1.5 Tesla GE HDxt MRI Scanner
The GE HDxt 1.5 Tesla (1.5T) MRI scanner is an upgraded, advanced version of the very popular GE Signa HD series of 1.5T MRI scanners.
Built around a proven, homogeneous 1.5T magnet that delivers a full, 48cm field of view (FOV) and utilising 16 channel RF.
The HDxt has HD gradients engineered for high accuracy waveforms and HD reconstruction engineered for real-time, high-performance image generation.

Dr Brett Haywood assisting a patient in a GE 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner
The HDxt also offers enhanced contrast and reduced blurring for small field of view (FOV) prescriptions. It has a 60cm bore and features an open design that provides enhanced patient safety and comfort and is considered among the best MRI scanners for high definition imaging for the whole body.
The HDxt system is equipped with the following RF coils:
- 8 Channel High Resolution Head Coil with high performance capabilities required for specialised MR imaging applications like functional MRI.
- 8 Channel High Resolution Neurovascular Array Coil, with advanced 8-channel quadrature array design producing exceptionally high resolution images of the entire brain, cervical spine, soft tissues of the neck, brachial plexus, and upper chest to the aortic arch.
- 8 Channel High Definition Body Array Coil, this high definition receive only coil has 12 elements and is optimised for parallel imaging techniques giving excellent visualisation and 48 cm coverage.
This GE HDxt 1.5T MRI scanner is upgraded to have multi-nuclear capabilities and is equipped to work at the resonant frequency of xenon (17.6 MHz at 1.5T) and as such has the following xenon RF receive coils for hyperpolarised lung imaging studies
- 8 Channel CMRS (Clinical MR Solutions) flexible, wearable lung array coil
- 8 Channel Rapid Biomedical lung array coil
Patient in a GE 1.5 Tesla MRI machine - Medical School, QMC
Dr Brett Haywood operating the GE 1.5 Tesla
Image of a patientls lungs - GE 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner
Image of patient from the GE 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner