Nightingale Classroom Resources

'Florence Nightingale Comes Home'
These classroom resources are based around the theme of Florence Nightingale and home as part of the AHRC-funded project ‘Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020’. For an introduction to the subject see the project website and visit our online exhibition.
The resources are designed to encourage students to think about Florence’s work not just in the Crimea but how her home, upbringing, illness and interest in improving homes and hygiene for all, influenced change in both health and domestic environments.
The following resources are available to download:
Introductory Teachers' Notes Florence Nightingale Comes Home 
Key Stage 1 and 2 Teaching Resources
KS1 Florence Nightingale Comes Home Teaching Resource 
KS2 Florence Nightingale Comes Home Teaching Resource 
Printable Quotes from Notes on Nursing 
Short quotes printable for teachers 
Key Stage 3+ Curriculum Recommendations
STEM Curriculum Recommendations aimed at KS3, 4 and 5 
Online resources:
Inventory of online resources for teachers with links
This spreadsheet includes links to over 100 resources on Florence Nightingale, split into easy-to-browse categories. There are films, blogs, exhibition content, images and other resources created as part of the Florence Nightingale Comes Home project, as well as specially designed online resources including maths-based interactives, a timeline, a Google Earth tour and a quiz.
Also included are links to other online resources on Nightingale, created by third parties. Whilst every effort will be made to keep links up to date we do not take responsibility for content hosted on external websites.
Shown here are two examples of the online resources listed in the inventory:
Florence Nightingale's Places
Take this Google Earth tour of key places in Florence Nightingale's life, including homes, holidays and workplaces, in the order that she visited or stayed in them.
Florence Nightingale Timeline
Explore this illustrated timeline of Nightingale's life and work
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