Hedgehog Awareness Week runs from 1 – 7 May 2022. Organised by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society it aims to highlight the problems hedgehogs face and how you can help them. Find out about events happening at the univeristy below.
Join a litter pick
Over the last 20 years, hedgehog numbers in rural areas have plummeted by 50%, and in urban gardens by 30%. On University Park, join the Hedgehog Friendly Campus Group for a lunchtime litter pick on Friday 6 May as part of our events throughout May and June celebrating biodiversity.. Meet on the steps outside the front of the Portland Building at 12pm and spend an hour making campus a safer place for wildlife.

Enter the garden competition
Hedgehogs are facing extinction, but you can do something to help!
Linking our gardens together and keeping them hedgehog friendly is vital to help the dwindling hedgehog population. We are holding a competition for the most hedgehog friendly garden, or for the best hedgehog friendly garden innovations.
To enter, send photos (3 maximum per garden) and, if required, information explaining the photos to caroline.kordecki@nottingham.ac.uk by Monday 6th June.
Winning photos will be shared in the Sustainable Nottingham newsletter (sign up here) and the University of Nottingham’s Hedgehog Friendly Campus Facebook page.
Prizes include Hugh Warwick’s The Hedgehog Book, a beautiful hedgehog mug and a cuddly hedgehog toy !
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society have useful tips for making your garden hedgehog friendly.
This competition in association with Hedgehog Friendly Campus and is open to all University of Nottingham staff and students.
Other ways to support the Hedgehog Friendly Campus Group
The silver award winning Hedgehog Friendly Campus Group are also busy working hard to achieve gold status. You can help:
Help hedgehogs at home
- Create an undisturbed log pile that will offer shelter and food.
- Create a wild corner – leave a corner or edge to go wild supplying shelter and natural food for hedgehogs in the form of bugs and grubs!
- Make a Hedgehog Highway – 5” x 5” (13 x 13cm) square gaps in the bottom of fences. Log these on the BIG Hedgehog Map.
- Offer water and meaty cat or dog food for hedgehogs.
- Buy or build a Hedgehog Home.
- Check areas carefully before mowing or strimming.
Posted on Thursday 21st April 2022