Department of Philosophy

Undergraduate degrees (BA, BSc) - Philosophy

  • Excited by the "big issues"?
  • Angry at the state of the world?
  • Confused about what it means to live well and meaningfully?

Come and explore the deep, difficult issues across all areas of life.

Two students sat together in discussion

Our degrees

Study philosophy on its own or combine with another subject.

Street art of two figures holding hands

The Nottingham approach

Combine traditional topics with emerging new areas

Man sitting on rocks staring out to sea

Study abroad

Expand your world by living and learning in another culture

Student doing presentation on social media, gesturing to the screen

Prepare for the future

Develop your skills through work experience and volunteering


Learning from, in, and through crisis

Through lockdowns, masked seminars, self-isolation, changing government guidelines and permeating uncertainty, our students have worked tirelessly to continue to produce lucid, insightful philosophy.

We asked them to reflect on the pandemic through philosophy. They responded with some vital, vibrant insight into university life during the pandemic period. Check out some of their diverse and thought-provoking writing.

Headshot of Michaela Lawson
There's so much freedom to choose particular areas that you are interested in to study in depth. The lecturers are extremely approachable and break even the most difficult concepts down with ease.

 Michaela Lawson, BA Philosophy 


Interested? Visit us on an open day to find out more

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact us