An undergraduate student working with a model in the Environmental Education Centre

Architecture and Environmental Design MEng

University Park Campus, Nottingham, UK

Course overview

Architects design buildings, spaces, the places in which we live and work; our homes, schools, sports buildings, theatres, hospitals, the environment in which we spend our lives. We work with both new build design and existing buildings with a focus on environmental sustainability.

Our course will equip you with the knowledge to design spaces that improve our surroundings, making a positive contribution to our environment.

Indicative modules


Year 1

Architectural Design Studio 1A


Year 1

Integrated Design in Architecture


Year 1

Tectonics 1


Year 1

Architectural Humanities 1: History of Architecture


Year 1

Engineering Mathematics


Year 1

Architectural Design Studio 1B


Year 2

Integrated Design in Architecture 2A


Year 2

Tectonics 2A (Structures and Construction)


Year 2

Fluid Mechanics and the Built Environment 1


Year 2

Environmental Services Design 1


Year 2

Architectural Humanities 2 (Theory and Criticism)


Year 2

Design Studio 2


Year 2

Electricity and the Built Environment


Year 2

Simulation and Design


Year 2

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 1


Year 3

Environmental Services Design 2


Year 3

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 2


Year 3

Advanced Study Dissertation


Year 3

Differential Equations and Calculus for Engineers


Year 3

Design Studio 3


Year 3

Fluid Mechanics and the Built Environment 2


Year 3

Tectonics 3


Year 4

Architectural Humanities 3 (Contemporary Debates)


Year 4

Design Studio 4


Year 4

Integrated Environmental Design


Year 4

Practice and Management

Information Icon

About modules

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer, but is not intended to be construed or relied on as a definitive list of what might be available in any given year. This content was last updated on Thursday 22 August 2024. Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

Teaching methods

  • Group study
  • Independent study
  • Lab sessions
  • Lectures
  • Supervision
  • Practical classes
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops

Assessment methods
  • Coursework
  • Dissertation
  • Examinations
  • Group coursework
  • Lab sessions
  • Practical write-ups
  • Presentation
  • Research project

You will have 6 hours twice a week in Studio Typically you will have 8 hours of lectures a week in year 1, 7 hours in year 2, 10-12 hours in year 3, and 5 hours of lectures in year 4. The Autumn Semester of Year 2 and the Spring Semester of Year 3 being lecture based. Lectures finish early in Semester 2  in year 4 to allow for focus on Design Studio coursework.

There are also additional lectures with invited speakers, academics and practitioners.

Additional tutorial time, group seminars and workshops are scheduled supporting taught modules throughout the year.

You will spend time away from the university on field study trips and site visits.

You will work independently between scheduled studio hours to progress design skills.

You will complete independently coursework for all taught modules.

You will also spend some time with our support teams, including:

  • Personal tutor throughout your time with us
  • Dedicated student welfare team
  • Academic support from tutors
  • EMS co-ordinator

These teams monitor your academic progress and check on your wellbeing, help you reflect on feedback and act as a first point of contact for any guidance on academic or personal matters you may have.

You will have developed the full set of architectural design skills offered by our BArch course but with a specialism in environmental design. Graduates may gain experience with consulting engineers and gain Chartered Engineer status or follow the same part as our BArch students towards gaining professional architect status.

Professional recognition

This course is recognised by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Architects' Registration Board (ARB) for exemption from their Part One professional examination. It is also accredited by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).

Boost your earning potential

Which university courses boost graduate wages the most? Studying with us could help you to earn more.

  • We are second highest in the UK for female engineering graduate earnings, five years after graduation
  • We are second highest in the Midlands for male engineering graduate earnings, five years after graduation

Our graduates work for a range of companies including global engineering and construction firms such as Alford Hall Monaghan Morris, Cullinan Studio, Foster + Partners, Grimshaw, Hopkins Architects, Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners, Walters & Cohen Architects, Wilkinson Eyre Architects, and Wright& Wright Architects.

(Source: Institute for Fiscal Studies data:


Average starting salary and career progression

90.7% of undergraduates from the Department of Architecture and Built Environment secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual starting salary for these graduates was £24,061.

*HESA Graduate Outcomes (2017- 2021 cohorts). The Graduate Outcomes % is calculated using The Guardian University Guide methodology. The average annual salary is based on graduates working full-time within the UK.

Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.

Throughout your time with us, our Careers and Employability Service can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.

Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.

The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers (Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2023, High Fliers Research).

University undergraduate student Cole Pearce studying in Nightingale Hall accommodation's library, University Park. November 5th 2021.

One of the most beneficial ways of working I’ve found on the course is the vertical studio.  When I was in year two, being able to collaborate with year three and year four students was so inspirational.  You’re able to discuss ideas and approaches in a friendly environment – it’s
really rewarding for everyone.

Amy Cureton

Architecture and Environmental Design MEng

Course data

Open Day June 2022