School of English

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply to the Student Experience Fund?
All undergraduate, MA and PGR students in the School of English. Applications cannot be made from staff on a student’s behalf.
How do I apply for funding from the Student Experience Fund?
The application procedure is found on the SEF website. Projects must meet the criteria shown on the SEF page.
How much can I apply for?
Each application can apply for up to £250. If you think your idea will exceed this, please speak to the ESE team for advice.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

Can you please explain the Student Experience Fund Process?
We can! You may have an idea of something that may improve the experience of students on your course, but it needs resources or funding. Perhaps you would like to gauge interest from fellow students before going ahead with your idea. Submit your idea using the ideas form. The ESE Team will then review your idea and get back to you. Once you have honed your idea and have a plan on how to make it work you can then apply for funding from the ESE Team using the SEF application form. The SEF Panel will then consider your plan and get back to you as soon as possible.
Who will decide if my idea is funded?
A Student Experience Fund (SEF) Panel will decide if your idea will be funded. The panel will be formed of staff and students in the School of English. In previous years, panels have contained the Education Rep, English Society Members, Course Reps, the Head of School or nominee and members of staff or student committees within the School.
How will I find out if my idea is funded?
You will be contacted by a member of the ESE Team with an outcome once the panel has confirmed their decision. Usually a decision will be confirmed within a week of claiming.
How long do I have to do the project?
The project should typically be completed within one academic year. We welcome applications in the spring semester for projects to be undertaken during Welcome Week, provided the applicants will still be current students.
How are the completed ideas and projects evaluated?
When your project has finished, you will be asked to produce a written report. You may wish to include photographs, testimonials or video footage as part of your evidence. You will receive further information about the report if you achieve the desired funding.
What support can I access?

You can email the ESE team any time during the application process for support and advice.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

Can I complete a paper application?
Yes, if you wish to complete a paper application or require any of the forms in an alternative format please contact the ESE team.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

I'm not sure if my idea is suitable, who can I talk to?
You can email to the ESE Team at any time of the application process. For initial ideas, you may also wish to speak to your Course Rep or Personal Tutor. You can find a list of your Course Reps on the School of English SSF Moodle page.
I don't feel comfortable submitting an idea myself, can someone do this on my behalf? 

Any student in the School of English can apply. If you are submitting a group application, any member of the group who is based within the School can submit the application. You may meet with a member of the ESE Team for assistance with submitting the application.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

I am on the English Society Committee or a Course Rep - can I apply?
Yes. However, if a member of the panel is involved in a project proposal an alternative panel member will be drafted in to ensure that outcome decisions are fair.
My idea is not exclusively for the School of English and involves inter-faculty collaboration, can I still apply?
Please email the ESE team as your application may be best suited to an alternative method of funding.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

My idea is part of the 'Students as Change Agents' project, can I still apply?
Yes, we welcome applications from students involved in ‘Students as Change Agents’, provided that you are not already being awarded funding for your project.
Can I use the money to subsidise my studies?
The Student Experience Fund cannot be used to subsidise studies. You may wish to view the Bursaries and Scholarships page to view hardship funds.
Do you have any examples of past projects?

Please contact the ESE Team for examples of past projects.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

Can I use the fund to finance a repeated/annual project?
Unfortunately, we cannot sustain a repeated/ annual project. The funds will be provided as a onetime payment. 
I am a Joint Honours student, can I apply to more than one fund?
If you are a Joint Honours student who can apply for multiple funds (e.g. the CLAS or Humanities SEF Funds), please contact the ESE Team.

Email: Education and Student Experience (ESE) Team.

Can I apply if I am a Study Abroad, Exchange, or 2+2 School of English student?
Yes. However, the project and report must be completed before you leave the University of Nottingham and return to your home institution.
Can I apply if I am a School of English Distance Learning student?
Yes provided your project supports the student experience of one of more students.
I applied for an idea earlier in the year, can I apply again?
Yes, individuals or groups may apply for funding multiple times in the year. However, you can only submit one application per idea. Therefore, if you have already submitted an application for a specific project, an application for the same project cannot be submitted again.

School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900