DAS NAIR R, MHIZHA-MURIRA JR, ANDERSON P, CARPENTER H, CLARKE S, GROVES S, LEIGHTON P, SCAMMELL BE, TOPCU G, WALSH DA and LINCOLN NB, 2018. Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 32(6), 777-789 ROBINSON, K. R., LONG, A. L., LEIGHTON, P., ARMSTRONG, S., PULIKOTTILL-JACOB, R., GLADMAN, J. R. F., GORDON, A. L., LOGAN, P., ANTHONY, K. A., HARWOOD, R. H., BLACKSHAW, P. E. and MASUD, T., 2018. Chair based exercise in community settings: a cluster randomised feasibility study. BMC Geriatrics. 18(1), 82 ROWBOTHAM NJ, SMITH S, LEIGHTON PA, RAYNER OC, GATHERCOLE K, ELLIOTT ZC, NASH EF, DANIELS T, DUFF AJA, COLLINS S, CHANDRAN S, PEAPLE U, HURLEY MN, BROWNLEE K and SMYTH AR, 2018. The top 10 research priorities in cystic fibrosis developed by a partnership between people with CF and healthcare providers. Thorax. 73(4), 388-390 LEIGHTON, PAUL A, BREALEY, STEPHEN D and DIAS, JOSEPH J, 2018. Interventions to improve retention in a surgical, clinical trial: A pragmatic, stakeholder-driven approach. Journal of evidence-based medicine. 11(1), 12-19
CONSTABLE, J. D., MOGHUL, G. A., LEIGHTON, P., SCHOFIELD, S. J. and DANIEL, M., 2017. Prioritising topics for the undergraduate ENT curriculum JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY. 131(7), 631-639 FERGUSON, M, BRANDRETH, M, BRASSINGTON, W, LEIGHTON, P and WHARRAD, H, 2016. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Benefits of a Multimedia Educational Programme for First-time Hearing Aid Users Ear and Hearing. 37, 123-136 BLAKE, H, QUIRK, H, LEIGHTON, P, RANDELL, T, GREENING, J, GUO, B and GLAZEBROOK, C, 2016. Feasibility of an online intervention (STAK-D) to promote physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Trials. 17, 583 [ISRCTN 48994721]. DIAS, JOSEPH, BREALEY, STEPHEN, CHOUDHARY, SURABHI, COOK, LIZ, COSTA, MATTHEW, FAIRHURST, CAROLINE, HEWITT, CATHERINE, HODGSON, STEPHEN, JEFFERSON, LAURA, JEYAPALAN, KANAGARATNAM, KEDING, ADA, LEIGHTON, PAUL, RANGAN, AMAR, RICHARDSON, GERRY, ROTHERY, CLAIRE, TAUB, NICHOLAS, THOMPSON, JOHN and TORGERSON, DAVID, 2016. Scaphoid Waist Internal Fixation for Fractures Trial (SWIFFT) protocol: a pragmatic multi-centre randomised controlled trial of cast treatment versus surgical fixation for the treatment of bi-cortical, minimally displaced fractures of the scaphoid waist in adults BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS. 17, BOEREBOOM CL, WILLIAMS JP, LEIGHTON P, LUND JN and EXERCISE PREHABILITATION IN COLORECTAL CANCER DELPHI STUDY GROUP, 2015. Forming a consensus opinion on exercise prehabilitation in elderly colorectal cancer patients: a Delphi study. Techniques in coloproctology. 19(6), 347-54 BLAKE, H, LEIGHTON, P, VAN DER WALT, G and RAVENSCROFT, A, 2015. Patterns of prescription and concern about opioid analgesics for chronic non-malignant pain in general practice British Journal of Pain. 9(7), 225-232
BLAKE, H, DAWETT, B, LEIGHTON, P, BRADY, L and DEERY, C, 2015. School-based educational intervention to improve children’s oral health-related knowledge and behaviour Health Promotion Practice. 16(4), 571-582 ROBINSON, K, LEIGHTON, P, LOGAN, P, GORDON, A, ANTHONY, K, HARWOOD, R, GLADMAN, J and MASUD, T, 2014. Developing the principles of Chair Based Exercise for Older People: A Delphi Study BMC Geriatrics. 14(65),
FORTNUM, H, LEIGHTON, P, BROWN, L, MARDER, E, MARSHALL, A, SUTTON, K and BENSON, C, 2014. The Feasibility and Clinical Value of Further Research to Evaluate the Management Options for Children with Down Syndrome and Otitis Media Health Technology Assessment. 18(60), 1-147 LEIGHTON, P and DYAS, J, 2014. Developing an effective research proposal. In: WALKER, D, ed., An Introduction to Health Services Research Sage. 51-69
LEIGHTON, P., BRANDRETH, M., WHARRAD, H. and FERGUSON, M., 2013. Evaluation of interactive video tutorials to educate first-time hearing aid users: Paul Leighton The European Journal of Public Health. 23(supplement 1), 242 FERGUSON, M, LEIGHTON, P, BRANDRETH, M and WHARRAD, H, 2013. Development of interactive video tutorials to educate first-time heairng aid users: a participatory approach International Journal of Audiology (British Society of Audiology). 52(4), 260-261
FERGUSON, M, LEIGHTON, P, BRANDRETH, M and WHARRAD, H, 2012. Development of evidence-based interactive videos for first-time hearing aid users International Journal of Audiology (British Society of Audiology). 51(3), 262-263
SCHNEIDER, J and AVIS, M. AND LEIGHTON, P., eds., 2007. Supporting Children and Families: Lessons from Sure Start for Evidence-Based Practice Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
HOPE, M. and LEIGHTON, P., 2007. Changing Conceptions of Community. In: AVIS, M., LEIGHTON, P. and SCHNEIDER, J., eds., Supporting Children and Families Jessica Kingsley Publications. 260-271
LEIGHTON, P, 2007. Partnership Working. In: SCHNEIDER, J, AVIS, M and LEIGHTON, P, eds., Supporting Children and Families: Lessons from Sure Start for Evidence-Based Practice in Health, Social Care and Education Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 85-89
LEIGHTON, P, 2007. Community Development. In: SCHNEIDER, J, AVIS, M and LEIGHTON, P, eds., Supporting Children and Families: Lessons from Sure Start for Evidence-Based Practice in Health, Social Care and Education Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 235-239
SCHNEIDER, J, AVIS, M and LEIGHTON, P, 2007. Lessons from Sure Start Local Programmes. In: SCHNEIDER, J, AVIS, M and LEIGHTON, P, eds., Supporting Children and Families: Lessons from Sure Start for Evidence-Based Practice in Health, Social Care and Education Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 271-275
LAX, STEPHANIE J, AMANDA ROBERTS, ELEANOR CLIFFE, GRISHMA RAMESH, DIJA AYODELE,, HYWEL C. WILLIAMS and SHARON BELMO, Public views are needed for skin colour scales British Journal of Dermatology.