School of Physics & Astronomy

Alice Ray, early career thinking

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Alice Ray, a second year physics student and an ambassador of the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy (WRIPA) at the school, is sharing her early thoughts on her future career

Since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by science. I think it was during a secondary school physics class where we were learning about the life cycle of stars that something clicked and my heart was set on studying physics, despite not knowing the possible career paths it could lead to. Now, some five years later, I may know what industries that physics opens the doors to, but that uncertainty felt by younger me still remains with regards to the career I want to pursue post-graduation.

During university application season, despite talking to careers advisors and teachers, there was very little advice given on post physics degree careers, and most of the advice I was given felt impersonal, as there was a significant lack of individual stories, especially from recent graduates. Therefore upon coming to university, while I was excited to study a subject I loved, there was still a significant feeling of uncertainty of where it would lead me.

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While still to this day, when people ask me what I want to do with my degree my best answer is some variation of “I’m not quite sure yet”, the vast amount of information regarding post degree advice given, including events run by WRIPA have shown me the range of careers that are attainable with a Physics degree.

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My current feelings towards careers plans are rather uncertain, the vast array of industries that employ Physics graduates seems somewhat daunting. While I came to university with a love of astrophysics over any other speciality, a year and a half later this degree has broadened my love of Physics to span most areas. Which, while being a credit to the array of modules taught and the passion of the professors, doesn’t help narrow down my career choices. Despite my lack of clear direction I want to take after finishing my degree, the amount of knowledge I have gained regarding careers during the first half of my degree makes me feel as though by the end I will have a much clearer view in terms of which career path I want to pursue.

Taking up the role as a WRIPA ambassador means a lot to me, as it puts me in a place to help those who come to university in a similar position to me. Being given the ability to educate others on the industries available to Physics students is something I’m very grateful for. And even if the only thing taken away from this is you’re in the same boat with being uncertain career wise, I hope this brings you some comfort in knowing that you are certainly not the only person feeling this way.



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School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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