School of Pharmacy

Staff listing in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies Division

Image of Julie Baillet

Julie Baillet

MIT Postdoctoral Fellowship In biomaterials, Faculty of Science



Julie Baillet is an MIT - Nottingham Research Fellow in the School of Pharmacy. Julie completed her PhD at the University of Bordeaux, France in the group of Prof. Philippe Barthélémy, focusing on the synthesis, characterization, and selective self-assembly of stimuli-responsive low molecular weight hydrogels for biomedical applications - particularly nucleic acid bioconjugates. She then joined the group of Prof. Eric Appel at Stanford University to work on the design of nanoparticulate adjuvant platforms to induce more potent and durable immune responses in a SARS-CoV-2 subunit vaccine candidate. Later, she was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship with Prof. Eric Appel and Prof. Sébastien Lecommandoux (University of Bordeaux, France) to design hydrogel-like biomaterials for the controlled delivery of mosaic vaccines aiming to improve the breadth and durability of COVID-19 vaccines. In 2024, she was awarded a MIT - Nottingham Research Fellowship to pursue her independent research career under the guidance of Profs Morgan Alexander, Amir Ghaemmaghami and Daniel Anderson. She will leverage her interdisciplinary expertise in the area of immunomodulatory biomaterials design and in vitro/in vivo experiments to address public health challenges, such as fibrotic response to implants, infectious or auto-immune diseases and cancers. She aims to better understand a materials' role or interaction within the body and translate these findings towards preclinical and clinical applications.

Expertise Summary

Julie's multidisciplinary expertise ranges from chemical synthesis, supramolecular chemistry, biomaterials design, material characterization to animal experiment and immunological assay. Her research interests include interdisciplinary research aiming to manipulate the fate of immunological responses within a biomaterial environment.

Research Summary

Biomaterials design, nanoparticles, hydrogels, drug delivery, immuno-engineering

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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