Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Theology and Religious Studies Graduate Student Reading Group

Online via Microsoft Teams
Friday 14th October 2022 (14:30) - Friday 5th May 2023 (16:00)
Front cover of the book Systematic Theology by Katerine Sonderegger. Navy colour top tier, with an image of a crown of thorns in black and white on the left and a white box to the right.

Katherine Sonderegger, Systematic Theology

Theology and Religious Studies are collaborating with University of Wales, Trinity Saint David for an online reading group for graducate students. The book will be;

Katherine Sonderegger, Systematic Theology: Volume 1, The Doctrine of God

The reading group will continue through the academic year. The meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams, Fridays at 2.30 - 4.00pm. The full schedule is;

  1. 14 October 2022-  pgs 3-48
  2. 4 November 2022- pgs 49-77
  3. 25 November 2022- pgs 78-150
  4. 16 December 2022- pgs 151-223
  5. 13 January 2023- pgs 246-326
  6. 3 February 2023- pgs 335-382
  7. 24 February 2023- pgs 383-414
  8. 17 March 2023- pgs 415-468
  9. 31 March 2023- pgs 469-505
  10. 5 May 2023- pgs 506-530

For the link to attend, contact Michael Burdett at

Department of Theology and Religious Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
