NICOLA COOPER and ALISON CRACKNELL, 2022. Clinical decision making. In: WALKER BR, COLLEDGE NR and RALSTON SH ET AL, eds., Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. 24th Edition. Elsevier.
NICOLA COOPER and BARRY EVANS, 2021. Organisational kindness.. In: A FRAIN, S MURPHY and J FRAIN, eds., ABC of Clinical Resilience. Wiley-Blackwell.
NICOLA COOPER, PAUL CRAMP, KIRSTY FORREST and RAKESH PATEL, 2020. Essential Guide to Acute Care 3rd Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
COOPER N, BARTLETT M, GAY S, HAMMOND A, LILLICRAP M, MATTHAN J and SINGH M, 2020. Consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education. Medical Teacher. 43(2), 152-159 NICOLA COOPER, ANNA FRAIN and JOHN FRAIN, eds., 2018. ABC of Clinical Professionalism 1st Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
NICOLA COOPER and JOHN FRAIN, eds., 2018. ABC of Clinical Communication 1st Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
2017. Teaching clinical reasoning.. In: KIRSTY FORREST and JUDY MCKIMM, eds., Medical Education at a Glance. Wiley-Blackwell.
NICOLA COOPER, 2017. Blackout and collapse in older people. Medicine. 45(1), 34-40 NICOLA COOPER and JOHN FRAIN, eds., 2016. ABC of Clinical Reasoning 1st Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
NICOLA COOPER, 2016. Blackout and collapse in the acute setting. Medicine. 45(3), 144-149 NICOLA COOPER, 2015. What is training? Acute Medicine. 14(1), 28-30 NICOLA COOPER, 2013. Blackout and collapse. Medicine. 41(1), 29-33 KENNEDY A and COOPER N, 2012. Problem based review: the patient with dizziness on the AMU. Acute Medicine. 11(4), 238-243 NICOLA COOPER and ALISON CRACKNELL, 2011. Patient safety.. In: JUDY MCKIMM and KIRSTY FORREST, eds., Professional Practice for Foundation Doctors. Sage.
NICOLA COOPER, 2011. Teaching on the AMU Ward Round. Acute Medicine. 10(3), 133-135 NICOLA COOPER, 2011. Lumbar puncture. Acute Medicine. 10(4), 188-193 S CONROY and N COOPER, 2010. British Geriatric Society Best Practice Guide: Acute Medical Care of Elderly People. British Geriatrics Society.
NICOLA COOPER and KIRSTY FORREST, eds., 2009. Essential Guide to Educational Supervision: in postgraduate medical education 1st Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
NICOLA COOPER, KIRSTY FORREST and GRAHAM MULLEY, eds., 2009. ABC of Geriatric Medicine 1st Edition. Wiley Blackwell.
FEELY M and COOPER N, 2009. Seizures on the adult intensive care unit.. In: JOHN KNIGHTON and PAUL SADLER, eds., Competency based critical care. Springer-Verlag.
NICOLA COOPER, 2009. Blackout and collapse. Medicine. 37(2), 65-69 NICOLA COOPER, 2009. Top tips on being a medical educator. CME Geriatric Medicine. 11(3), 115-117
ALTEMIMI H, COOPER N, BROWN J and HEATON R, 2009. Fire-breather’s pneumonia and Guillain-Barre syndrome. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 20(S1), S213-S214 KUMAR S and COOPER N, 2008. Management after Intensive Care. BMJ. 16, 412-414 NICOLA COOPER, 2007. The Foundation Curriculum – where to now?. In: SMITH F and WELFARE M, eds., Mongraph on the Foundation Programme. Association for the Study of Medical Education..
2007. COOPER N and FEELY M. Epilepsy in the Elderly: In: Falls and Bone Health. Royal College of Physicians / British Geriatric Society. Overstall P [Ed]. Kiss of Life Multimedia Ltd. 01/01/2007 00:00:00
FORREST K, BELFIELD P and COOPER N, 2006. Introducing Foundation Programmes. The Clinical Teacher. 3, 238-241 NICOLA COOPER, 2006. How to assess patients admitted with 'falls'. Acute Medicine. 5(3), 85-85 NICOLA COOPER, 2005. Early warning scores for emergency admissions. Quality in Primary Care. 13(1), 9-11 ELYAS S, COOPER N and MANDOUR O, 2005. Cellulitis or Charcot Neuropathy in Diabetes. Acute Medicine. 4(1), 28-29 ALTEMIMI BJ, ALTEMIMI HA, COOPER NA and SLIWO EY, 2004. Minerva. BMJ. 328, 414 NICOLA COOPER, 2004. Acute Care: Treatment with Oxygen. BMJ. 328, 040256 NICOLA COOPER, 2004. Acute Care: Arterial Blood Gases. BMJ. 328, 0403105 NICOLA COOPER, 2004. Acute Care: Volume Resuscitation. BMJ. 328, 0404114 NICOLA COOPER, 2004. Acute Care: Brain Failure. BMJ. 328, 0406228 GARSIDE M, JAMES R and COOPER N, 2004. A diagnosis not to miss. Hospital Medicine. 65(10), 628-629 NICOLA COOPER and WILLIAM BURR, 2003. The employment, attitudes and aspirations of non-training grade doctors Hospital Medicine. 64(1), 43-45
COOPER N and JACOB B, 2002. Positive pressure ventilation for cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. British Journal of Cardiology. 9(1), 38-41
NICOLA COOPER, 2002. Oxygen therapy–myths and misconceptions. Care of the Critically Ill. 18(3), 74-77
NICOLA COOPER, 2002. Tackling the growing problem of NTG doctors. Employing Doctors and Dentists. 48, 12-14
NICOLA COOPER, 2002. Evidence-based lumbar puncture. Hospital Medicine. 63(10), 598-599
NICOLA COOPER, 2001. Using diagnostic tests. BMJ. 322, 010219 NICOLA COOPER, 2001. Patient at Risk! Clinical Medicine. 1, 309-311
NICOLA COOPER, 1988. Junior doctors’ knowledge of the New Deal: a questionnaire survey. The Health Service Journal. 30-31
NICOLA COOPER, Falls and syncope. In: R LEACH, D BELL and K MOORE, eds., Oxford Desk Reference: Acute Medicine OUP.