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Image of Steven J Agius

Steven J Agius

Associate Professor of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Within the School of Medicine, Dr Agius is the Education Centre lead for Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE). He is also the divisional lead for postgraduate research (PGR) in medical education and sits on the Doctoral Programmes Committee. He is Deputy Director of the MMedSci Medical Education and leads the BMedSci Homebase for medical education research.

Following an early career in Higher Education research, Dr Agius completed his PhD at the University of Manchester on professional hegemony and policy implementation in postgraduate medical training. He subsequently held a number of senior research posts in that institution's Department of Postgraduate Medicine and Dentistry before joining the NW Strategic Health Authority as Assistant Regional Director of Research and Development. Prior to joining Nottingham, he was Senior Research Fellow and Head of Medical Education Research at the North Western Deanery.

Teaching expertise encompasses curriculum design, educational environments and qualitative research methods.

Post-nominals: BA (Hons); MA; PhD; PGCHE; SFHEA

Expertise Summary

A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Dr Agius has published and presented work extensively both nationally and internationally. He has been the recipient of a number of national awards, including a Department of Health Blending Service with Training Award to investigate the implementation of Modernising Medical Careers; an ASME Excellence in Medical Education Award investigating e-learning in Paediatrics, and multiple UKCEA Awards in Primary Care education. He has also been the recipient of the DEMEC prize for Postgraduate Medical Education Research for work on empathy and patient care in the Foundation programme. Most recently he has been the co-recipient of GMC and ASME awards to investigate post-foundation training breaks in medicine; and co-recipient of a GDC research grant investigating fitness to practice and remediation processes in dentistry.

Dr Agius has been commissioned to undertake a number of regional and national evaluations, including a pilot of extended specialty training in General Practice, CPD in Primary Care, integrated medical leadership training, Out of Programme career decisions in specialty training, a post-CCT GP fellowship programme, and a major investigation by Health Education England and COPDEND on dental education reform.

Dr Agius serves as a peer reviewer for the following international scientific journals: Medical Education, Medical Teacher, Clinical Teacher, Education for Primary Care, Postgraduate Medical Journal, Health Organization and Management.

Teaching Summary

Post-doctoral supervision (Medical Careers)

Doctoral supervision (Widening participation in medicine; Social mobility in medical careers)

MMedSci Medical Education

Module convenor

MEDS4017: Research and Dissertation (core - 60 credits)

MEDS4014: Principles and Practice of Curriculum Design and the Educational Environment (core - 20 credits)


MEDS4015: Principles and Practice of Teaching and Learning

BMedSci Medicine

Homebase lead for Medical Education Research, School of Medicine

Research Summary

Primary research interests encompass social mobility in medical careers, remediation and curriculum innovation.

Past Research

External prizes

ASME Research Grant Award (in competition) for an investigation into the F3 phenomenon: Early-career training breaks in medical training. 2021

ASME Excellence in Medical Education Award investigating e-learning in Paediatrics; 2016

DEMEC prize for Postgraduate Medical Education Research for work on empathy and patient care; 2015

UKCEA Award - Revalidation in General Practice; 2010

UKCEA Award: CPD in Primary Care education; 2007

Department of Health Blending Service with Training personal award to investigate the implementation of Modernising Medical Careers; 2003

Commissioned national evaluations (as Principle Investigator):

Modernising Dental Careers (Health Education England; 2017)

A pilot of extended specialty training in General Practice (RCGP/NHS North West; 2009-2011)

Commissioned editorials

Taylor N & Agius S. Education and training in dentistry. Primary Dental Journal 25th Anniversary Special; 2017; 48-51

Patel M & Agius S. Cross-cultural comparisons of assessment of clinical performance. Medical Education 2017; 51(4) 348-50

Agius S. Facilitating research in postgraduate medical education. Education for Primary Care 2014; 25:302-3

Agius S. Qualitative research: its value and applicability. The Psychiatrist 2013; 37: 204-206

Refereed conference contributions

Mehta A & Agius S. The Use of Art Observation Interventions to Improve Medical Students' Diagnostic Skills. ASME. Aberdeen. August 2022.

Mehta A & Agius S. The Use of Art Observation Interventions to Improve Medical Students' Diagnostic Skills. DEMEC. Manchester December 2021

Church H & Agius S. The F3 phenomenon: Early-career training breaks in medical training. DEMEC. Manchester. December, 2021

Krstic C; Krstic L; Tulloch A; Agius S; Warren A; Doody GA.. The experience of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the UK. DEMEC.. Manchester. December, 2021

Agius S, Church H. Narrative space for LGBT+ elders in UK medical school curricula. AMEE. August 2021

Church H & Agius S. The F3 phenomenon: Early-career training breaks in medical training. AMEE. August, 2021

Agius S, Church H. Silent voices, hidden lives: Carving out narrative space for LGBT+ elders in UK medical school curricula. Association for Medical Humanities Conference. Limerick. June, 2021

Brown J, Sandars J, Nwolise, Chidiebere, Silverio, S, Agius, S., Patel M. & Mamelok, J, Multi-disciplinary training hubs in North West England: The training hub lead perspective. DEMEC, 2019

Geerts JA, Goodhall AH, Agius SA. Evidence-based leadership development for physicians. AMEE 2019

Darbyshire D, Baker P, Agius S, McAleer S. Trainee and supervisor experience of the Academic Foundation Programme. ASME, 2018

Patel M, Agius S, Wilkinson J, Patel L, Baker P. Value of the Newer Workplace-Based Assessments in Predicting Doctors in Difficulty. ASME, 2017

Patel M, Agius S, Wilkinson J, Patel L, Baker P. Value of the Newer Workplace-Based Assessments in Predicting Doctors in Difficulty. AMEE, 2017

Agius S, Dalton L, Wilson A. Education portfolio development: international perspectives. EBMA Assessment in Medical Education. Exeter. October 2016.

Agius S, Brown J, Stratta E, Hayden J, Baker P. How best to enhance skills in empathic patient care? A qualitative study of UK Foundation trainees perception of the theory and practice of empathy. DEMEC. Manchester. November 2015

Brown JM, Shaw NJ, Agius S, Hayden J. An investigation into specialty trainee engagement with e-learning in Health Education North West. DEMEC. Manchester. November 2015

Baker P, Kirkham D, Stratta E, Flint C, Agius S. NHS Values Training. DEMEC. Manchester. November 2015

Patel M, Baker P, Patel L, Agius S, Bhat S. Factors affecting whether workforce assessments predict doctors in difficulty. DEMEC. Manchester. November 2015

Patel M, Agius S, Patel L, Baker P. Factors affecting whether workforce assessments predict doctors in difficulty. DEMEC. Manchester. November 2015

Patel M, Agius S, Wilkinson J, Patel L, Baker P. Value of the newer workplace-based assessments in predicting doctors in difficulty. AMEE Conference. Glasgow. September 2015

Brown JM, Shaw NJ, Agius S, Hayden J. An investigation into specialty trainee engagement with e-learning in Health Education North West. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Edinburgh. July 2015

Patel M, Agius S, Patel L, Baker P. Factors affecting whether workforce assessments predict doctors in difficulty. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Edinburgh. July 2015

Patel M, Agius S, Wilkinson J, Patel L, Baker P. Value of the newer workplace-based assessments in predicting doctors in difficulty. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Edinburgh. July 2015

Darbyshire D, Baker P, Agius S, McAleer S. The Academic Foundation Programme in the North West of England: An evidence-based critique of early academic engagement. BERA. London. March 2015.

Agius S, Stratta E, Baker P. How do Foundation doctors perceive empathy in medical practice? NACT 13th National Multi-specialty Conference. London. January 2015

Patel M, Agius S, Baker P. Factors affecting whether workforce assessments predict doctors in difficulty. NACT 13th National Multi-specialty Conference. London. January 2015

Patel M, Agius S, Wilkinson J, Baker P. Value of the newer workplace-based assessments in predicting doctors in difficulty. NACT 13th National Multi-specialty Conference. London. January 2015

Darbyshire D, Baker P, Agius S, McAleer S. The Academic Foundation Programme in the North West of England: a critical evaluation. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Brighton. July 2014.

Agius S, Tack G, Holmes S, Hayden J. Why do trainees take time out of their specialty training programmes? COPMED Conference. Manchester. February 2014.

Agius S, Brockbank A, Baron R, Farook S, Hayden J. The impact of an integrated medical leadership programme. COPMED Conference. Manchester. February 2014.

Agius S, Lewis B, Kirk B, Hayden J. Benefits of a two-year period of extended specialty training in General Practice. COPMED Conference. Manchester. February 2014.

Thampy H, Agius S. What are the views and learning needs of GP registrars in relation to developing teaching roles. RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference. Glasgow. October 2012.

Thampy H, Agius S. What are the views and learning needs of GP registrars in relation to developing teaching roles. SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting. Glasgow. October 2012.

Tack G, Agius S, Holmes S, Murphy P, Hayden J. Why do medical trainees take time out of their specialty training programmes? ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Brighton. July 2012.

Brockbank A, Agius S, Farook S, Hayden J. Medical Leadership programme: A summary of pilot outcomes 2008-2010. The 1st Annual National Medical Leadership Conference. March 2011

Bishop S, Ahearn D, Duffy K, Agius S, Jones A. Educator Appraisal in the North West. North Western Deanery Annual Conference. Manchester, October 2010.

Stylianou A. Agius S, Lewis B. Extended GP Specialty Training Pilot Programme: Trainees perceptions and expectations. The Academy of Medical Educators Annual Conference. January 2010

Agius S, Baron R, Lewis B. The current state and value of deanery-managed CPD activity in primary care. UKCEA conference. Brighton. June 2007

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. Postgraduate Medical Education: Competing Ideologies. AMEE Conference. Trondheim. August 2007

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. Modernising Medical Careers: Competing Ideologies and Hegemony. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Keele. July 2007

Hyde C, Agius S, Shacklady J, Dornan T, Miles J. How well prepared are newly-qualified doctors for Foundation Training? AMEE Conference. Genoa. September 2006

Agius S. Evaluation of F2 pilots in the North Western Deanery. Inter-Deanery Research Symposium. University of Nottingham. November 2005.

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. Education culture in the Senior House Officer grade: a qualitative study. Ottawa Conference. Barcelona. 2004

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. Modernising Medical Careers. Ottawa Conference. Barcelona. 2004

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. Changing cultures of medical education Culture. Ottawa Conference. Ottawa. August 2002

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. Exploring education culture. AMEE Conference. Lisbon. 2002

Agius S, Willis S, McArdle P, O'Neill P. The SHO grade in transition. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Norwich. 2002

Agius S, Willis S, O'Neill P. Qualitative research in postgraduate medical education. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting. Dublin. 2001

Invited speaker

Narrative space for LGBT+ elders in UK medical school curricula. Northern Network of Medical Humanities Research Congress. Durham.

EPRC seminar programme: seminar on the arts in medical education

ASME RME Masterclass: workshop for early-career clinical education researchers on how to write a research question

University of Liverpool's Masters in Clinical Research: seminar on NHS Research Funding: programmes, competitions and design services

National Primary Care ACF Conference (hosted by University of Manchester): workshop on writing for publication in academic journals.

North West Annual conference for Staff Grade and Associate Specialist doctors: workshops on qualitative research methods.

University of Manchester Medical School's Teacher Development Programme: workshops on evaluating clinical education interventions.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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