The WH Revis Article 26 Scholarship offers financial support to students who are seeking asylum in the UK and are not eligible for home fee status, therefore causing a significant barrier to attending university.
This award will cover the cost of your tuition fees, plus a £500 contribution to help with the cost of living while at university, which can be taken as 'cash' or credit on your meal card. If you receive the award, you do not have to pay it back after you graduate.
There are a limited number of awards available, so this scholarship is competitive.
To receive the award in 2025, you must:
As only one award is available in 2025, should we have more than one eligible applicant the outcome will be determined by the information provided in your and your referee’s supporting statements (see information below).
More information on the above criteria and your supporting statements can be found in the application guidance.
*Spouses/civil partners must have been the spouse/civil partner on the date which the asylum application was made. Children/step-children must have been aged under 18 on the date on which the asylum application was made.
Your eligibility for this award will only change if there have been changes to your immigration or funding situation. Common changes include being granted asylum, allowing you to access student finance or receiving other financial support from the government.
If this happens, you must contact the Funding and Financial Support Team as soon as possible and support from this award will be stopped. You won't have to pay back any funding you have received to this point unless your application was inaccurate.
If you believe you are eligible for the WH Revis Article 26 Scholarship based on the above criteria, we encourage you to fill out the online application. Closing date 1 July 2025.
We recommend you read the application guidance for applicants and referees before submitting your application.
All applications to funds administered by the Funding and Financial Support Team are assessed according to agreed guidelines. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your application you should initially contact the team to discuss your concerns.
If after an explanation of the assessment, you believe there has been an error or procedural inconsistency you can ask for the outcome to be reviewed by emailing the Funding Manager, detailing the basis of your appeal. Please send your email to and copy in
Appeals must be lodged within 2 weeks of the date of the email notifying you of the initial outcome. You will be contacted within 7 working days of receipt of the appeal with confirmation of the outcome.
Please note that this appeals process specifically relates to the outcome of a particular funding application. It provides a process by which to question that outcome in the context of the relevant criteria and assessment guidelines. The Funding and Financial Support Management’s decision on such appeals is final. Where wider issues or questions are raised, these will be dealt with in accordance with the appropriate University procedure or policy.