University of Nottingham Sport are proud to partner with Europe's No 1 Sports Nutrition brand Myprotein, who we welcome as our Official Sports Nutrition Partner.
Please see below for important information regarding the use of supplements such as the Myprotein product range.
If you have any further questions on supplement usage and the above information, please contact Dan Richardson.
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Strict Liability
Strict liability means athletes are solely responsible for any supplement / substance they use, attempt to use, or that is found in their system, regardless of how it got there or whether there was an intention to cheat or not.
Supplement usage
Since we cannot guarantee that any supplement product is free from prohibited substances, UKAD recommends that athletes assess the risk of using dietary supplements by using a risk minimisation scheme such as Informed Sport. As an athlete, such schemes offer you a greater level of reassurance that the product you wish to use is free from prohibited substances compared to products which have not been batch tested in this way.
If you choose to use a Myprotein supplement which has not been batch tested by a risk minimisation scheme, it is then your responsibility to perform the necessary due diligence on the product by arranging a custom batch test and retaining the Certificate of Analysis
Please note, if you continue to use the product, then separate custom batch tests would need to be arranged for each batch of the product used.
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