School of Pharmacy

Featured Publications



Real-time measurement of the intracellular pH of yeast cells during glucose metabolism using ratiometric fluorescent nanosensors

Mohamed M. Elsutohy,   Veeren M. Chauhan,   Robert Markus,   Mohammed Aref Kyyaly,   Saul J. B. Tendler  and   Jonathan W. Aylott


 Real-time measurement of the intracellular pH of yeast cells....

Application of Targeted Molecular and Material Property Optimization to Bacterial Attachment-Resistant (Meth) acrylate Polymers

K Adlington, NT Nguyen, E Eaves, J Yang, CY Chang, J Li, AL Gower, ...

Biomacromolecules 17 (9), 2830-2838 


Engineering serendipity: High-throughput discovery of materials that resist bacterial attachment

EP Magennis, AL Hook, MC Davies, C Alexander, P Williams, ...

Acta biomaterialia 34, 84-92

Imaging of crystalline and amorphous surface regions using time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS): application to pharmaceutical materials

A Iuraş, DJ Scurr, C Boissier, ML Nicholas, CJ Roberts, MR Alexander

Analytical chemistry 88 (7), 3481-3487

High throughput screening for discovery of materials that control stem cell fate

AK Patel, MW Tibbitt, AD Celiz, MC Davies, R Langer, C Denning, ...

Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science

Combinatorial Biomolecular Nanopatterning for High‐Throughput Screening of Stem‐Cell Behavior

YYI Amin, K Runager, F Simoes, A Celiz, V Taresco, R Rossi, JJ Enghild, ...

Advanced Materials 28 (7), 1472-1476

Identification of polymer surface adsorbed proteins implicated in pluripotent human embryonic stem cell expansion

M Hammad, W Rao, JGW Smith, DG Anderson, R Langer, LE Young Biomaterials Science 4 (9) 1381-1391.
3D printing of tablets containing multiple drugs with defined release profiles
SA Khaled, JC Burley, MR Alexander, J Yang, CJ Roberts
International journal of pharmaceutics 494 (2), 643-650
3Dprinting of tablets-web

Non-destructive characterisation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation using LC-MS-based metabolite footprinting A Surrati, R Linforth, ID Fisk, V Sottile, D-H Kim (2016), Analyst 141, 3776-3787.


Non-destructive characterisation2-web

Desktop 3D printing of controlled release pharmaceutical bilayer tablets

Shaban A Khaled, Jonathan C. Burley, Morgan R Alexander, Clive J Roberts

International Journal of Pharmaceutics Volume 461, Issues 1–2, 30 January 2014, Pages 105–111


3D printing of tablets containing multiple drugs with defined release profiles.

Shaban A. Khaled, Jonathan C. Burley, Morgan R. Alexander, Jing Yang, Clive J. Roberts,

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 494, Issue 2, 30 October 2015, Pages 643–650

The potential for 2D and 3D Printing to Pharmaceutical Development

3Dprinting of drugs with multiple-web 

3D printing of five-in-one dose combination polypill with defined immediate and sustained release profiles.

Shaban A. Khaled, Jonathan C. Burley, Morgan R. Alexander, Jing Yang, Clive J. Roberts,

Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 217, 10 November 2015, Pages 308–314

This made the front cover of Journal of Controlled Release


Support Tools in Formulation Development for Poorly Soluble Drugs

Gudrun A. Fridgeirsdottir, Robert Harris, Peter M. Fischer, Clive J. Roberts

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 105, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 2260–2269

Support Tools in Formulation Development

Controlling the Physical Dimensions of Peptide Nanotubes by Supramolecular Polymer Coassembly

Lihi Adler-Abramovich, Pini Marco, Zohar A. Arnon, Rhiannon C. G. Creasey, Thomas C. T. Michaels, Aviad Levin, David J. Scurr, Clive J. Roberts, Tuomas P. J. Knowles, Saul J. B. Tendler, and Ehud Gazit

ACS Nano, 2016, 10 (8), pp 7436–7442

Controlling-the -Physical-dimensions of peptide nanotubes 

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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