School of Life Sciences

Student Profiles - MSc Molecular Genetics and Diagnostics

Lorenzo Pavanello


After completing my undergraduate biotechnology studies in Milan, I decided to undertake a masters degree in the UK. This was as I wanted to learn English for scientific research and improve my knowledge in genetics. Therefore, I planned a one-week journey around the country to visit four universities.

Why Nottingham?

After my trip, it was clear that the University of Nottingham was where I wanted to study. It provided the best facilities and labs, while the people were always willing to help.

The course

I started studying hard from the very beginning! In the second semester, which included the most interesting courses, a four month research project was scheduled for students to practise all the techniques learned during the lectures.

The research project was one of the best experiences of my life. I felt independent when performing my experiments but, at the same time, I was always able to share ideas or doubts with my supervisor and other PhD students around the lab.


When studying for exams, the libraries saved my life! I now consider it normal to have silent rooms where you can concentrate, free wi-fi, free iPads and laptops, screens for group projects and presentations and easy accessible printers - but this was absolutely outstanding!


Natalie Pickwell


After completing my degree in genetics in 2008 I left education to work for the NHS. After a four year break I decided it was time to return to education and gain my masters degree and chose Nottingham as the place I wished to study. I can honestly say I have no regrets.

The course

This course was a fantastic experience, the lecturers were approachable and many of the sessions were interactive, working in small groups problem solving and then comparing notes. We regularly had guests come and lecture about their specialisms and how their fields are evolving with the advent of new molecular techniques. Being able to undertake a laboratory research project as part of the course has provided me with invaluable skills and enabled to me to venture to a different part of campus, meet new people and have some wonderful experiences as well as helping me to decide on the next step in my career. The support from the staff and department as a whole was brilliant.


For the sociable individual, there are a whole range of extracurricular activities on campus to enjoy, I particularly loved the Judo club, not to mention the city itself. The combination of a brilliantly run course and the extra activities made my time at Nottingham extremely enjoyable and unforgettable experience.


School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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