Department of Philosophy

Seminars and conferences

We run a wide range of seminars and conferences aimed at addressing current issues, presenting work in progress and strengthening department culture. They are open, inclusive and welcoming!

Philosophy seminars

Research seminars

  • When: every Wednesday at 3pm during term time
  • Where: Humanities A01

We welcome external speakers as well as from within our own department.

For more information contact Alice Monypenny:

Upcoming seminars

This semester's seminar listings will be available soon.


See our previous philosophy research seminars


Postgraduate research seminars

  • When: every Wednesday at 1.30pm during term time
  • Where: Humanities A01

Usually, a research student presents their research, although occasionally we set a paper to read and discuss, or a member of staff presents.

For more information contact Megan Drury:



Theology and Religion seminars

Research seminars

  • When: selected Wednesdays at 1-2.30pm during term time
  • Where: room to be confirmed and online

Everyone is welcome.

Upcoming seminars

9 October 2024

  • Anthony O’Hear (University of Buckingham) ‘The Truth in Myth’.

30 October 2024

  • Rob Lutton (University of Nottingham) ‘The Cult of the Holy Name in Late Medieval England’
  • Henry Parkes (University of Nottingham) ‘The Night Sky, Sung and Surveyed, in the Medieval Cult of Saint Benedict’.

20 November 2024 (joint seminar with Philosophy)

  • 3 to 4.30pm - Charlotte Alderwick (University of the West of England), ‘Schelling, Freedom, and Exhibition: A Response to Stern’.

11 December 2024

  • Joanna Leidenhag (University of Leeds), ‘Panpsychism, Leibnizian Embodiment, and the Question of Divine Corporeality’.

See our previous Theology and Religion seminars



Recent conferences

Functional Hypotheses and the Engaged Point of View

Lost in the Game: Philosophical explorations of play, power, and partying through the apocalypse 

Past conferences at UoN


Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact us