HR Employment Shared Services Performance Standards

HR Employment Shared Services provide a number of key operational HR services to the University. These include:

  • Recruitment Services
  • On-boarding
  • Employment Support Services
  • International and Immigration
  • Central Support Services

The quality of our service is important to us and Our Promise outlines the standard of service you can expect from us.

Our Promise:

  • Deliver a reliable and responsive service to you
  • Be accessible to all
  • Strive to be accurate in everything we do
  • Put things right when problems occur
  • Regularly ask for your feedback and act on it
  • Listen, to understand your needs
  • Respect your confidentiality at all times
  • Keep our knowledge up-to-date so that we provide you with the best possible advice


As well as Our Promise, our key performance standards provide a clear indication of the speed of service you should expect. In partnership, Our Promise and performance standards, help us to deliver the best possible service to our customers.

Our service standards below detail the service that we aim to deliver for each activity.



ActivityService Standard (working days)
Advert placed 3.0
Invite to interview issued 3.0 
Interview candidates given sufficient notice of interview date >5.0 
Interview candidates notified of outcomes 2.0 


ActivityService Standard (working days)
Verbal/written offer made to preferred candidate(s) 2.0 
Employment contract issued 3.0 
New starter details input to ResourceLink 5.0 
All employment checks completed 25.0 


Employment Support
ActivityService Standard (working days) 
Extension to fixed-term contract issued 5.0 
Notification of leaver processed 5.0 
Change to working hours processed 5.0 
Permanent contract (from fixed-term contract) issued 5.0 


Casual Workers
ActivityService Standards (working days) 
Actioning authorised casual worker request forms 1.0 
Assignment letter issued 7.0 



Our actual performance data is produced on a quarterly basis and the results of the most recent two quarters is provided below.

ActivityService Standard
(working days) 
Average Time
Q3 2022 
Average Time
Q4 2022 
Advert placed 3.0  2.7  1.8 
Invite to interview issued 3.0  1.6  1.1 
Interview candidates given sufficient notice of interview date >5.0  9.6  8.3 
Interviewed candidates notified of outcomes 2.0  4.6  4.2 


ActivityService Standard
(working days) 
Average Time
Q3 2022 
Average Time
Q4 2022 
Verbal/written offer made to preferred candidate(s) 2.0  3.6  2.7 
Employment contract issued 3.0  1.3  2.1 
New starter details input to ResourceLink >10.0  8.5  16 
 All employment checks completed 25.0  17.9  15.4 


Employment Support Services
ActivityService Standard
(working days) 
Average Time
Q3 2022 
Average Time
Q4 2022 
Extension to fixed-term contract issued 5.0  3.0  5.4 
Notification of leaver processed 5.0  4.5  11.1 
Change to working hours processed 5.0  3.4  6.2 
Permanent contract (from fixed-term contract) issued 5.0  6.8  7.3 


Casual Workers
ActivityService Standard
(working days) 
Average Time
Q3 2022
Average Time
Q4 2022
Actioning authorised casual worker request forms 1.0  2.9  2.5 
Assignment letter issued 7.0  4.5  5.4 



As well as our service standards, we ask for quarterly feedback from our customers and welcome their comments. We use this information to ensure we provide the best service possible.

If you have any additional feedback, please contact Megan Garner, Head of HR Shared Services.