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People in Injury, Recovery, and Inflammation Sciences

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Image of Will Thompson

Will Thompson

Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Research Summary

I am currently using Mendelian Randomization to investigate the causal relationships between Osteoarthritis and it co-morbidities.

Recent Publications

Past Research

From 2015 to 2016, I carried out a Masters by Research, entitled "A Systematic Review into the Association Between Maternal Hypothyroidism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Childhood". The results of that project are published in Clinical Endocrinology.

From 2016 to 2021, I carried out a PhD, entitled "Using Mendelian Randomization to investigate the effect of maternal intra-uterine exposures on fetal growth". The focus of the thesis was on Vitamin D, Calcium, BMI, "Favourable Adiposity" (a composite phenotype) and Cortisol. The results for the analysis on Vitamin D and Calcium are published in PLOS|Medicine.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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