School of Biosciences
Soil and environment

Soil and environment

Explore our research groups and centres

Agricultural and environmental systems analysis

Using modelling and survey approaches to improve our understanding of agri-environmental systems and to assess the effects of controllable and uncontrollable factors.

Agricultural and environmental systems analysis

Applied and behavioural ecology

Research covering wide range of topics in applied ecology, especially the evolution of behavioural strategies in many organisms, from microbes to insects to eagles

Applied and Behavioural Ecology

Biogeochemistry and biogeochemical modelling

Unravelling and understanding chemical cycling in the environment.

Biogeochemistry and biogeochemical modelling

Environmental change

Research into this diverse theme spans a variety of topics and different geographical locations, and seeks to reconstruct changes in key environmental parameters through geological time.

Environmental change

Plant-soil interactions

Multi-faceted research programmes spanning several scales from the root hair to the whole catchment

Plant-Soil Interactions

Antimicrobial resistance

More details coming soon



More details coming soon



School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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