School of Biosciences
Biosciences research themes

Our research themes

We have global reputation for multi-disciplinary research spanning molecules, cells, whole organisms to ecosystems

We have nine cross cutting research themes. Each research theme provides a focus for research excellence in a specific field and draws together researchers from across our school.

Our unique structure also encourages researchers to work across different themes. This enables multi-disciplinary approaches to bioscience research and forges collaborations with partners all over the world.

Explore our research themes

Advanced technologies

Advanced technologies

Animal and livestock

Animal and livestock

Food and drink

Food and ~drink

Fundamental biology

Fundamental biology



Nutrition and health

Nutrition and ~health

Plant and crop

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture


Research centres


Further information


The impact of our research

Harvesting information to help farmers in post-Brexit Britain

Harvesting information to help farmers in post-Brexit Britain

Long live the tomato

Long live the tomato

What would he tell you about his zoo?

What would he tell you about his zoo?



Sustainable futures impact studies View all
Fueling the future of shipping Read more
Vision-Food Engineering-
From lab to table Read more
Photo of machinery with gages.
Converting wastes into value-added products Read more


School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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