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The shape and form of our letters and words moulds people’s perception of who we are.

Using fonts consistently strengthens our identity and makes our messages stand out on the page and the screen.

This page covers the topics listed below. Click on the topic to be taken to relevant information or scroll down to read the guidance in full.


Sans serif font – Circular

Our sans serif font is Circular. The range of weights make it a flexible font and allows for more consistency across all assets produced for the university.


Contact the brand team to request the font files if you believe you will use the primary font regularly. If a license is available, they’ll get you set up. Or, if you’re a third-party supplier, you will need to buy Circular from

For emails, PowerPoint presentations and other Microsoft packages, it’s fine to use our system font substitutes, which you’ll find below.


Use HarmonyOS Sans as the Circular equivalent when writing in Chinese. If you need access to HarmonyOS Sans, please contact for the font files. 


Circular LightCircular Light font example: upper and lower case letters A to H

Circular BookCircular Book font example: upper and lower case letters A to HCircular BoldCircular Bold font example: upper and lower case letters A to HCircular BlackCircular Black font example: upper and lower case letters A to H


Serif font – Lora

Our serif font is Lora. 

Lora is a Google font and can be freely downloaded via Google fonts.

For emails, PowerPoint presentations and other Microsoft packages, it’s fine to use our system font substitutes, which you’ll find below.

Use Source Han Serif as the Lora equivalent when writing in Chinese. It is available to download from Adobe


Lora RegularLora Regular font example: upper and lower case letters A to HLora BoldLora Bold font example: upper and lower case letters A to H

Handwriting style – Segoe

If there is an instance in that you need to visually recreate handwriting, the font Segoe Script Regular should be used.

This should only be used as an illustrative device, in small amounts and never for body copy.

If you need access to Segoe, please contact for the font files. 

Segoe example

System font substitutes

If it’s not possible to get a font licence, or to use Circular or Lora, you can use the following system font substitutes:

Font substitutes
Nottingham fontSystem font substitute
Circular Black and Bold

Arial BoldArial Bold font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Arial Bold ItalicArial Bold Italic font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Circular Book and Light

Arial RegularArial Regular font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Arial ItalicArial Italic font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Lora Bold

Georgia BoldGeorgia Bold font example: upper and lower case letters A to G 
Georgia Bold ItalicGeorgia Bold Italic font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Lora Regular

Georgia RegularGeorgia Regular font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Georgia ItalicGeorgia Italic font example: upper and lower case letters A to G

Casing and hierarchy examples

Sentence case should be used as default for all text.

Uppercase should be avoided in large amounts, as it isn’t particularly accessible.

Circular and Lora can be combined in documents, for example Circular can be used for headings and subheadings and Lora for body copy and vice versa.

Circular Light works best for headings and subheadings, rather than for body copy.

The examples on this page are recommendations, rather than rules.

Circular font hierarchyLora font hierarchy
Circular and Lora font hierarchyLora and Circular font hierarchy