School of Life Sciences

MSc Biological Photography and Imaging - our student's work

Our students and graduates are a credit to our course. They’ve gone on to have some epic careers, won awards and achieved their dreams. This page showcases the activities, skills and accomplishments they have gained and been involved in. 


Understand the unique skills you'll learn from this course, and where you can use these later in life.

Skills and Careers

Graduate achievements

We're thrilled to celebrate the success of our graduates. See where the course has taken them after studying.



Meet your tutors

We'd like to introduce you to our course tutors, who explain why they are interested in education and their research focus.

Meet your tutors


Create a dynamic portfolio of work

An exciting part of the course is the creation of a magazine. You'll have creative control over all aspects of the magazine, including writing articles, taking and editing all images, and creating the adverts. This project aims to improve your communication, graphic design and imaging skills as well as being a great addition to your portfolio.

You'll also set up a blog when you start the course. Although this forms part of your assessed work, it's so much more than that. Your blog becomes your online portfolio, showcases your work and helps you reflect on your learning. Many graduates continue with their blog after the course finishes.

Take a look at some of our current students' blogs:

Chloe Collins' photograph of three slimey velvet shank fungi

Chloe Collins

Phoebe Bowlzer's Owl Portrait on black background

Phoebe Bowlzer

Ciara Grant's photograph of a domestic dog skeleton on black background

Ciara Grant

Sarah Knutson's photograph of a Midwife Toad under a microscope

Sarah A Knutson



 Where could the study of Biological Photography and Imaging take you?

Skills you'll gain:

  • Photography
  • Image manipulation and editing
  • Videography and filmmaking
  • Media production
  • Microscopy
  • Biological research
  • Science communication
  • Writing business proposals
  • Giving business presentations
  • Applying a marketing strategy to your business
  • Understanding copyright law
  • Dealing with a picture agency

Careers can include:

  • TV producer for Saving Planet Earth, Planet Earth 2 and Nature’s Great Events
  • Media Researcher for Wildscreen
  • Specialist Researcher at Photolibrary Group
  • Research Associate at the University of Nottingham
  • Science Educator for the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS)
  • Medical Photographer and Videographer at Christchurch Hospital
  • Assistant Producer and Camera Operator, working on projects for Disney, the Discovery Channel and the BBC


Meet our graduates

Amy Hong's story

[The course] led me to a route in science communication and research impact... Over the years on a freelance capacity, I have produced digital content for the Royal Institution and Genetics Society’s Centenary Celebration digital collaboration project and the institutional launch video for the Francis Crick Institute.

Working with NGOs and local communities, my video campaign has attracted over 100,000 petitions which subsequently led to national policy change on Ulu Muda rainforest protection in Malaysia.

Amy Hong, 2011 graduate, now Photographer and a Molecular Biologist
A photograph of Amy Hong

Amy's website


After graduating from the University of Nottingham in 2011, Amy has continued working in science communication, research impact and teaching/training.

Amy now leads the institutional strategy for researcher development at UCL, as the Head of Development, Academic and Researcher Experience.


Alice Campain's story

After graduating in 2019, world events caused a bit of trouble for Alice in starting her career. However, by August 2020, she secured her current role as a Scientific Picture Researcher where she has been able to apply many of the skills she learnt during the course.

Alice Campain - Parrot
I would not have my current job without my masters. I would also not have had the opportunities to do several things I am proud of. The BPI course is fantastic, I not only learned so much but I really enjoyed it and made some great memories.
Alice Campain ARPS, 2019 graduate, now Scientific Picture Researcher


Graduates from our course have gone on to careers such as:

  • Wildlife filmmaking
  • Website design
  • Food photography
  • Medical imaging
  • Agricultural and Environmental Photographer and Editor
  • Freelance photographer / videographer

Find out more about PhD opportunities here.

Back to the full course information here

How to apply for the Biological Photography and Imaging course

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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