Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Study with us

We provide high quality research-led learning complemented by:

  • outstanding facilities
  • personal support
  • expert careers advice
Headshot of Ellena Hill smiling

The Theology department is fantastic, friendly and so much fun to be a part of. Everybody, from the three undergraduate years to the postgraduate students and staff, cares for and gets to know one another - we are a family!

Ellena Hill, BA Theology and Religious Studies


The highlight for me was being able to create my own degree. There was so much more freedom of choice, so I could really pick the things I loved.

Jodi Kiang, Philosophy and Theology BA

Jodi smiling and sitting in sunshine in garden

Department of Theology and Religious Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
