School of Education

Using your PGCEi or PGCE credits towards a masters degree

Nottingham sign on University Park Campus

Successful completion of a PGCEi or PGCE course gives you 60 masters-levels credits, which you can use towards a masters degree in education at the University of Nottingham. Or you can use 30 credits on a selection of other MA courses.


Progressing to a masters

  • A masters will deepen your knowledge in a subject area you are passionate in
  • You will continue to develop as a reflective professional, enhancing your practice through engagement with theory
  • A masters may help with your career progression
  • Your masters fee will be reduced if you use Recognition of Other Learning (ROL) to obtain credit exemption

Please note you must start your masters course within 10 years of completing your PGCEi/PGCE to be able to apply for ROL.


Using credit exemption

You can choose to study online or on campus in Nottingham, but be aware that we are unable to approve ROL for face-to-face courses where a student route visa is required to study in the UK. This is because we can only sponsor full-time students for a student route visa, and applying ROL for credits previously achieved reduces the study load to below full-time.

International students are encouraged to consider distance learning options if they wish to apply for ROL. Please note online, flexible or distance-learning will not appear on your certificate (although it will be on your transcript).


Courses which accept PGCEi/PGCE credits 

MA Digital Teaching and Learning

This course course aims to strengthen your understanding of learning in the digital age and explore how digital technology can transform the teaching and learning experience.

It will increase your knowledge of digital technologies as resources for learning. You will evaluate the use of such technologies in educational contexts and assess how new learning technology can be implemented at a variety of levels in both formal and informal education. 

Study in Nottingham

Available full-time starting in September

MA Digital Teaching and Learning



Credit exemption

You can apply for exemption of 30-credits against the Learning Theories for a Digital Age module.


MA Education

This course aims to strengthen and refine your ability to critically reflect upon your own teaching. You will engage with contemporary theories in education and examine how you might apply them to the practice you carry out. 

We welcome approaches from educational organisations who may wish to develop a bespoke programme for staff working towards the MA Education.

Study in Nottingham

Available full-time starting in September

MA Education

Study online

Available part-time starting in September or February

MA Education (Online)


Credit exemption - on campus course

PGCEi graduates can claim against two of the following modules:

  • Learning Theories for a Digital Age
  • Critical Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Social Contexts of Learning
  • Communication and Literacy
  • Practice-Based Inquiry

PGCE graduates can claim against two of the top four modules (not Practice-Based Inquiry).

Credit exemption - online course

PGCEi graduates can claim against two of the following modules:

  • Learning Theories for a Digital Age
  • Critical Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Social Contexts of Learning
  • Communication and Literacy

PGCE graduates can claim against two of the top three modules (not Commununication and Literacy)


MA Educational Leadership and Management

This course will develop your essential leadership and management skillset. You'll conduct research that drives growth and enhances your professional practice to help you make a positive difference within the classroom or an education organisation.

We welcome approaches from educational organisations who may wish to develop a bespoke programme for staff working towards the MA Educational Leadership and Management.

Study in Nottingham

Available full-time starting in September

MA Educational Leadership and Management

Study online

Available part-time starting in September or February

MA Educational Leadership and Management (Online)


Credit exemption

You can apply for exemption of 30-credits against the Leading Learning module.


MA Special and Inclusive Education

This course looks at how can we best support learners who are struggling with learning, the complexities of inclusive education in a rapidly changing world, the rights of children to be included in schools and how we address the current barriers to inclusivity.

It examines the educational needs of children with labels of learning difficulties and disabilities. You’ll consider the importance of communication and literacy and analyse how different countries approach identification and assessments for children with special needs. 

Study in Nottingham

Available full-time starting in September

MA Special and Inclusive Education

Study online

Available part-time starting in September or February

MA Special and Inclusive Education (Online)


Credit exemption - on campus course

You can apply for exemption of 30-credits against the Planning Educational Research module. You will be expected to attend the whole course, even though you will have exemption from fees and assessment requirements for one 30-credit module.

Credit exemption - distance learning course

You can apply for exemption of 30-credits against the Practice-Based Inquiry module.


MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

This course has been designed to develop and encourage your critical understanding of the latest developments in TESOL theory and practice.

It will enable you to reflect on your own teaching practice/context and help improve your career prospects, whilst preparing you to conduct independent research into teaching and learning. 

Study in Nottingham

Available full-time starting in September

MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages



Credit exemption 

Please note only PGCEi credits can be used against this course.

PGCEi graduates can apply for exemption of 30-credits against an optional module, there is no exemption against core modules.


Reduction in course fees

A full masters qualification is 180 credits. If your ROL application is successful, you will receive a pro-rata reduction in the fee payable for the MA course.

Applying ROL to reduce MA fees - example of reduction
 ROL credits
used for 
credit exemption
Fee 25/26
180 credits
Reduced fee 25/26
with ROL credit exemption
MA Special and Inclusive Education
On campus course
30 £10,400 - Home
£27,150 - International
£8,666 - Home
£22,625 - International
MA Special and Inclusive Education
Online course
30 £10,400 - Home
£15,800 - International
£8,666 - Home
£13,166 - International
MA Education
On campus course
60 £10,400 - Home
£27,150 - International
£6,933 - Home
£18,100 - International
MA Education  
Online course

£10,400 - Home
£15,800 - International

£6,933 - Home
£10,533 - International

The above are examples, please visit your chosen course page (links in the courses section above) to confirm the fee for the full MA. 

Next steps

  • Apply for your chosen MA course through NottinghamHub
  • Provide a personal statement and referee details - your PGCEi/PGCE tutor can provide a reference
  • Visit our ROL pages for everything you need to know about applying for ROL.
  • Complete a ROL application (PGCE/PGCEi credits are not automatically credited to your MA courses, you must apply for ROL at least four weeks in advance of starting your masters course)

You will be notified in writing (email) when your ROL application has been approved. We cannot add your ROL exemption to your student record until you have completed registration. This means your fees will show the full amount at the time of registration. When we have added your exemption, your record will show the reduced fees to be paid. 



School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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