memory at Christmas: An American Carol and Biblical Images' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘“The Eternal Salvation of the Infant is here at Stake”: O’Kane on the Caesarean Operation in 1867’. In: RYAN, SALVADOR, ed., Birth and the Irish: A Miscellany Wordwell, Dublin. 153-156
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘Rethinking the Didache’s Evidence for Eucharistic Practices in the Light of the Diversity of Practice Witnessed in Luke 22:17-20' Studia Patristica: Papers of the Eighteen International Conference of Patristic Studies in Oxford in 2019. 125 / 22, 31-37
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'Inculturation is an Ongoing Endeavour' Liturgy. 46(4), 16-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. ‘Intercommunion should be Delayed no Longer: The Significance of a New Statement from Germany’ One in Christ. 55(2), 162-176
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2021. 'The Advent Lectionary: Where are the Women?' GIA Quarterly: The Liturgical Music Journal. 32(4), 8-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Isidore of Seville as a Theologian'. In: ANDREW FEAR and JAMIE WOOD, eds., A Companion to Isidore of Seville Brill, Leiden. 135-152
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Normes et langages theologiques: L'example de l'Eucharistie'. In: HELENE BRICOUT, ed., Du bon usage des normes en liturgie: Approche theologique et spirituelle apres Vatican II Les Editions du Cerf, Paris. 201-224
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Why Study Theology Part 3: New answers to old problems' WelCom. 379(February), 14
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Will Catholics and Protestants ever heal their rift over Communion? The Conversation. Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Will Catholics and Protestants ever heal their rift over Communion? Sight Magazine. Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'A Loaf of Bread: The Links between Life and Liturgy' Methodist Sacramental Fellowship. 147, 18-25
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'A slice of cake anyone?' Renew. 193, 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Why Study Theology? Part 4: Theology as Creative Engagement' WelCom. 380, 16
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Open new doors to prayer' The Tablet. 274(9345), 4-6
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Imagining Pentecost: Celebrating Women in the Church' Liturgy. 45(1), 6-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'A Loaf of Bread: Loaves are for Sharing' Canada Lutheran. 35(2), 15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'The Icon of Easter' The Pastoral Review. 16(2), 52-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Celebrating together during the crisis' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Coronavirus and the Eucharist: Let's Discover what it means to be Church WelCom. 381(April), 15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Praying at Home: The Holy Week: Liturgy for the Domestic Setting Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'An ecumenical moment: Easter solidarity in crisis' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Celebrating Holy Week in lock down 2020' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Celebrating Holy Thursday at Home' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Celebrating Good Friday at Home in this year of COVID-19' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Holy Saturday in Lockdown' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'A Lockdown Liturgy for Holy Saturday' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Riti Corretti: Perche Celebrare Bene Conviene Brescia: Editrice Queriniana.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Virus and Vocation' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Lockdown Discoveries: what "Vocation" really means' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Lockdown Discoveries: What "Vocation" Really Means' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Celebrating Ascension while Staying Safe' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'We are celebrants not consumers' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Celebrants not Consumers' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Liturgy: celebrants, not consumers' CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'The Problem with Viri Probati ....' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. '"When the Holy Spirit has come upon you": A lockdown liturgy for Christian Pentecost 2020' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'The problem with ordaining viri probati: men of proven virtue' CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, MICHAEL KELLY, CARMEL PILCHER and JOSEPH GRAYLAND, 2020. 'Flashes of Insight: What's wrong with a Virtual Mass?'
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'An unchanging theology?: Catholics and other Christians thanking God together' Renew. 194(June), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Trinity Sunday in Lockdown: a liturgy for use at home' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Trinity Sunday in lockdown: at liturgy you an ceelbrate at home' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'After the virus: liturgy and accountability' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'A Loaf of Bread: The Links between Liturgy and Life' Reality. 85(6), 12-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'After the Virus: Liturgy and Accountability' CathNews NZ.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Papal Infallibility' Newman: The Journal of the Newman Association. 20-25
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Let's Eat Together: the time has come to change our (anti-)ecumenical practice which hurts people' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Eucharistic Hospitality' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS and GRAYLAND, JOSEPH, 2020. 'Good Liturgy builds Faith, Bad destoys it' Available at: <>
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'New lectionary translations: what is the problem?' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'The Protevangelium Jacobi and the Emergence of the Notion of Consistency as a "Principle' within Christian Theology'. In: BREMMER, JAN N., J. ANDREW DOOLE, THOMAS R. KARMANN, TOBIAS NICKLAS and BORIS REPSCHINSKI, eds., The Protevangelium of James Peeters, Leuven. 206-216
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'The Derrynaflan Paten: Discovering an Ancient Eucharistic Theology' Reality. 34-35
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Time to start telling – and doing – the truth in the liturgy' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Inculturation: The Eucharistic Dimension'’ The Japan Mission Journal. 74(3), 189-196
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘The Origins of an Ecumenical Church: Links, Borrowings, and Inter-Dependencies’ Analogia: The Pemptousia Journal for Theological Studies. 9, 39-60
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Thinking after COVID-19: guests at the Lord’s table' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘After the Pandemic: Challenges Facing the Churches’ Doctrine and Life. 70(6), 2-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Do Not Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste!’ Doctrine and Life. 70(7), 11-18
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘The Cup at the Eucharist: Is It an Extra or at the Core of Our Christian Identity?’ Scripture in Church. 50(200), 11-18
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Reformation Day: Moving on from Ecumenism' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Good Liturgy: Does It Involve More Than What I Like?' GIA Quarterly. 31(4), 10-13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Revisiting the Question of “Ministry”?: Some Criteria for a Pragmatic Theology of Liturgical Ministry’ Liturgy. 45(3), 16-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Liturgical Resources for Sunday 21A in Ordinary Time; Sunday 22A in Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 50(199), 38-48
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Liturgical Resources for: Sunday 29A in Ordinary Time (Mission Sunday); Sunday 30A in Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 50(200), 12-20
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘The Cup of Discipleship' Reality. 23-25
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Space, Shape and Sharing (and now COVID-19 and ‘social distancing’)' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Guests at the Lord’s table' CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Time to start telling – and doing – the truth in the liturgy' CathNews New Zealand.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Belonging with Love' Tui Motu Interislands. 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Clericalism - visible and invisible' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Liturgical Space: the Liturgy of the Word' Renew. 196(December), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Card Readers, COVID-19 and the people of God' La Croix International.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'The Gospel Readings on Christmas Day' Liturgy. 45(4), 24-28
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Orientation in the Eucharistic Liturgy: A Note on its Sources' Anaphora. 14(2), 21-30
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'From Warrant to Imagination: An Un-Noticed Aspect of BEM' One in Christ. 54(1), 166-179
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'Eucharist at our Tables' Tui Motu Interislands. 250(July), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Obituary of Dr Margaret MacCurtain OP History Ireland. 28(6), 10
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Why study theology 6: Discord to Discourse in Religion' WelCom. 383(June), 19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. ‘Thinking after Covid-19: guests at the Lord’s table' WelCom. 388(November), 12
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. Food Shared, Power Released: The Significance of Food in Christian Memory. In: J.A. DAVID ONESIMU and K. VIJAYAN, eds., Rethinking Mission: Essays in Honour of Rev. Prof. Samuel Jayakumar’s 65th Birthday Madras Theological Seminary and College / Christian World Imprints, Chennnai.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2020. 'A Time and Motion Study: A Reminiscence of Walter McDonald'. In: SALVADOR RYAN and JOHN PAUL SHERIDAN, eds., We Remember Maynooth: A College Across Four Centuries Messenger Publications, Dublin. 76-78
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. '"Who, O Lord, shall live in your tabernacle?": The map of the tabernacle within the life of the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow'. In: JANE HAWKES and MEG BOULTON, eds., All Roads Lead to Rome: The Creation, Context, and Transmission of the Codex Amiatinus Brepols, Turnhout. 89-104 and Plate II
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Joyful Litugies: Why?' The Pastoral Review. 15(1), 18-22
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Who ministers what to whom?' New Blackfriars. 100(1086), 139-141
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Facing a Liturgy-Starved Church: Do We Need to Rethink the Basics of Ministry?' New Blackfriars. 100(1086), 171-183
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Celebrating Palm Sunday with Matthew's Passion narrative' The Pastoral Review. 15(2), 15-18
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Space Matters' Renew. 189, 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Space Matters' Liturgy. 44(1), 22-26
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Why study theology?: Theology as a Resource in Christian discipleship' The Pastoral Review. 15(3), 10-14
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'The Centrality of the Eucharist: Idea and Performance' Renew: The Quarterly Magazine of Catholics for a Changing Church. 190, 10-12
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'The Task of the Baptized: to offer thanks to the Father in union with the Christ'. In: Prefaces & Eucharistic Prayers from the 1998 ICEL English Missal IFRCM, London. 5-13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'How early Irish canon lawyers dealt with St Augustine's indecent proposal'. In: SALVADOR RYAN, ed., Marriage and the Irish: A Miscellany Wordwell, Dublin. 10-13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Why Study Theology?: New answers to old problems' The Pastoral Review. 15(4), 40-43
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'We stand to pray: The Prayer of the Faithful' Liturgy. 44(2), 26
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Architecture and liturgy: How space can express a theological vision' The Catholic Leader. 13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Reforming the Lectionary, and the Invisibility of Women' Scripture in Church. 49(195), 119-127
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Liturgy and Inculturation: The Reception of Sacrosanctum Concilium 37-40' The Japan Mission Journal. 73(2), 114-124
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. Liturgical Resources: Sunday 24C of Ordinary Time, Sunday 25C of Ordinary Time, and Sunday 26C of Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 49(195), 54-72
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Ministries in the Community' Tui Motu InterIslands. 240, 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'The Apprentices of Jesus' WelCom. 374 (August), 16
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Ministry?' Renew. 191, 10-12
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Sharing the Eucharistic Insights of the "Star Wars Prayer": a step on our pilgrim journey towards being one in Christ' One in Christ. 53(1), 46-63
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'How many lectionaries do we need?' Doctrine and Life. 67(7), 2-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Sharing the Loaf' Tui Motu InterIslands. 241, 3
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. Liturgical Resources for Sunday 29C in Ordinary Time and for Sunday 30C in Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 49(196), 10-20
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Why study theology?: Thinking beyond the box' The Pastoral Review. 15(5), 49-51
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Theology in Scotland before Scholasticism'. In: DAVID FERGUSSON and MARK W. ELLIOTT, eds., The History of Scottish Theology: Celtic Origins to Reformed Orthodoxy 1. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 12-24
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'American Carol - Biblical Images' The Pastoral Review. 15(5), 61-64
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Theology as a Resource in Christian Discipleship' The Japan Mission Journal. 73(3), 206-216
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Eucharist: Sacrament of Unity' Liturgy. 44(3), 8-13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Why Study Theology: Theology as a resource in Christian discipleship' WelCom. 377(November), 16
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. Bede and the Tabernacle: Where is the Tabernacle now? A Problem for Bede and his Community The Jarrow Lecture 2019.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Where does Eucharist happen?' Renew. 192(December), 7
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'A loaf of bread: the links between life and liturgy' Renew. 192(December), 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Where two or three are gathered' Tui Motu InterIslands. 244(December), 3
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. Eating Together, Becoming One: Taking Up Pope Francis's Call to Theologians Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Fire and Light: The chasm between theory and practice at the Easter Vigil' Liturgy. 44(4), 4-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Why Study Theology: Part 2: Asking two theological questions' WelCom. 378(December 2019), 16
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'Meals, Eucharist, and Ecumenism' One in Christ. 53(2), 270-282
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. ‘“Old Testament, Old Hat”: Should we read the Old Testament at the Eucharist' Anaphora. 13(2), 65-73
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2019. 'The Prayer of the Faithful: Mystagogy and Performance' Pastoral Liturgy: Formation and Resources for Lectionary Based Worship. 50(1), 6-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Irish Travellers to the Dead Sea: the Interplay and Impact of Empirical Investigation and Biblical Exegesis'. In: BRADFORD A. ANDERSON and JONATHAN KEARNEY, eds., Ireland and the Reception of the Bible: Social and Cultural Perspectives T. & T. Clark, London. 243-257
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'The Eucharist: Looking backwards and forwards' The Pastoral Review. 14(1), 4-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. Liturgical Resources for: New Year's Day; Epiphany; the Baptism of the Lord; and Sunday 2B Ordinary Time Scripture in Church. 48(189), 2-24
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Celebrating the Passion Gospels in the Liturgy' Music and Liturgy. 43(3), 6-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Theology and Christian Discipleship IV: Does the Spirit Speak in Every Heart?' Doctrine and Life. 68(2), 29-31
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Hearing the Gospel in the Churches: Reflecting on the Revised Common Lectionary Methodist Sacramental Fellowship. 145, 3-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Fire and Light: the chasm between theory and practice at the Easter Vigil' The Pastoral Review. 14(2), 10-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Handle with Reverence: Cardinal Sarah and Communion' The Tablet. 272(9240), 10
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Good Liturgy: Can we use a "principles" approach?' Liturgy. 43(1), 6-12
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Re-inventing the romer' Sheetlines. 111(April), 50-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS and BELL, STUART, eds., 2018. G.A. Studdert Kennedy: The Hardest Part: A Centenary Critical Edition SCM Press, London.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Good Liturgy: Does it involve more than "What I want"?' The Pastoral Review. 14(3), 16-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'The Man, The Myth: The creation of St Patrick' The Irish Catholic. 14-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'The Man, the Padre, and the Theologian'. In: O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS and BELL, STUART, eds., G.A. Studdert Kennedy, The Hardest Part: A Centenary Critical Edition SCM Press, London. xiii-xxx
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'The Lectionary: Looking at the Year Ahead' The Pastoral Review. 14(3), 40-42
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Theology and Christian Discipleship III: Can We Share a Table?' Doctrine and Life. 68(1), 18-22
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Theology and Christian Discipleship V: Are People Really "Not Religious"? Doctrine and Life. 68(3), 26-29
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy: Why Good Liturgy Matters Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'For a Biblical Regeneration of our Eucharistic Practice' The Japan Mission Journal. 72(2), 115-123
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Eucharistic Hospitality: Don't deny the promise of future glory' The Tablet. 272(9260), 4-5
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. One or Two Cups? The Text of Luke 22:17-20 Again. In: H.A.G. HOUGHTON, ed., Liturgy and the Living Text of the New Testament: Papers from the Tenth Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ. 51-69
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'What buildings say to us: Potters Bar Church' Renew. 10-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Where is the beauty of the temple for the disciples of Jesus?' The Pastoral Review. 14(5), 28-32
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'The Latin West in the Period of Transition form "the Late Roman Empire" to "Early Medieval Europe": Consolidation and Innovation'. In: JOSEF LOESSL and NICHOLAS J. BAKER-BRIEN, eds., A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. 81-97
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Liturgica: We stand to pray' Search: A Church of Ireland Journal. 41(3), 221
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Joyful Liturgies? Why?' Liturgy. 43(3), 13-18
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Reading Muirchu's Life of St Patrick as a "Sacred Narration"' Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies. 76(Winter), 35-51
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Architecture and Liturgy: how space can express a theological vision' Liturgy. 43(4), 22-26
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Where Did It Happen? Maps, World-views and the Reception of the Bible'. In: SALVADOR RYAN and LIAM M. TRACEY, eds., The Cultural Reception of the Bible: Explorations in Theology, Literature and the Arts Four Courts Press, Dublin. 17-26
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'The Diversity of "Languages" as an Inhibiting Factor in Ecumenical Debates regarding Inter-Communion between Catholic and Protestant Churches' One in Christ. 52(2), 237-258
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2018. 'Reading and Re-reading Justin's Account of "the Eucharist"' Anaphora: The Journal of the Society for Liturgical Study. 12(1 & 2), 67-110
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. ‘Reading the Sacred Scriptures: Some Evidence from Early Christian Ireland’. In: FIACHRA LONG and SIOBHAN DOWLING LONG, eds., Reading the Sacred Scriptures: From Oral Tradition to Written Documents and their Reception Routledge, London. 79-95
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'The Eusebian Apparatus in the Lindisfarne Gospels: Aileran's Kanon euangeliorum as a Lens for Its Appreciation'. In: RICHARD GAMESON, ed., The Lindisfarne Gospels: New Perspectives Brill, Leiden. 96-111
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Are "the bishops ... the 'high priests' who preside at the Eucharist"?: A Note on the Sources of Sensus Fidei' New Blackfriars. 98(1074), 232-238
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Bishop William Reeves, Adomnan, and the beginning of historical theology in Ireland'. In: MARK EMPEY, ALAN FORD and MIRIAM MOFFAT, eds., The Church of Ireland and its Past: History, Interpretation and Identity Four Courts Press, Dublin. 124--143
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'The Protevangelium Iacobi and the Status of the Canonical Gospels in the Mid-Second Century'. In: GUY GULDENTOPS, CHRISTIAN LAES and GERT PARTOENS, eds., Felici Curiositate: Studies in Latin Literature and Textual Criticism from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century in Honour of Rita Beyers Brepols, Turnhout. 1-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Some Hermeneutical Assumptions Latent within the Gospel Apparatus of Eusebius of Caesarea' Studia Patristica. 95, 51-63
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Which Gospel on Christmas Day?' Scripture in Church. 47(185), 105-109
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'We drink from One Cup - towards a theology of the Eucharist' The Furrow. 68(2), 67-78
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Resourcing the Future through the Study of the Past' The Japan Mission Journal. 71(1), 54-61
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'The Lord's Table: at the centre of the assembly' Renew. 4-6
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 24 Ordinary Time A; Sunday 25 Ordinary Time A Scripture in Church. 47(187), 53-64
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. [Liturgical Resources for: ] Weekdays, Week 24 Ordinary Time Year 1; and Weekdays, Week 24 Ordinary Time Year 1 Scripture in Church. 47(187), 104-109
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Many storytellers, one gospel - and now one lectionary' The Pastoral Review. 13(5), 10-14
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Sharing the Living Word: Looking at the Lectionary as it approaches its golden jubilee' Music and Liturgy. 43(361), 8-13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'A forgotten chapel in Shropshire' Renew. 183, 13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Rethinking Ministry' The Japan Mission Journal. 71(3), 151-156
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. Liturgical Resources for Sunday 31A, Sunday 32A, Sunday 33A, Sunday 34A Scripture in Church. 47(188), 30-49
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Advent Cheer: the Carol Service as Liturgy' The Pastoral Review. 13(6), 4-8
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Facing the Lord's Table - Sacred Space and our Space' The Furrow. 68(10), 554-560
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'The Eucharist - yesterday, today and tomorrow' Liturgy. 42(3), 21-27
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Gratias agamus Deo: a reflection on specificity in our eucharistic prayers' Australian Journal of Liturgy. 15(4), 254-265
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Theology and Christian Discipleship I: What is 'God'?' Doctrine and Life. 67(9), 3-7
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Foot Washing' Liturgy. 42(4), 4-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Theology and Christian Discipleship II: Are We Short of Priests?' Doctrine and Life. 67(10), 16-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Foot washing, remembering, and the search for unity among Christians: a reflection on the logo of "One in Christ"' One in Christ. 51(2), 189-201
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2017. 'Sacramental Languages and Intercommunion: identifying a source of tension between the Catholic and the Reformed churches' Studia Liturgica: An International Ecumenical Review for Liturgical Research and Renewal. 47(2), 138-150
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. [Liturgical Resources for: ] Sunday 2 Ordinary Time (C); Sunday 3 Ordinary Time (C); Sunday 4 Ordinary Time (C) and Sunday 5 Ordinary Time (C) Scripture in Church. 46(181), 17-43
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Footwashing: An Action for Lent?' The Pastoral Review. 12(1), 4-7
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Theologies of Intercommunion: Responding to a Recent Papal Request' New Blackfriars. 97(1069), 372-387
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Isidore's Hermeneutics: The Codification of the Tradition'. In: TARMO TOON, ed., Patristic Theories of Biblical Interpretation: The Latin Fathers C.U.P. Cambridge. 206-231
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Building Community, Celebrating Liturgy: the continuing challenge' The Furrow. 67, 80-91
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Language, Music, Liturgy: Communicating the Word' [The Crichton Lecture 2015] Music and Liturgy: The Journal of the Society of Saint Gregory. 41,3(356), 27-38
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Foot washing on Holy Thursday: New Rubric, Renewed Paradigm' The Pastoral Review. 12(1), 10-3
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Action for Imitation: Washing each other's feet' The Reader. 115(1), 18-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'The Way of Discipleship: The Washing of Feet' The Tablet. 270(9143), 6-7
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Why foot-washing still shocks us' Catholic Herald. 18 March(6753), 26-27
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Picturing Pentecost' The Pastoral Review. 12(3), 4-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Is a deacon anything more than a liturgical frill?' The Pastoral Review. 12(4), 16-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Fictive Families - Real Churches: commensality and pneumatology' One in Christ. 50(1), 22-37
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. [Liturgical Resources for] Sunday 19C, Sunday 20C, The Assumption, Weekdays 19B, and Weekdays 20B Scripture in Church. 46(183), 24-41 and 82-88
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'The Bible and Western Christianity'. In: CARLY L. CROUCH, ROLAND DEINES and MARK WREFORD, eds., Why does the Bible Matter?: The Significance of the Bible for Contemporary Life The Bible Society, Swindon. 54-63
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Ministry, modernity, and the stress of liturgy' The Pastoral Review. 12(5), 4-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Evaluating Liturgy in the Parish' The Furrow. 67(9), 451-465
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Liturgy, Experience, and Mission: Some Awkward Questions' Anaphora. 10(1), 53-84
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'The Uses of Scripture' The Japan Mission Journal. 70(3), 160-169
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'A Table in the Wilderness' The Pastoral Review. 12(6), 7-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Remembering the First World War, Ireland and Historians' History Ireland. 24(6), 14-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Buried among the saints'. In: RYAN, SALVADOR, ed., Death and the Irish: A Miscellany Wordwell, Dublin. 20-22
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2016. 'Meals and the Mass' Renew. 180(December), 6-7
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. ‘Writing a PhD Dissertation in Theology: Some Common Pitfalls’ Transformation. 32(2), 128-134
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. ‘The Biblical Dimension of Early Medieval Latin Texts’. In: KATJA RITARI and ALEXANDRA BERGHOLM, eds., Understanding Celtic Religion: Revisiting the Pagan Past University of Wales Press. 83-98
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. The Eucharist: Origins and Contemporary Understandings T. & T. Clark / Bloomsbury, London.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. 'Readers at the Eucharist: a special skill set?' The Pastoral Review. 11(1), 40-44
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4 Lent (B) and Sunday 5 Lent (B) Scripture in Church. 45(177), 52-57; 61-64
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. 'The Tensions Between Theological Speculation and Historical Inquiry' The Japan Mission Journal. 69(1), 33-43
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 20 Ordinary Time (B) and Sunday 21 Ordinary Time (B) Scripture in Church. 45(179), 31-40
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. [Liturgical Resources for weekdays:] Week 19 in Ordinary Time (1) and Week 20 in Ordinary Time (1) Scripture in Church. 45(179), 79-83
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. 'The Grammar of Meals and the "Bread of Life"' Scripture in Church. 45(179), 117-28
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2015. 'The Diversifying Spirit: The Gift of Pentecost' The Pastoral Review. 11(3), 4-7
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Renewing the Liturgy: Six Simple Steps' The Furrow. 66(5), 269-280
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Many storytellers, one gospel' The Reader. 113(2), 18-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'What is a Gospel?' The Japan Mission Journal. 69(2), 137-144
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Introducing a liturgy: reflecting on a moment of communication' The Pastoral Review. 11(4), 4-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 2015. Donatien De Bruyne: Prefaces to the Latin Bible Brepols, Turnhout.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'A Dubliner Searches for Sodom and Gomorrah'. In: SALVADOR RYAN, ed., Treasures of Irish Christianity III: To The Ends Of The Earth Veritas, Dublin. 100-104
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'A Galway Man Meets John Brown Before He Was "Mouldering in the Grave"'. In: RYAN, SALVADOR, ed., Treasures of Irish Christianity III: To The Ends Of The Earth Veritas, Dublin. 133-135
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Translating the Lectionary: Some Considerations' Anaphora: The Journal of the Society for Liturgical Study. 9(1), 51-62
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'View of the World from 9th Avenue (Saul Steinberg)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Hereford Mappa Mundi (Richard of Haldingham)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 13
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Peutinger Table (Unknown)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 24
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Jerusalem (Juan Bautista Villalpando)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 27
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Babylonian World Map (Unknown)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 74
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'The Division of the Earth Between Noah's Sons (Simon Marmion [attrib.])'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 137
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'World Map (Cosmas Indicopleustes)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 138
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Madaba Mosaic Map (Unknown)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 144
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Map of the Holy Land with the Route of Exodus (Avraham bar Ya'akov)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 145
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Ebstorf World Map (Unknown)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 148
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Circular Zonal Map (Macrobius)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 166
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Come All the Way! (Caminos Santiago) (Cinta Arribas)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 271
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Production & Distribution: A Map of the World, AD 1921 (Jams Francis Horrabin)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 277
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'Mundus Subterraneus (Athanasius Kircher)'. In: Map: Exploring the World Phaidon Press, London. 278
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'The So-called Capitula for the Book of the Apocalypse in the Book of Armagh (Dublin, Trinity College, 52) and Latin Exegesis'. In: PÁDRAIC MORAN and IMMO WARNTJES, eds., Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship - A Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín Brepols, Turnhout. 405-423
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. 'The Crib: Decoration or Liturgical Event?' The Pastoral Review. 11(6), 16-21
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. The "Auto-Mapic" map of Great Britain Sheetlines: The Journal of the Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps. 104(December), 30-34
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. Washing Feet: Imitating the Example of Jesus in the Liturgy Today Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, THOMAS, 2015. What is Meant by a "Good Liturgy"? The Japan Mission Journal. 69(4), 219-229
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. ‘The Commemoratio pro vivis of the Roman Canon: a Textual Witness to the Evolution of Western Eucharistic Theologies?’. In: J. DAY and M. VINZENT, eds., Studia Patristica: Early Roman Liturgy to 600 71. Peeters, Leuven. 69-91
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. ‘Ezra, Greek Apocalypse of’. In: D.C. ALLISON, CH. HELMER, V. LEPPIN, C.-L. SEOW, H. SPIECKERMANN, B.D. WALFISH and E. ZIOLKOWSKI, eds., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Essenes - Fideism De Gruyter, Berlin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. ‘Ezra, Questions of. In: D.C. ALLISON, CH. HELMER, V. LEPPIN, C.-L. SEOW, H. SPIECKERMANN, B.D. WALFISH and E. ZIOLKOWSKI, eds., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Essenes - Fideism De Gruyter, Berlin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. ‘Ezra, Revelation of’. In: D.C. ALLISON, CH. HELMER, V. LEPPIN, C.-L. SEOW, H. SPIECKERMANN, B.D. WALFISH and E. ZIOLKOWSKI, eds., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Essenes - Fideism De Gruyter, Berlin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. ‘Ezra, Vision of’. In: D.C. ALLISON, CH. HELMER, V. LEPPIN, C.-L. SEOW, H. SPIECKERMANN, B.D. WALFISH and E. ZIOLKOWSKI, eds., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Essenes - Fideism De Gruyter, Berlin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. '"Are you able to drink the cup ... ?"' The Japan Mission Journal. 68(1), 3-8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'One Lord, one gospel, one lectionary' Franciscan. 26(1), 1-2
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'The cup of discipleship' The Pastoral Review. 10(1), 38-42
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. [Liturgical Resources for:] Epiphany of the Lord (A) and Baptism of the Lord (A) Scripture in Church. 44(173), 9-22
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'Filling the blank: Holy Saturday' The Pastoral Review. 10(2), 30-33
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 5 of Easter (A); and Sunday 6 of Easter (A) Scripture in Church. 44(174), 40-48
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'Hyperetai ... tou logou: Does Luke 1:2 Throw Light on to the Book Practices of the Late First-Century Churches?'. In: H.A.G. HOUGHTON, ed., Early Readers, Scholars and Editors of the New Testament Gorgias Press. Piscataway, NJ. 1-15
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'From a Damp Floor to a New Vision of Church: Footwashing as a Challenge to Liturgy and Discipleship' Worship. 88(2), 137-150
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'Bede's View of the Place of the Eucharist in Anglo-Saxon Life: the Evidence of the Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum'. In: S. BHATTACHARJI, R. WILLIAMS and D. MATTOS, eds., Prayer and Though in Monastic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Benedicta Ward S.L.G. Bloombury T. & T. Clark. 45-58
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'The "Eucharistic Words of Jesus": An Un-noticed Silence in our Earliest Sources' Anaphora. 8(1), 1-12
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'Harmonizing the Anointings of the Christ: Eusebius and the Four-Gospel Problem' Milltown Studies. 73, 1-17
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. '"Giving" or "Sharing": differing perspectives on the Eucharist' The Furrow. 65(5), 270-274
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 2014. Liturgical Language and Translation: The Issues Arising from the Revised English Translation of the Roman Missal Hymns Ancient and Modern, Norwich.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'A Liturgy of the Word and the Words of the Liturgy'. In: O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., Liturgical Language and Translation: The Issues Arising from the Revised English Translation of the Roman Missal Hymns Ancient and Modern, Norwich. 31-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'Should we read the Old Testament in worship?' The Reader. 111(2), 16-17
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'Meeting and Eating: the Eucharist in the Didache' The Japan Mission Journal. 68(2), 105-118
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. 'The Community of the Didache: Celebrating the Presence of Jesus'. In: DAVID EMMANUEL SINGH, ed., Jesus and the Resurrection: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts Regnum Books, Oxford. 27-42
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2014. "Remembering Sion": Early Medieval Latin Recollections of the Basilica on Mount Sion and the Interplay of Relics, Tradition, and Images. In: B. KÜHNEL, G. NOGA-BANAI and H. VORHOLT, eds., Visual Constructs of Jerusalem Brepols, Turnhout. 1-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 2014. Donatien De Bruyne: Summaries, Division and Rubrics of the Latin Bible Brepols, Turnhout.
  • 2014. 'Beauty of the Welcoming Table' Tui Motu Interislands. 295(August), 18-19
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Blessing and Breaking: a Dissonance of Action and Interpretation in the Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Rite' Anaphora. 7(2), 53-66
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Is every translation a vernacular translation?’ New Blackfriars. 94(1053), 508-517
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. Reactions to the Didache in early twentieth-century Britain: a dispute over the relationship of history and doctrine?. In: BROWN, S.J., KNIGHT, F. and MORGAN-GUY, J., eds., Religion, identity and conflict in Britain: from the Restoration to the twentieth century: essays in honour of Keith Robbins Ashgate. 175-194
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘The ecclesial value of deacons within the Eucharistic Assembly’ New Diaconal Review. 11, 10-14
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Adomnán’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 2. Oxford University Press. 492-493
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Astrology and Astronomy’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 2. Oxford University Press. 580-583
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Dungal’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 2. Oxford University Press. 909-911
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Gennadius’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 2. Oxford University Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Gildas’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 2. Oxford University Press. 1046-1047
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Patrick’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 3. Oxford University Press. 1501-1503
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Sedulius Scottus’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 3. Oxford University Press. 1713-1714
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Vincent of Lérins’. In: POLLMANN, K. and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 3. Oxford University Press. 1862-1863
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Columban’. In: POLLMANN, KARLA and OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, eds., Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine 1. 2. Oxford University Press. 818-819
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. ‘Esdras, Books of, II. Christianity’. In: H.-J. KLAUCK, V. LEPPIN, B. MCGINN and OTHERS, eds., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception: Dress - Essene Gate 7. De Gruyter, Berlin. 1202-1204
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The Water of Life' Quiet Spaces: The Water of Life. 24, 6-11
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Celebrating the New Commandment: Footwashing and our Theology of Liturgy' Scripture in Church. 43(169), 118-127
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Saint Patrick: The Legend and the Bishop' Africa. 4-6
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. The Credibility of the Catholic Church as a Public Actor New Blackfriars. 94, 129-147
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Ministry, vocation, and life: a reflection on the resignation of Benedict XVI' The Pastoral Review. 9(2), 4-5
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'A liturgy of the Word and the words of the liturgy' The Pastoral Review. 9(2), 52-56
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. [Liturgical Resources for:] Trinity Sunday (C); The Body and Blood of Christ (C); Sacred Heart of Jesus (C) Scripture in Church. 43(170), 41-49 and 53-55
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'What is the Role of a Modern Pope?' The Furrow. 64(3), 176-177
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. Early Medieval Exegesis in the Latin West: Sources and Forms Ashgate.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The Eucharist and the Meals of Jesus' The Japan Mission Journal. 67(1), 3-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'A new Bishop of Rome' The Pastoral Review. 9(3), 38-41
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The ecumenical meal of mission: a re-reading of Acts 10-11:18' The Japan Mission Journal. 67(2), 118-127
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The Eucharistic Table' Doctrine and Life. 63(6), 46-53
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'We are one loaf: a way of understanding the Eucharist' The Furrow. 64(7/8), 412-415
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The Washing of Feet: The Interplay of Praxis and Theology' Anaphora: The Journal of the Society for Liturgical Study. 7(1), 37-46
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Mapping the Book of Joshua'. In: SALVADOR RYAN and BRENDAN LEAHY, eds., Treasures of Irish Christianity: A People of the Word 2. Veritas. 53-55
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The Protevangelium of James: A Case of Gospel Harmonization in the Second Century?'. In: M. VINZENT, ed., Studia Patristica: Papers Presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011 65. Peeters, Leuven. 165-173
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Ministries'. In: J. DAY and B. GORDON-TAYLOR, eds., The Study of Liturgy and Worship: An Alcuin Guide S.P.C.K. / Alcuin, London. 82-90
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'The Catholic Church and Celibacy: An Approach from Historical Theology' The Japan Mission Journal. 67(3), 201-209
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Preaching at Christmas' Scripture in Church. 43(172), 123-127
  • O'LOUGHLIN. T., 2013. 'The Old Testament Readings: should we bother?' New Diaconal Review. 11, 6-9
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2013. 'Mark and the Eucharist' [IN CHINESE] Journal of Catholic Studies. 10, 166-173
  • 2013. 'Why study the early Eucharist' . University of Nottingham. 01/01/2013 00:00:00
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. Making the Most of the Lectionary: A User's Guide S.P.C.K., London.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Adomnán’s Plans in the Context of his Imagining ‘the Most Famous City’ Proceedings of the British Academy. 175, 15-40
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘The library of Iona at the time of Adomnán’. In: R.G. GAMESON, ed., The Cambridge history of the Book in Britain (Volume I; c.400-1100) Cambridge University Press. 570-579
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Divisions in Christianity: The Contribution of “Appeals to Antiquity”’. In: SIMON OLIVER, KAREN KILBY and THOMAS O’LOUGHLIN, eds., Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology and Philosophy in Honour of Fergus Kerr T. and T. Clark. 221-241
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Feeling Time and Celebrating Mystery’ Transformation. 29(4), 251-259
  • S. OLIVER, K. KILBY and T. O’LOUGHLIN, eds., 2012. Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology and Philosophy in Honour of Fergus Kerr T. & T. Clark, London.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Jerome’s De uiris illustribus and Latin Perceptions of the New Testament’s Canon’. In: JANET E. RUTHERFORD and DAVID WOODS, eds., The Mystery of Christ in the Fathers of the Church: Essays in Honour of D. Vincent Twomey SVD Four Courts Press, Dublin. 55-65
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘Christian Spirituality in Europe: The Celtic Tradition’. In: RICHARD WOODS and PETER TYLER, eds., The Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Spirituality Bloomsbury, London. 304-314
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘A Vernacular Liturgy versus a Liturgy in the “Vernacular”?’ Worship. 86(3), 244-255
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. ‘The Prayers of the Liturgy’. In: VIVIAN BOLAND and THOMAS MCCARTHY, eds., The Word is Flesh and Blood: The Eucharist and Sacred Scripture - Festschrift for Prof. Wilfrid Harrington Dominican Publications, Dublin. 113-122
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. Gildas and the scriptures: observing the world through a Biblical lens Brepols.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. [Liturgical Resources for:] 2 Easter B, 3 Easter B, 4 Easter B Scripture in Church. 42(166), 11-16, 48-59
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Preaching at Pentecost: the Diversifying Spirit' Scripture in Church. 42(166), 125-127
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Mark and the Eucharist' The Pastoral Review. 8(3), 49-53
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'The Derrynaflan Paten: Discovering an Ancient Theology'. In: S. RYAN and B. LEAHY, eds., Treasures of Irish Christianity: People and Places, Images and Texts Veritas, Dublin. 63-66
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Latina veritas: language a guarantor of truth?' The Furrow. 63(7/8), 343-347
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'At the Lord's Table' Music and Liturgy. 38(346), 10-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Thinking in Hymns: We three kings' The Reader. 109(4), 6-7
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2012. 'Being a Disciple of "The Way": Vocation and Mission in the Didache' The Japan Mission Journal. 66(4), 229-238
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Celibate clergy: the need for historical debate’. In: E. MCDONAGH and V. MAC NAMARA, eds., An Irish Reader in Moral Theology: The Legacy of the Last Fifty Years 2. Columba Press, Dublin. 447-460
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘“The Unfortunate Costigan”, First Surveyor of the Dead Sea’ History Ireland. 19(1), 24-6
  • O'LOUGHIN, T., 2011. ‘The Missionary Strategy of the Didache’ Transformation. 28, 77-92
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Celtic Christianity’. In: I. MCFARLAND, D.A.S. FERGUSSON, K. KILBY and I.R. TORRANCE, eds., Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology C.U.P.. Cambridge. 91-92
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Isidore of Seville (c.560-636)'. In: G.T. KURIAN, ed., Encyclopedia of Christian Civilisation Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Sunday Gospel: Snapshot or Film Clip?’ Doctrine and Life. 61(10), 48-54
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Gospel Readings on Christmas Day’ The Pastoral Review. 7(6), 26-9
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Gospels: what are we listening to?’ The Pastoral Review. 7(4), 43-50
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘Hearing the Gospel at the Eucharist’ The Pastoral Review. 7(1), 36-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The Bread of Life’ The Bible Today. 49(1), 37-41
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. ‘The People of the Book or the Books of the People’ The Furrow. 62, 209-212
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. [Liturgical Resources for:] Holy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday A Scripture in Church. 41(162), 8-15, 47-55
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2011. 'The Bread of Life' Quiet Spaces: Bread for the Journey. 19, 12-18
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. The Didache: A window on the Earliest Christians S.P.C.K. / Baker Academic.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Authenticity at the Eucharist' Scripture in Church. 158, 125-8
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The De locis sanctis as a liturgical text’. In: J.M. WOODING, R. AIST, T.O. CLANCY and T. O'LOUGHLIN, eds., Adomnán of Iona: Theologian, Lawmaker, Peacemaker Four Courts Press. 181-192
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Perception of the Diaconate in the Early Middle Ages: Some Evidence from Canon Law’: Part 1 New Diaconal Review. 4, 40-47
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Perception of the Diaconate in the Early Middle Ages: Some Evidence from Canon Law’: Part 2 New Diaconal Review. 5, 34-8
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Eucharistic Celebrations: the Chasm between Idea and Reality’ New Blackfriars. 91, 423-438
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘St Augustine’s view of the place of the Holy Spirit in the formation of the gospels’. In: D.V. TWOMEY and J. RUTHERFORD, eds., The Holy Spirit in the Fathers of the Church Four Courts Press. 86-95
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Salvation and the liturgy: some examples from early Christian Ireland’. In: D.V. TWOMEY and D. KRAUSMÜLLER, eds., Salvation according to the Fathers of the Church Four Courts Press. 123-142
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Medieval Nominalism’ Milltown Studies. 65, 59-73
  • J.M. WOODING, R. AIST, T.O. CLANCY and T. O’LOUGHLIN, eds., 2010. Adomnán of Iona: Theologian, Law Maker, Peace Maker Four Courts Press, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Celtic Christianity: Its Practices and Theology’. In: D. PATTE, ed., Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity C.U.P.. Cambridge. 180-181
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Biblical Mapping’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 195-197
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Lynch, William (1806-1865)’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 1808-1809
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Ortelius (1527-1598)’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2104-2106
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Pilgrimage’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2184-2186
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘T-in-O Maps’. In: B.L. WARF, ed., Encyclopedia of Geography Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2844-2846
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Maximus of Saragossa’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 1097-1098
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Isidore of Seville’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 880-883
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Ildephonsus of Toledo’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 843
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Julian of Toledo’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 951
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘Bede’. In: R.G. DUNPHY, ed., Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle Brill, Leiden. 156-159
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Meal of Memories’ Doctrine and Life. 60, 47-52
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. ‘The Crib: Its Biblical Links’ The Bible Today. 48(6), 286-292
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. Sunday Mass Readings: the thinking behind the lectionary C.T.S., London.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2010. 25. [Liturgical Resources for:] Trinity Sunday; The Body and Blood of Christ; Sunday 10C of Ordinary Time; Sacred Heart of Jesus Scripture in Church. 40(158), 23-9, 69-74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Proclaiming that Jesus is Lord in Mark's Year: The Genius of the Lectionary' The Bible Today. 47(2), 113-119
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Liturgical Evolution and the Fallacy of the Continuing Consequence' Worship. 83, 312-23
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. Eusebius of Caesarea’s conceptions of persecutions as a key to reading his Historia ecclesiastica. In: TWOMEY , V. and HUMPHRIES, M., eds., The Great Persecution Dublin: Four Courts Press. 91-105
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Inventing the Apocrypha: The Role of Early Latin Canon Lists' Irish Theological Quarterly. 74, 53-74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Pentecost and the Invisibility of Women' The Furrow. 60(5), 269-72
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T, 2009. ‘Losing mystery in history: the challenge of recalling the Nativity’. In: J. CORLEY, ed., New Perspectives on the Nativity Continuum. 180-199
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Biblical Text of the Book of Deer (C.U.L. Ii.6.32): Evidence for the Remains of a Division System from its Manuscript Ancestry’ Scriptorium. 63, 30-57
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Another post-resurrection meal, and its implications for the early understanding of the Eucharist’. In: Z. RODGERS, M. DALY-DENTON and A. FITZPATRICK-MCKINLEY, eds., A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Seán Freyne Brill. 485-503
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Protoevangelium of James and the modern Roman Rite: a case study of the structure of liturgical memory’ Anaphora. 3(2), 57-80
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Treating the “Private Mass” as Normal: Some Unnoticed Evidence from Adomnán’s De locis sanctis’ Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 51, 334-344
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Formation of the Canon’. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 54-55
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Jerusalem’. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 68
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘Asia Minor and Greece’. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 69
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘“Celebrants” or “Presidents”?’ The Pastoral Review. 5(6), 56-7
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. ‘The Search for Celtic Christianity’ Quiet Spaces: Nation. 15, 10-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 24. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2B of Easter; Sunday 3B of Easter; Sunday 4B of Easter; Sunday 5B of Easter Scripture in Church. 39(154), 10-15, 48-56
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Rome, Spain, and Gaul'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Ireland'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 79
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Liturgies'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 96-97
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'The Cult of Mary'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 102-103
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Growing Influence of the Papacy'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 108
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'St Gregory the Great'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 109
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Millennium House, Elanora Heights, NSW. 160-161
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Pilgrimages'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 162-163
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Universities'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 176-177
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Unity of Knowledge'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Elanora Heights, NSW. 178-179
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'Aquinas versus Augustine'. In: ANN MARIE B. BAHR, ed., Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to 2000 Years of the Christian Faith Millennium House, Elanora Heights, NSW. 180-181
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2009. 'John Scottus Eriugena'. In: J.I. MCGUIRE and J. QUINN, eds., Dictionary of Irish Biography C.U.P.. Cambridge.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Celtic Spirituality: A Case Study in Recycling the Christian Past for Present Needs. In: AGNEW, U., FLANAGAN, B. and HEYLIN, G., eds., With Wisdom Seeking God: The Academic Study of Spirituality Leuven: Peeters. 143-61
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. The Crib Doctrine and Life. 58, 54-8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Liturgical Resources for Mark's Year: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year B Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Explaining the Lectionary for Readers Dublin: Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. The Biblical Text of the Book of Deer (C.U.L. Ii.6.32): Evidence for the Remains of a Division System from its Manuscript Ancestry. In: FORSYTH, K., ed., Studies on The Book of Deer Dublin: Four Courts Press. 3-31
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. Memory and Self-Perception: Aspects of Anglican Identity from a Roman Catholic Perspective. In: YATES, N., ed., Anglicanism: Essays in History, Belief and Practice Lampeter: Trivium. 167-86
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘The liturgical vessels of the Latin eucharistic liturgy: a case of an embedded theology’ Worship. 82, 482-504
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Celebrating Ascension and Pentecost’ The Reader. 105(1), 22-23
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Adomnán’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 2-3
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Alban’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 18
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Ardagh Chalice’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 33-34
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Bede’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 66-67
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Book of Armagh’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 74-75
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Book of Durrow’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 75-76
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Celtic Christianity’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 119-126
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Ségéne of Iona’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 475-476
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Penitentials’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 441-442
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Pelagius’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 439-440
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Palladius’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 435-436
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Columbanus’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 154
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Dicuil’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 1. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 184-185
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Iona’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 326-327
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Johannes Scottus Eriugena’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 339-340
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Marianus Scottus I’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 383-384
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. ‘Marianus Scottus II’. In: C.A. SNYDER, ed., The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: An Encyclopedia 2. Greenwood, Oxford / Westport, CT. 384
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2008. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 12A of Ordinary Time; Birthday of St John the Baptist; Saints Peter and Paul Scripture in Church. 38(150), 29-34, 72-77
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Theology, Philosophy, and Cosmography. In: CLANCY, T.O. and PITTOCK, M., eds., Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature: From Columba to the Union (until 1707) Vol. 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 115-22
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Adomnán and the Holy Places: The Perceptions of an Insular Monk on the Location of the Biblical Drama London: T.& T.Clark Ltd.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Would you read? The Task of the Lector Anaphora. 1(2), 19-36
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. The Myth of Insularity and Nationality in Ireland. In: NAGY, J.F., ed., Myth in Celtic Literatures: Celtic Studies Association of North America Yearbook 6 Dublin: Four Courts Press Ltd. 132-40
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. Liturgical Resources for Matthew's Year: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year A Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. ‘The Crib’ The Reader. 104(4), 2-3
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. ‘Preaching: Why We Bother’ The Furrow. 58, 477-479
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. ‘Much ado about nothing? The Renewal of Eucharistic Symbols’ The Pastoral Review. 3(3), 26-31
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 6C of Easter; Ascension Day; Sunday 7C of Easter; Pentecost Scripture in Church. 37(146), 16-22, 59-67
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2007. 'Homilies for July (C)' The Furrow. 58(6), 361-367
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Liturgical Resources for Luke's Year: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year C Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. St Patrick: the legend and the bishop History Ireland. 14(1), 16-19
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. 'The Monastic Liturgy of the Hours in the Nauigatio sancti Brendani: A Preliminary Investigation' Irish Theological Quarterly. 71, 113-126
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Muirchú’s Poisoned Cup: A Note on its Sources Ériu. 56, 157-62
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. The Eucharist as “The Meal that should be” Worship. 80, 30-44
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Liturgical Resources for Advent and Christmastide Columba Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. Liturgy and Accountability The Pastoral Review. 2(5), 9-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. The liturgical vessels of the Latin eucharistic liturgy: a case of an embedded theology. In: MCCORMACK, J., ed., All Hallows Studies 2006: Festschrift for Dr Moya Curran Dublin: All Hallows. 115-134
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Adomnán, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 12-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Alban, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 37-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Ard Mhacha (Armagh)’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 80
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Armagh, Book of’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 84-85
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Beann Char (Bangor)’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 191
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Brendan, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 244-245
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cáin Adomnáin’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 327
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cellach, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 362
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Christianity, Ireland’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 408-413
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T. and J. CAREY, 2006. ‘Christianity, Celtic’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 431-435
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cistercian Abbeys, Ireland’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 443-445
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Colum Cille, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 468
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Columbanus, St’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 468-469
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Cummine Find’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 516-517
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Eriugena, Johannes Scottus’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 718
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Gleann Dá Loch (Glendalough)’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 3. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 820
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Monasticism’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 4. a. 1305-1306
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Oengus Céile Dé’. In: J.T. KOCH, ed., Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia 4. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 1388-1389
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 5B of Lent; Passion (Palm) Sunday B; Holy Thursday; Good Friday Scripture in Church. 36(142), 2-7, 35-43
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘Carol Services’ Scripture in Church. 36(144), 125-128
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2006. ‘The Christmas Tree and the Liturgy’ The Pastoral Review. 2(6), 25-27
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. Map and Text: A Mid Ninth-Century Map for the Book of Joshua Imago Mundi. 57(1), 7-22
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. Discovering Saint Patrick Paulist Press.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. The capitula of Muirchú’s Vita Patricii: do they point to an underlying structure in the text? Analecta Bollandiana. 123, 79-89
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. How many priests do we need? New Blackfriars. 86, 642-657
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘The List of Saints on the bowl of the Ardagh Chalice’ Journal of Celtic Studies. 5, 107-113
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Deciphering a Book with a Map’. In: P. BARBER, ed., The Map Book Weidenfelf and Nicolson. 40-41
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Do All Roads lead to Rome?’. In: P. BARBER, ed., The Map Book Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 52-53
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Canon Law’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 63-64
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Devotional and Liturgical Literature’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 123-125
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Moral and Religious Instruction’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 337-339
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Penitentials’. In: S. DUFFY, ed., Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia Routledge, New York and London. 371-372
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Celtic Spirituality’. In: P. SHELDRAKE, ed., The New SCM Dictionary of Spirituality SCM Press, London. 182-184
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Gnosticism’. In: P. SHELDRAKE, ed., The New SCM Dictionary of Spirituality SCM Press, London. 323-325
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Pelagianism’. In: P. SHELDRAKE, ed., The New SCM Dictionary of Spirituality SCM Press, London. 482-483
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. ‘Proclaiming Christ in the Year of Mark’ The Pastoral Review. 1(6), 24-28
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2005. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sundays 11A and 12A of Ordinary Time; Birthday of John the Baptist; Saints Peter and Paul Scripture in Church. 35(138), 29-39, 71-82
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Translating Panis in a Eucharistic Context: A Problem of Language and Theology Worship. 78, 226-35
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. 'Things New and Old: Contemporary Cultural Tensions and the Tradition of Liturgy in Ireland'. In: EGAN, J. and WHELAN, T.R., eds., City Limits: Mission Issues in Postmodern Times Dublin: Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy. 140-59
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Early Medieval Introductions to the Holy Book. In: SWANSON, R.N., ed., Studies in Church History 38: The Church and the Book Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer. 22-31
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Celibate clergy: The need for historical debate New Blackfriars. 85, 583-597
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. Liturgical Resources for Lent and Eastertide Columba Books.
  • O'LOUGHLIIN, T., 2004. ‘Two Sixteenth-Century Biblical Maps in the Founders’ Library, University of Wales, Lampeter’. In: W. MARX and J. BURTON, eds., Readers, Printers, Churchmen, and Travellers: Essays in Honour of David Selwyn Trivium. 121-168
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. ‘Ailerán’. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography O.U.P., Oxford.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. ‘Celebrating Ascension and Pentecost’ Scripture in Church. 34(134), 121-127
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. ‘Sincerity and the Liturgy’ The Furrow. 55(10), 538-544
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2004. [Liturgical Resources for:] Palm Sunday C; Holy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday C Scripture in Church. 34(134), 2-8, 36-43
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. The Didache as a Source for Picturing the Earliest Christian Communities: The Case of the Practice of Fasting. In: O'MAHONY, KIERAN, ed., Christian Origins: Worship, Belief and Society Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 83-112
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. The Praxis and Explanations of Eucharistic Fraction in the Ninth Century: the Insular Evidence Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 45, 1-20
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. The cult of Mary within the structures of human time: A reading of some early mediaeval Irish martyrologies Maria. 3(2), 135-169
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T, 2003. ‘Reading Muirchú’s Tara-event within its background as a biblical “trial of divinities”’. In: J. CARTWRIGHT, ed., Celtic Hagiography and Saints' Cults Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 123-135
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Adomnán’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Aidan of Lindisfarne’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 15-16
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Bangor, Monastery of’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 68
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Canon Tables’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 154
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Céili Dé’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 176-177
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Christianity’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 192
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Church Reform’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 195
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Clerical celibacy’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 209
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Colm Cille’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 220
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Columbanus’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 221
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Confessio of Patrick’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 208
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Hagiography’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 466-467
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Iona’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 526-527
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Monastic Schools’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 734-735
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Monasticism’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 735
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Palladius’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 853
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Patrick, St.’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 861
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Vita sancti Columbae’. In: B. LALOR, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Ireland Gill & Macmillan, Dublin. 1112-1113
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Anselm’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 47-49
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Celtic and Early English Christianity’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 156-160
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Didache’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture, and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 206-207
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Eriugena, John Scotus’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 250-251
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Isidore of Seville’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 410-412
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Jesus Letters���. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 1. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 476-477
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘Kempis, Thomas à’. In: J.L. HOULDEN, ed., Jesus in History, Culture and Thought: An Encyclopedia 2. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA. 516-519
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. ‘The Scriptures and Preaching at Eastertide’ Scripture Bulletin. 33, 66-78
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2003. [Liturgical Resources for:] Ascension B; Sunday 7B of Easter; Pentecost B; Trinity B; Corpus Christi B Scripture in Church. 33(134), 149-156, 190-202
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Imagery of the New Jerusalem in the Periphyseon and Eriugena’s Irish Background. In: MCEVOY, J. and DUNNE, M., eds., History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and His Time Leuven: Leuven University Press. 245-259
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Muirchú’s theology of conversion in his Vita Patricii. In: ATHERTON, M., ed., Celts and Christians: New Approaches to the Religious Traditions of Britain and Ireland Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 124-45
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Nominaliaeth yr Oesoedd Canol. In: DANIEL, J and GEALY, W.L., eds., Efrydiau Athronyddol 65 [O’r Oes Glasurol hyd at yr Oesoedd Canol] Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 62-74
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. '"Celtic Spirituality", Ecumenism, and the Contemporary Religious Landscape' Irish Theological Quarterly. 67, 153-168
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. A Celtic Theology: Some Awkward Questions and Observations. In: NAGY, J.F., ed., Identifying the ‘Celtic’: Celtic Studies Association of North America Yearbook 2 Dublin: Four Courts Press. 49-65
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. Patrick: Missionary to the Irish Catholic Truth Society.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. 'Collectio Canonum Hibernensis, Book 46'. In: A. BOURKE, ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing IV: Irish Women's Writings and Traditions New York University Press. 12-17
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. ‘Preaching on the Sundays of Eastertide’ Scripture in Church. 32(126), 244-248
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2002. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2A of Easter; Sunday 3A of Easter; Sunday 4A of Easter Scripture in Church. 32(126), 130-135, 163-172.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. The Law of Adomnán Dublin: Four Courts Press Ltd.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. Newman: A Religious Quest Veritas.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Theologians and their use of historical evidence: some common pitfalls’ The Month. 261, 30-35
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Patrick on the margins of space and time’. In: K. MCGROARTY, ed., Eklogai: Eklogai: Studies in Honour of Thomas Finan and Gerard Watson Dept of Ancient Classics, Maynooth. 44-58
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘One island, one people, one nation: early Latin evidence for this motif in Ireland’ Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Journal. 4, 4-13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Monasteries and manuscripts: the transmission of Latin learning in early medieval Ireland’. In: H. MORGAN, ed., Information, Media and Power through the Ages University College Dublin Press, Dublin. 46-64
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Irish preaching before the End of the ninth century: assessing the extent of our evidence’. In: A.J. FLETCHER and R. GILLESPIE, eds., Irish Preaching 700-1700 Four Courts Press, Dublin. 18-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘The Tombs of the Saints: their significance for Adomnán’. In: J. CAREY, M. HERBERT and P. Ó RIAIN, eds., Studies in Irish Hagiography: Saints and Scholars Four Courts Press, Dublin. 1-14
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Adomnán: A Man of Many Parts’. In: Adomnán at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents Four Courts Press, Dublin. 41-51
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘The Early Church’. In: D. COHN-SHERBOK and J.M. COURT, eds., Religious Diversity in the Graeco-Roman World: A Survey of Recent Scholarship Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. 124-142
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 2001. Adomnán at Birr, AD 697: Essays in Commemoration of the Law of the Innocents Four Courts Press, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Vulgate’. In: J.F.A. SAWYER and J.M.Y. SIMPSON, eds., Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion Elsevier, Amsterdam. 150-151
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Priesthood: Facing Problems with Open Eyes: Review of D.B. Cozzens, The Changing Face of the Priesthood’ Doctrine and Life. 51, 632-638
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 7C of Easter; Pentecost C; Trinity C; Corpus Christi C Scripture in Church. 31(122), 150-155, 195-2004
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Breaking and sharing: Inspiration from Early Christian Ireland’ Scripture in Church. 31(122), 246-249
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2001. ‘Liturgy for St Patrick’s Day’ The Furrow. 52, 140-144
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. Journeys on the Edges: The Celtic Tradition Orbis Books.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. Celtic Theology: Humanity, World and God in Early Irish Writings Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Giraldus Cambrensis’s view of Europe’ History Ireland. 8(2), 16-21
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘The Plan of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Armagh’ Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies. 39, 23-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Palestine in the Aftermath of the Arab Conquest: The Earliest Latin Account’. In: R.N. SWANSON, ed., Studies in Church History: The Holy Land, Holy Lands, and Christian History 36. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge. 78-89
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. 'Penitentials and Pastoral Care'. In: G.R. EVANS, ed., A History of Pastoral Care Cassell, London. 93-111
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Giraldus Cambrensis and the Sexual Agenda of the Twelfth-Century Reformers’ Journal of Welsh Religious History. 8, 1-15
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘A Woman’s Plight and the Western Fathers’. In: L.J. KREITZER and D.W. ROOKE, eds., Ciphers in the Sand: Interpretations of The Woman Taken in Adultery (John 7.53-8.11) Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. 83-104
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Anticlericalism: Christian Perspectives’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 38-39
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Celtic Monasticism’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 265-269
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘David, St.’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 361-362
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Fasting: Western Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 470-472
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Hagiography: Christian Perspectives’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 564-566
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Island Monasteries: Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 669-673
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Manuscript Production: Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 819-821
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Martyrs: Western Christian’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 831-833
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Master and Pupil: Christian Perspectives’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 835-837
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Penitential Books’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 1006-1007
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘St. Gallen, Switzerland’. In: W.R. JOHNSTON, ed., The Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago and London. 1112
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Bede’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 61-62
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Boethius’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 77-79
  • O and O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Eriugena’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 189-190
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Eucherius of Lyons’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 192-193
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Julian of Toledo’. In: T.A. HART, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Historical Theology Paternoster, London / Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 290-291
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 3B of Easter; Sunday 4B of Easter; Sunday 5B of Easter; Sunday 6B of Easter Priests and People. 14, 157-161
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘Riches from the Tradition: Tírechán’s Creed’ Doctrine and Life. 50, 340-344
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. ‘A Celtic Preface’ The Furrow. 51, 34-38
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 2000. [Liturgical Resources for:] Holy Thursday; Good Friday; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday B Scripture in Church. 30(118), 135-143, 173-180
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. St. Patrick: The Man and His Works Triangle.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Res, tempus, locus, persona: Adomnán’s Exegetical Method’. In: D. BROUN and T.O. CLANCY, eds., Spes Scotorum Hope of the Scots: Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh. 139-158
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The Development of Augustine the Bishop’s Critique of Astrology’ Augustinian Studies. 30, 83-103
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The List of Illustrious Writers in the Pseudo-Bedan Collectanea’. In: H. CONRAD O’BRIAIN, A.M. D’ARCY and J. SCATTERGOOD, eds., Text and Gloss: Studies in Insular Learning and Literature Presented to Joseph Donovan Pheiffer Four Courts Press, Dublin. 34-48
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Tradition and Exegesis in the Eighth Century: The Use of Patristic Sources in Early Medieval Scriptural Commentaries’. In: O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., The Scriptures and Early Medieval Ireland: Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Society for Hiberno-Latin Studies on Early Irish Exegesis and Homilectics Brepols, Turnhout. 217-239
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Priestly Celibacy and “Arguments from History”’ Doctrine and Life. 49, 411-422
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Distant Islands: The Topography of Holiness in the Nauigatio sancti Brendani’. In: M. GLASSCOE, ed., The Medieval Mystical Tradition: England, Ireland and Wales: (Exeter Symposium VI) D.S. Brewer, Woodbridge. 1-20
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. The writings of St Patrick - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 67-90; and 476-96
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. The Vita Patricii of Muirchú - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 91-117; and 496-506
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. Two Eucharistic chants from the Stowe Missal - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 314-316; and 519
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. Three Sunday catecheses - an English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ. 371-5; and 522-3
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. The Altus prosator - and English translation. In: O. DAVIES, ed., Celtic Spirituality Paulist Press, Mahwah NJ.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The Eusebian Apparatus in some Vulgate Gospel Books’ Peritia. 13, 1-92
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘The Ancient Near East and Ancient Europe’. In: N. SMART, ed., Atlas of the World’s Religions O.U.P., Oxford. 96-115, 220-221, 223
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Adomnán’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 8-9
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Caesarius of Arles’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 115-116
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Cassiodorus’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 143-144
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Fifth Century’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 362-365
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Isidore’. In: A.D. FITZGERALD, ed., Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI. 457-458
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 1999. The Scriptures and Early Medieval Ireland: Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Society for Hiberno-Latin Studies on Early Irish Exegesis and Homilectics Brepols, Turnhout.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘Ecology and Eschatology’ Ecotheology. 7, 71-80
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. ‘How Not to Say Mass’ The Furrow. 50, 613-618
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1999. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4A of Easter; Sunday 5A of Easter; Sunday 6A of Easter; Ascension Scripture in Church. 29(114), 137-142, 177-188
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. Teachers and Code-Breakers: the Latin Genesis Tradition, 430-800 Brepols.
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Medieval church history: Beyond apologetics, after development: the awkward memories’ The Way. 38, 65-76
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘The Celtic Homily: Creeds and Eschatology’ Milltown Studies. 41, 99-115
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘“Documenta Q”: Its primitiae reviewed’ Milltown Studies. 41, 137-143
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Eucharist or Communion Service?’ The Way. 38, 365-374
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Christ and the Scriptures: The Chasm between Modern and Pre-modern Exegesis’ The Month. 259, 475-485
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Christ as the focus of Genesis Exegesis in Isidore of Seville’. In: T. FINAN and V. TWOMEY, eds., Studies in Patristic Christology Four Courts Press, Dublin. 144-162
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Maps and Acts: a problem in cartography and exegesis’ Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association. 21, 33-61
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Rhygyfarch’s Vita Dauidis: An Apparatus biblicus’ Studia Celtica. 32, 179-188
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Adomnán’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 4
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Biblical Exegesis’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 46
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Canon Law’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 68
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Columbanus’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 104-105
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘John Scottus Eriugena’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 278-279
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Lough Derg’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 331
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Monasteries, Irish, in continental Europe’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 363-364
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Monastic schools’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 365-366
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Pelagianism’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 437-438
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Penitentials’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 439
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Pilgrimage’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 442
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘Shrines’. In: S.J. CONNOLLY, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History O.U.P., Oxford. 512
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., ed., 1998. Hippolyte Delehaye: The Legends of the Saints Four Courts Press, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. ‘The Passion in the Liturgy: the demands of celebration’ New Liturgy. 100, 6-12
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1998. [Liturgical Resources for:] Palm Sunday C; Holy Thursday; Good Friday Scripture in Church. 28(110), 130-134, 164-170
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Isidore’s Use of Gregory the Great in the Exegesis of Genesis’ Revue Bénédictine. 107, 263-269
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Living in the Ocean: the significance of the patristic understanding of oceanus for writings from Iona’. In: C. BOURKE, ed., Studies in the Cult of Saint Columba Four Courts Press, Dublin. 11-23
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Res, tempus, locus, persona: Adomnán’s Exegetical Method’ Innes Review. 95-111
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘The Mysticism of Number in the Medieval Period before Eriugena’. In: J.J. CLEARY, ed., The Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism Leuven University Press, Leuven. 397-416
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Individual anonymity and collective identity: the enigma of early medieval Latin theologians’ Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévale. 64, 291-314
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Adomnán and Arculf: The Case of an Expert Witness’ Journal of Medieval Latin. 7, 127-146
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Marriage and Sexuality in the Hibernensis’ Peritia. 11, 188-206
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘The Salzburg Fragment of Adomnán’s De locis sanctis’ Manuscripta. 41, 32-37
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘Adomnán’s De locis sanctis: a textual emendation and an additional source identification’ Ériu. 48, 37-40
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. ‘“Wendepunkte”: Manuscript Index’ Hiberno-Latin Newsletter. 7, 4-8
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1997. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2B of Easter; Sunday 3B of Easter; Sunday 4B of Easter Scripture in Church. 27(114), 130-137, 163-172
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘“The Gates of Hell”: From Metaphor to Fact’ Milltown Studies. 38, 98-114
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Biblical Contradictions in the Periphyseon and the Development of Eriugena’s Method’. In: C. STEEL, J. MCEVOY and G. VAN RIEL, eds., Iohannes Scottus Eriugena and the Scriptures Leuven University Press. 103-126
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Tyconius’ Use of the Canonical Gospels’ Revue Bénédictine. 106, 229-233
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘The Latin Sources of Medieval Irish Culture: A Partial Status Quaestionis’. In: K. MCCONE and K. SIMMS, eds., Progress in Celtic Studies Maynooth: An tSagart. 91-105
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘The View from Iona: Adomnán’s mental maps’ Peritia. 10, 98-122
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘The Text of Cyprian’s Ad Quirinum III, lviii: An Emendation’ Manuscripta. 40, 49-53
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1996. ‘Adomnán and mira rotunditas’ Ériu. 47, 95-99
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Dating the De situ Hierusolimae: The Insular Evidence’ Revue Bénédictine. 105, 9-19
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Newman on Doing Theology’ New Blackfriars. 76, 92-98
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Meaning of ‘Gift’ in Latin and English Theological Usage’ Milltown Studies. 35, 134-137
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Symbol gives Life: Eucherius of Lyons’ Formula for Exegesis’. In: T. FINAN and V. TWOMEY, eds., Scriptural Interpretation in the Fathers: Letter and Spirit Four Courts Press. 221-252
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Adomnán the Illustrious’ The Innes Review. 46, 1-14
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Controversy over Methuselah’s Death: Proto-chronology and the Origins of the Western Concept of Inerrancy’ Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale. 62, 182-225
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘The Waters above the Heavens, Isidore, and the Latin Tradition’ Milltown Studies. 36, 104-117
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Seeking the Medieval View of the Song of Songs’ Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association. 18, 94-116
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1995. ‘Celibacy in the Catholic Church – A Brief History’ History Ireland. 3(4), 41-46
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘St Patrick and an Irish Theology’ Doctrine and Life. 44, 153-159
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘Astrology and Thirteenth Century Philosophy: A New Angle on Old Problems’ Milltown Studies. 33, 89-110
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. ‘The Latin Versions of the Scriptures in Use on Iona in the Late Seventh Century’ Peritia. 8, 18-26
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1994. 'Sister Act: Interview with Dr Margaret MacCurtain' History Ireland. 2(1), 52-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘The Quincentenary of Schedel’s Map of the Creation: A Turning Point in the Development of the Modern Mind’ Milltown Studies. 31, 30-52
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘The Earliest World Maps Known in Ireland’ History Ireland. 1(1), 7-10
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘An Irish (?) Interpolation in Caesarius of Arles’ Sermo 84’ Milltown Studies. 31, 143-145
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘Medieval Papal Letters: A Source for Local History’ History Ireland. 1(3), 56-58
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘A Note on Isidore and the Pseudo-Isidore: Caveat lector’ Hiberno-Latin Newsletter. 6, 11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘Adam’s Rib and the Equality of the Sexes: Some Medieval Exegesis of Gen 2:21-22’ Irish Theological Quarterly. 59, 44-54
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T. and H. CONRAD-O'BRIAIN, 1993. ‘The “baptism of tears” in early Anglo-Saxon sources’ Anglo-Saxon England. 22, 65-83
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. ‘Julian of Toledo’s Antikeimenon and the Development of Latin Exegesis’ Proceeding of the Irish Biblical Association. 16, 80-98
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. [Liturgical Resources for:] Reflections for Weekdays and Saints’ Days, Weeks 15-16, Year 1 Scripture in Church. 23(91), 310-313
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1993. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 2A; Sunday 3A; Sunday 4A Scripture in Church. 23(89), 10-15, 40-47
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘“Aquae super caelos” (Gn 1:6-7): The First Faith-Science Debate’ Milltown Studies. 29, 92-114
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘Unexplored Irish Influences on Eriugena’ Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale. 59, 23-40
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘The Libri Philosophorum and Augustine’s Conversions’. In: T. FINAN and V. TWOMEY, eds., The Relationship Between Neoplatonism and Christianity Four Courts Press. 101-125
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘The Exegetical Purpose of Adomnán’s De Locis Sanctis’ Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies. 24, 37-53
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘Adam’s Burial at Hebron: Some Aspects of its Significance in the Latin Tradition’ Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association. 15, 66-88
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1992. ‘The Spirituality of Teaching’ Religious Life Review. 31, 200-207, 233-237
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1991. ‘Newman, Vincent of Lérins and Development’ Irish Theological Quarterly. 58, 147-166
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1991. ‘B.N. Lat 10616: A hitherto un-noticed Carolingian scriptural work’ Hiberno-Latin Newsletter. 5, 13
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1991. [Liturgical Resources for:] Assumption of Mary Intercom. July-August, 30-31
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1990. ‘The Significance of Sunday: Three Ninth-Century Catecheses’ Worship. 64, 533-544
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T. and D. MCCARTNEY, eds., 1990. Cardinal Newman: The Catholic University: A Collection of his Writings in Connection with the University U.C.D., Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1990. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 3A Intercom. 29
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1990. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 20A Intercom. July-August, 32
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1989. ‘Knowing God and Knowing the Cosmos: Augustine’s Legacy of Tension’ Irish Philosophical Journal. 6, 27-58
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1989. ‘Who is Anselm’s Fool?’ The New Scholasticism. 63, 313-325
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1988. Cardinal Newman: Seeker of Truth Veritas Publications.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1988. ‘Newman and the Marian Year’ Homilectic and Pastoral Review. 88, 57-63
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4A Intercom. February, 20
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. Marian Encyclical Veritas, Dublin.
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 4B of Advent; Christmas Day Intercom. December, 26-30
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1987. [Liturgical Resources for:] St Patrick’s Day Intercom. March, 34
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1986. [Liturgical Resources for:] Epiphany Intercom. January, 26
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1986. [Liturgical Resources for:] Sunday 11C Intercom. June, 29
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1984. 'The Demand and Supply of Priests from All Hallows College, Dublin, in America: 1842-1860' Records of the American Catholic Historical Society. 95, 39-60
  • O’LOUGHLIN, T., 1984. 'The Parish Newsletter' Intercom. December, 9-11
  • O'LOUGHLIN, T., 1983. 'All Hallows College and America 1842-1860'. In: JAMES MCCORMACK, ed., All Hallows Studies 1983 47-65

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