
Ordinance XXIV: Discipline

    1. Every student shall be subject to the University's Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic) as shall be passed by Senate and approved by Council.
    1. The President and Vice-Chancellor may suspend any student from attendance at any class or classes and may exclude any student from any part of the University1 or its precincts and shall report every such suspension or exclusion to the Council and Senate at their next meeting.  These powers may be exercised by the Registrar (or nominee) or a Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) designated by the President and Vice-Chancellor.
    1. Members of staff of the University and other persons authorised for the purpose, shall have authority to check disorderly or improper conduct or any breach of disciplinary regulations occurring in the University buildings or in their precincts or otherwise in the course of activities organised by the University
    1. Any member of staff and other persons authorised for the purpose may, in the case of disorderly or improper conduct in a classroom, laboratory or other room in the University or in the course of an activity organised by the University, if they deem it necessary, require any student to withdraw from the room for the day or from the activity, in which case the matter shall be brought to the notice of the staff member's Head of Department or School.


1  Where a student is undertaking a course provided at the University of Lincoln, the reference to "the University" shall include a reference to the University of Lincoln.


(amendments approved July 2017, June 2019 and May 2023)

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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