Nottingham University Business School
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Suzanne Couloigner

BA in English literature (Sorbonne/Warwick) BA in German literature (Sorbonne/Warwick) MSc in International Business (Nottingham)

Room: B30
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466373

Current Status: Writing up
Year of Registration: 2017
Expected Completion Date: /09/2020

Primary Funding Source:
Vice Chancellor's Scholarship for Research Excellence (EU); NUBS Scholarship

Research Topic:
Renegotiating migration in political transformation French skilled migrants facing Brexit

Research Details:
This project looks at how Brexit and the discourses associated to it challenge European migrants' migration, integration and identity. Using a qualitative method, namely interviews, participant observations and conversations, this project discusses the various reactions brought up by French skilled migrants living in the UK in relation to Brexit itself, but also to political, public and daily discourses, transmitted in medias and echoing a certain form of nationalism. It challenges the taken-for-granted aspect that European migrants do not have their words to say in this debate and informs on their aspirations, uncertainties, fears and hopes for their future in the UK, or away from it. It highlights the way migrants used to identify themselves and be identified by others, and how Brexit challenges their citizenship(s), identities and self-identity. Focusing on aspects of the everyday life, such as social relationships, work, family and housing, preliminary results indicate different transformations about how people plan their future in response to and beyond Brexit, depending on the time they had spent in the UK prior the policy, on their various social, economic and civic integrations as well as the different identities they carry in various contexts. In the due course, this project will complement migration theories, by taking the political context into account, often left-aside in micro- and meso-level theories and bring a more micro-level perspective on integration theories. It finally offers a bottom-up approach to policy and discourses, too often studied through nation-states' perspective, rather than through individuals, who are subject to them.

Research Supervisor/s: Davide Pero and Ziming Cai

Department: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

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