WENBORN, J., MOUNTAIN, G., MONIZ-COOK, E., POLAND, F., KING, M., OMAR, R., O’KEEFE, A., MORRIS, S., PIZZO, E., MICHIE, S., VERNOOIJ-DASSEN, M., GRAFF, M., HILL, J., CHALLIS, D., RUSSELL, I., SACKLEY, C., HYNES, S., CRELLIN, N., MUNDY, J., BURGESS, J., SWINSON, T., DI BONA, L., FIELD, B., HART, C., STANSFELD, J., WALTON, H., ROOKS, S., LEDGERD, R. and ORRELL, M., 2023. Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia intervention for people with mild to moderate dementia and their family carers in the UK: the VALID research programme including RCT.: VALID PROGRAMME GRANTS FOR APPLIED RESEARCH. 11, 5 CHESTER, H., BERESFORD, R., CLARKSON, P., ENTWISTLE, C., GILLAN, V., HUGHES, J., ORRELL, M., PITTS, R., RUSSELL, I. T., SYMONDS, E. and CHALLIS, D., 2022. Implementing the Dementia Early Stage Cognitive Aids New Trial (DESCANT) intervention: mixed-method process evaluation alongside a pragmatic randomised trial, AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 26(4), 667-678 ROBINSON, L., TUCKER, S., HARGREAVES, C., ROBERT’S, A. and CHALLIS, D., 2022. Providing Social Care Following Release from Prison: Emerging Practice Arrangements further to the Introduction of the 2014 Care Act BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 52(2), 982-1002 DAVIES, K., DALGARNO, E., ANGEL, C., DAVIES, S., HUGHES, J., CHESTER, H., JASPER, R., ROBERTS, A. and CHALLIS, D., 2022. Home-care providers as collaborators in commissioning
arrangements for older people. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY. 30(2), 644-655 COLESTON-SHIELDS, D., CHALLIS, D, WORDEN, A., BROOME, E., DENING, T., GUO, B., HOE, J., LLOYD-EVANS, B., MONIZ-COOK, E., MORRIS, S., POLAND, F., PROTHERO, D. and ORRELL, M., 2022. Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit TRIALS. 23, 54 BUCK, D., TUCKER, S., ROE, B., HUGHES, J. and CHALLIS, D., 2022. Hospital admissions and place of death of residents of care homes receiving specialist healthcare services: A systematic review without meta-analysis JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 78(3), 666-697 BOLAND, JENNIFER, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, WILBERFORCE, MARK, PITTS, ROSA, HUGHES, JANE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2021. Mental health social work in multidisciplinary community teams: An analysis of a national service user survey JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 21(1), 3-25 STANYON, MIRIAM, STREATER, AMY, COLESTON-SHIELDS, DONS, YATES, JEN, CHALLIS, DAVID, DENING, TOM, HOE, JUANITA, LLOYD-EVANS, BRYNMOR, MITCHELL, SHIRLEY, MONIZ-COOK, ESME, POLAND, FIONA, PROTHERO, DAVID and ORRELL, MARTIN, 2021. Development of an evidence-based ‘Best Practice Model’ for Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia: Protocol JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS. 10(1), e14781 DAVIES, K., DALGARNO, E., DAVIES, S., ROBERTS, A., HUGHES, J., CHESTER, H., JASPER, R., WILSON, D. and CHALLIS, D., 2021. The challenges of commissioning home care for older people in England: commissioners’ perspectives AGEING & SOCIETY. 41(8), 1858-1877 ABENDSTERN, M., HUGHES, J., WILBERFORCE, M., DAVIES, K., PITTS, R., BATOOL, S., ROBINSON, C. and CHALLIS, D., 2021. Perceptions of the social worker role in adult community mental health teams in England QUALITATIVE SOCIAL WORK. 20(3), 773-791 CHESTER, H., HUGHES, J., BOWNS, I., ABENDSTERN, M., DAVIES, S. and CHALLIS, D., 2021. Electronic Information Sharing Between Nursing and Adult Social Care Practitioners in Separate Locations: A Mixed-Methods Case Study JOURNAL OF LONG TERM CARE. 1-11 ABENDSTERN, M., WILBERFORCE, M., HUGHES, J., ARANDELOVIC, A., BATOOL, S., BOLAND, J., PITT’S, R. and CHALLIS, D., 2021. The social worker in community mental health teams: Findings from a national survey JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 22(1), 4-25 CLARKSON, P., CHALLIS, D., HUGHES, J., ROE, B., DAVIES, L., RUSSELL, I., POLAND, F., ORRELL, M., JOLLEY, D., KAPUR, N., ROBINSON, C., CHESTER, H., DAVIES, S., SUTCLIFFE, C., PECONI, J., PITTS, R., FEGAN, G., ISLAM, S., GILLAN, V., ENTWISTLE, C., BERESFORD, R., ABENDSTERN, M., GIEBEL, C., AHMED, S., JASPER, R., MALIK, B., USMAN, A. and HAYHURST, K., 2021. Components, impacts and costs of dementia home support: a research programme including the DESCANT RCT. PROGRAMME GRANTS FOR APPLED RESEARCH. 9, 6 CLARKSON, P., PITTS, R., ISLAM, S., PECONI, J., RUSSELL, I., FEGAN, G., BERESFORD, R., ENTWISTLE, C., GILLAN, V., ORRELL, M., CHALLIS, D., CHESTER, H., HUGHES, J., KAPUR, N., ROE, B., MALIK, B. and ROBINSON, C., 2021. Dementia Early-Stage
Cognitive Aids New Trial
(DESCANT) of memory aids and guidance for people
with dementia: randomised controlled trial JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. 326748 FORSYTH, K, WEBB, R, POWER, L A, EMSLEY, R, SENIOR, J, BURNS, A, CHALLIS, D, HAYES, A, MEACOCK, R, WALSH, E, WARE, S and SHAW, J, 2021. The older prisoner health and social care assessment and plan (OHSCAP) versus treatment as usual: a randomised
controlled trial BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 21, 2061 COLESTON-SHIELDS, D., CHALLIS, D., WORDEN, A., BROOME, E., DENING, T., GUO, B., HOE, J., LLOYD-EVANS, B., MONIZ-COOK, E., MORRIS, S., POLAND, F., PROTHERO, D. and ORRELL, M., 2021. Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit. Research Square. STEWART, K., HUGHES, J., CHALLIS, D., WORDEN, A., DAVIES, S., XIE, C., ASTHANA, S. and GIBSON, A., 2021. Understanding Resource Allocation Processes in Social
Care for Frail Older People: Lessons from a National
Survey JOURNAL OF LONG-TERM CARE. 43-57 WENBORN, J., O’KEEFE, A., MOUNTAIN, G., MONIZ-COOK, E., KING, M., OMAR, R.Z., MUNDY, J., BURGESS, J., POLAND, F., MORRIS, S., PIZZO, E., VERNOOIJ-DASSEN, M., CHALLIS, D., MICHIE, S., RUSSELL, I.T., SACKLEY, C., GRAFF, M., SWINSON, T., HYNES, S., STANSFIELD, J., CRELLIN, N. and ORRELL, M., 2021. Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID]) study: A single-blind, randomised controlled trial PLoS MED. 18(1), e1003433 TUCKER, S., HARGREAVES, C., CATTERMULL, M., ROBERTS, A., WALKER, T., SHAW, J. and CHALLIS, D., 2021. The nature and extent of prisoners’ social care needs: Do older prisoners require a different service response? JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 21(3), 310-328 DAVIES, SUE, HUGHES, JANE, AHMED, SAIMA, CLARKSON, PAUL and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2020. Commissioning social care for people with dementia living at home: Findings from a national survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 35(1), 53-59 DAVIES, S., HUGHES, J., DAVIES, K., DALGARNO, E., JASPER, R., CHESTER, H., ROBERTS, A. and CHALLIS, D., 2020. Changes in commissioning home care: an English survey QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS. 21(1), 3-14 MALIK, B., WELLS, J., HUGHES, J., CLARKSON, P., KEADY, J., YOUNG, A. and CHALLIS, D., 2020. Complex care needs and devolution in Greater Manchester: a pilot study to explore social care innovation in newly integrated service arrangements for older people AUSTRALIAN HEALTH REVIEW. 44(6), 838-846 FORSYTH, K., HEATHCOTE, L., SENIOR, J., MALIK, B., MEACOCK, R., PERRYMAN, K., TUCKER, S., DOMONE, R., CARR, M., HAYES, H., WEBB, R., ARCHER-POWER, L., DAWSON, A., LEONARD, S., CHALLIS, D., WARE, S., EMSLEY, R., SANDERS, C., KARIM, S., FAZEL, S., HAYES, A., BURNS, A., PIPER, M. and SHAW, J., 2020. Dementia and mild cognitive impairment in prisoners aged over 50 years in England and Wales: a mixed-methods study HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY RESEARCH. 8(27), 1-116 HUGHES, J., JASPER, R., WORDEN, A., LOYNES, N., SUTCLIFFE, C., ABENDSTERN, M. and CHALLIS, D., 2020. Care Coordination for Older People in the Non-Statutory Sector: Activities, Time Use and Costs JOURNAL OF LONG TERM CARE. 91-107 KEOGH, F., PIERSE, T., O'SHEA, E., FITZGERALD, C. and CHALLIS, D., 2020. Resource allocation decision-making in dementia care with and without budget constraints: a qualitative analysis [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] HRB OPEN. 3, 69 HUGHES, J., AHMED, S., CLARKSON, P., DAVIES, S., STEWART, K. and CHALLIS, D., 2020. Development and preliminary testing of a framework for quantifying local service provision for people with dementia QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS. 21(3), 193-202 CHESTER, H., BERESFORD, R., CLARKSON, P., ENTWISTLE, C., GILLAN, V., HUGHES, J., ORRELL, M., PITTS, R., RUSSELL, I., SYMONDS, E. and DAVID, C., 2020. The Dementia Early Stage Cognitive Aids New Trial intervention: A goal attainment scaling approach to promote self-management INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 36(5), 784-93 YATES, J., STANYON, M., CHALLIS, D, COLSTON-SHIELDS, D., DENING, T., HOE, J., JAWAHAR, K., LLOYD-EVANS, B., MONIZ-COOK, E., POLAND, F., STREATER, A., TRIGG, E. and ORRELL, M., 2020. Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: a consensus approach BMC PSYCHIATRY. 20, 505 KAMPANELLOU, E., WILBERFORCE, M., WORDEN, A., GIEBEL, C., CHALLIS, D. and BHUI, K., 2020. The Barts Explanatory Model Inventory for Dementia: An item reduction approach based on responses from South Asian communities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 35, 916-925 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, DAVIES, KAREN, CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, HUGHES, JANE, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, POLAND, FIONA and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. Applying a new concept of embedding qualitative research: an example from a quantitative study of carers of people in later stage dementia. BMC GERIATRICS. 19(1), 227 VERBEEK, HILDE, TUCKER, SUE, WILBERFORCE, MARK, BRAND, CHRISTIAN, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. What makes extra care housing an appropriate setting for people with dementia? An exploration of staff decision-making DEMENTIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. 18(5), 1710-1726 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, JASPER, ROWAN, HUGHES, JANE, LOYNES, NIK, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. Care coordination for older people in England: Does context shape approach? JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 19(4), 427-449 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, DAVIES, KAREN, POLAND, FIONA, CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, HUGHES, JANE, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. Reflecting on the research encounter for people in the early stages of dementia: Lessons from an embedded qualitative study. DEMENTIA. 19(8), 2732-2749 KAMPANELLOU, E., CHESTER, H., DAVIES, L., DAVIES, S., GIEBEL, C., HUGHES, J., CHALLIS, D. and CLARKSON, P., 2019. Carer preferences for home support services in later stage dementia AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 23(1), 60-68 GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., DAVIES, SUSAN, CLARKSON, PAUL, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, CHALLIS, DAVID, ORRELL, MARTIN, ROE, BRENDA, RUSSELL, IAN, POLAND, FIONA, KAPUR, NARINDER, ROBERTS, CHRIS, DAVIES, LINDA, JOLLEY, DAVID, HUGHES, JANE, TOTTIE, JEAN and BLYTH, REAGAN, 2019. Costs of formal and informal care at home for people with dementia: 'Expert panel' opinions from staff and informal carers DEMENTIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. 18(1), 210-227 TUCKER, SUE, BUCK, DEBORAH, ROE, BRENDA, HUGHES, JANE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. Hospital admissions and place of death of residents of care homes receiving specialist healthcare services: Protocol for a systematic review JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 75(2), 443-451 WILBERFORCE, MARK, POLL, SARAH, LANGHAM, HEATHER, WORDEN, ANGELA and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. Measuring the patient experience in community mental health services for older people: A study of the Net Promoter Score using the Friends and Family Test in England INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 34(1), 31-37 GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., WORDEN, ANGELA, CHALLIS, DAVID, JOLLEY, DAVID, BHUI, KAMALDEEP SINGH, LAMBAT, AHMED, KAMPANELLOU, ELENI and PURANDARE, NITIN, 2019. Age, memory loss and perceptions of dementia in South Asian ethnic minorities AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 23(2), 173-182 HARGREAVES, CLAIRE, TUCKER, SUE, HUGHES, JANE, HAYS, REBECCA and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2019. Specialist healthcare services for UK care home residents: a latent class analysis. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. 20, e132 HARDING, ANDREW J. E., MORBEY, HAZEL, AHMED, FARAZ, OPDEBEECK, CAROL, LASRADO, REENA, WILLIAMSON, PAULA R., SWARBRICK, CAROLINE, LEROI, IRACEMA, CHALLIS, DAVID, HELLSTROM, INGRID, BURNS, ALISTAIR, KEADY, JOHN and REILLY, SIOBHAN T., 2019. What is important to people living with dementia?: the "long-list' of outcome items in the development of a core outcome set for use in the evaluation of non-pharmacological community-based health and social care interventions BMC GERIATRICS. 19, 94 JASPER, S, WILBERFORCE, M, ABENDSTERN, M, TUCKER, S and CHALLIS, D, 2019. Support Workers in Community Mental Health Teams for Older People: Exploring Sources of Satisfaction and Stress JOURNAL OF LONG TERM CARE. 2, 111-118 JASPER, R., HUGHES, J., ROBERTS, A., CHESTER, H., DAVIES, S. and CHALLIS, D., 2019. Commissioning Home Care for Older People: Scoping the Evidence JOURNAL OF LONG TERM CARE. 2, 176-193 WILBERFORCE, M., ABENDSTERN, M., BATOOL, S., CHALLIS, D., CHRISTIAN, J., HUGHES, J., KINDER, P., LAKE-JONES, P., MISTRY, M., PITTS, R. and ROBERTS, D., 2019. What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 50(5), 1524-44 WILBERFORCE, MARK, BATTEN, ERIC, CHALLIS, DAVID, DAVIES, LINDA, KELLY, MICHAEL and ROBERTS, CHRIS, 2018. Additional file 1: of The patient experience in community mental health services for older people: a concept mapping approach to support the development of a new quality measure Figshare.
CLARKSON, P, DAVIES, S, HUGHES, J, XIE, C, STEWART, K., CHALLIS, D and CLIFFORD, P, 2018. Priorities for long-term care resource allocation in England: Actual allocation versus the views of Directors of Service and older citizens JOURNAL OF LONG TERM CARE. 1, 13-23 SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, JASPER, ROWAN, HUGHES, JANE, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Care coordination in adult social care: Exploring service characteristics within the non-statutory sector in England JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 18(5), 501-524 COSTA, NADEGE, WUEBKER, ANSGAR, DE MAULEON, ADELAIDE, ZWAKHALEN, SANDRA M. G., CHALLIS, DAVID, LEINO-KILPI, HELENA, HALLBERG, INGALILL R., STEPHAN, ASTRID, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, SAKS, KAI, MOLINIER, LAURENT, WIMO, ANDERS, VELLAS, BRUNO, SAUERLAND, DIRK, BINOT, INGRID and SOTO, MARIA E., 2018. Costs of Care of Agitation Associated With Dementia in 8 European Countries: Results From the RightTimePlaceCare Study JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. 19(1), CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, DAVIES, LINDA, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, DAVIES, SUE, FEAST, ALEXANDRA, HUGHES, JANE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. People with dementia and carer preferences for home support services in early-stage dementia AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 22(2), 270-279
GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., CHALLIS, DAVID, HOOPER, NIGEL M. and FERRIS, SALLY, 2018. A step-by-step translation of evidence into a psychosocial intervention for everyday activities in dementia: a focus group study AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 22(3), 323-329
STEWART, KAREN, HARGREAVES, CLAIRE, JASPER, ROWAN, CHALLIS, DAVID, TUCKER, SUE and WILBERFORCE, MARK, 2018. Provision and perceived quality of mental health services for older care home residents in England: a national survey INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 33(2), 364-370 VERBEEK, HILDE, WORDEN, ANGELA, WILBERFORCE, MARK, BRAND, CHRISTIAN, TUCKER, SUE, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Community mental health teams for older people in England: Variations in ways of working INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 33(3), 475-481 CLARKSON, PAUL, HUGHES, JANE, ROE, BRENDA, GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., JOLLEY, DAVID, POLAND, FIONA, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, CHESTER, HELEN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Systematic review: Effective home support in dementia care, components and impacts - Stage 2, effectiveness of home support interventions JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 74(3), 507-527 JASPER, ROWAN, CHESTER, HELEN, HUGHES, JANE, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, LOYNES, NIKLAS, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, DAVIES, LINDA and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Practitioners preferences of care coordination for older people: A discrete choice experiment JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK. 61(2), 151-170 CLARKSON, PAUL, HAYS, REBECCA, TUCKER, SUE, PADDOCK, KATIE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Healthcare support to older residents of care homes: a systematic review of specialist services QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS. 19(1), 54-84 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, HUGHES, JANE, JASPER, ROWAN, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Care co-ordination for older people in the third sector: scoping the evidence HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY. 26(3), 314-329 HARDING, ANDREW J. E., MORBEY, HAZEL, AHMED, FARAZ, OPDEBEECK, CAROL, WANG, YING-YING, WILLIAMSON, PAULA, SWARBRICK, CAROLINE, LEROI, IRACEMA, CHALLIS, DAVID, DAVIES, LINDA, REEVES, DAVID, HOLLAND, FIONA, HANN, MARK, HELLSTROM, INGRID, HYDEN, LARS-CHRISTER, BURNS, ALISTAIR, KEADY, JOHN and REILLY, SIOBHAN, 2018. Developing a core outcome set for people living with dementia at home in their neighbourhoods and communities: study protocol for use in the evaluation of non-pharmacological community-based health and social care interventions TRIALS. 19, 247 WILBERFORCE, MARK, CHALLIS, DAVID, DAVIES, LINDA, KELLY, MICHAEL P. and ROBERTS, CHRIS, 2018. The preliminary measurement properties of the person-centred community care inventory (PERCCI) QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH. 27(10), 2745-2756 WILBERFORCE, MARK, BATTEN, ERIC, CHALLIS, DAVID, DAVIES, LINDA, KELLY, MICHAEL P. and ROBERTS, CHRIS, 2018. The patient experience in community mental health services for older people: a concept mapping approach to support the development of a new quality measure BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 18, AHMED, SAIMA, HUGHES, JANE, DAVIES, SUE, STEWART, KAREN, ORRELL, MARTIN, CLARKSON, PAUL and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Specialist services in early diagnosis and support for older people with dementia in England: Staff roles and service mix INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 33(9), 1280-1285 HUGHES, JANE, DAVIES, SUE, CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, STEWART, KAREN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Learning disability services: user views on transition planning TIZARD LEARNING DISABILITY REVIEW. 23(3), 150-158 TUCKER, SUE, HARGREAVES, CLAIRE, ROBERTS, AMY, ANDERSON, IAN, SHAW, JENNIFER and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Social Care in Prison: Emerging Practice Arrangements Consequent upon the Introduction of the 2014 Care Act BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 48(6), 1627-1644 CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, DAVIES, LINDA, HUGHES, JANE, ISLAM, MUHAMMAD SAIFUL, KAPUR, NARINDER, ORRELL, MARTIN, PECONI, JULIE, PITTS, ROSA, POLAND, FIONA, RUSSELL, IAN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Cognitive aids for people with early stage dementia versus treatment as usual (Dementia Early Stage Cognitive Aids New Trial (DESCANT)): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial TRIALS. 19, 247 TUCKER, SUE, HUGHES, JANE, JOLLEY, DAVID, BUCK, DEBORAH, HARGREAVES, CLAIRE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2018. Reconfiguring in-patient services for adults with mental health problems: changing the balance of care BJPSYCH OPEN. 4(6), 420-426 TOOT, S., SWINSON, T., DEVINE, M., CHALLIS, D. and ORRELL, M., 2017. Causes of nursing home placement for older people with dementia a systematic review and meta-analysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 29(2), 195-208 CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, HUGHES, JANE, RUSSELL, IAN, BERESFORD, JOAN, DAVIES, LINDA, JOLLEY, DAVID, PECONI, JULIE, POLAND, FIONA, ROBERTS, CHRIS, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. Evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches to home support for people in later stage dementia: a protocol for an observational study INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 29(7), 1213-1221 WILBERFORCE, MARK, HUGHES, JANE, CLARKSON, PAUL, WHYTE, DAVID, CHESTER, HELEN, DAVIES, SUE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. An electronic referral system supporting integrated hospital discharge JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE. 25(2), 99-109 CHESTER, HELEN, CLARKSON, PAUL, DAVIES, LINDA, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, ROE, BRENDA, HUGHES, JANE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. A discrete choice experiment to explore carer preferences QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS. 18(1), 33-43 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, TUCKER, SUE, WILBERFORCE, MARK, JASPER, ROWAN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. Occupational therapists in community mental health teams for older people in England: Findings from a five-year research programme BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. 80(1), 20-29 WILBERFORCE, MARK, CHALLIS, DAVID, DAVIES, LINDA, KELLY, MICHAEL P., ROBERTS, CHRIS and CLARKSON, PAUL, 2017. Person-centredness in the community care of older people: A literature-based concept synthesis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WELFARE. 26(1), 86-98 GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. Hierarchical Decline of the Initiative and Performance of Complex Activities of Daily Living in Dementia JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY. 30(2), 96-103 CLARKSON, PAUL, HUGHES, JANE, XIE, CHENGQIU, LARBEY, MATTHEW, ROE, BRENDA, GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., JOLLEY, DAVID and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. Overview of systematic reviews: Effective home support in dementia care, components and impacts-Stage 1, psychosocial interventions for dementia JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 73(12), 2845-2863 MOSLEY, C., SUTCLIFFE, C., BAYLEY, H., CORDINGLEY, L., CHALLIS, D. and HUXLEY, P., 2017. Towards Quality Care: Outcomes for Older People in Care Homes Routledge. ORRELL, M, HOE, J, CHARLESWORTH, G., RUSSELL, I, CHALLIS, D., MONICA-COOK, E., KNAPP, M., WOODS, B, HOARE, Z, AGUIRRE, E, TOOT, S, STREATER, A, CRELLIN, N, WHITTAKER, C, D’AMICO, F and REFILL, A, 2017. Support at Home: Interventions to Enhance Life in Dementia (SHIELD) evidence, development and evaluation of complex interventions PROGRAMME GRANTS FOR APPLIED RESEARCH. 5, 5 GIEBEL CM, WORDEN A, CHALLIS D, JOLLEY D, BHUI KS, LAMBAT A, KAMPANELLOU E and PURANDARE N, 2017. Age, memory loss and perceptions of dementia in South Asian ethnic minorities. AGING AND MENTAL HEALTH. 23(2), 173-182 WILBERFORCE, MARK, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, TUCKER, SUE, AHMED, SAIMA, JASPER, ROWAN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. Support workers in community mental health teams for older people: roles, boundaries, supervision and training JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 73(7), 1657-1666 WEBSTER, LUCY, GROSKREUTZ, DEREK, GRINBERGS-SAULL, ANNA, HOWARD, ROB, O'BRIEN, JOHN T., MOUNTAIN, GAIL, BANERJEE, SUBE, WOODS, BOB, PERNECZKY, ROBERT, LAFORTUNE, LOUISE, ROBERTS, CHARLOTTE, MCCLEERY, JENNY, PICKETT, JAMES, BUNN, FRANCES, CHALLIS, DAVID, CHARLESWORTH, GEORGINA, FEATHERSTONE, KATIE, FOX, CHRIS, GOODMAN, CLAIRE, JONES, ROY, LAMB, SALLIE, MONIZ-COOK, ESME, SCHNEIDER, JUSTINE, SHEPPERD, SASHA, SURR, CLAIRE, THOMPSON-COON, JO, BALLARD, CLIVE, BRAYNE, CAROL, BURKE, ORLAITH, BURNS, ALISTAIR, CLARE, LINDA, GARRARD, PETER, KEHOE, PATRICK, PASSMORE, PETER, HOLMES, CLIVE, MAIDMENT, IAN, MURTAGH, FLISS, ROBINSON, LOUISE and LIVINGSTON, GILL, 2017. Development of a core outcome set for disease modification trials in mild to moderate dementia: a systematic review, patient and public consultation and consensus recommendations HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT. 21(26), 1-+
TUCKER, SUE, HARGREAVES, CLAIRE, WILBERFORCE, MARK, BRAND, CHRISTIAN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2017. What becomes of people admitted to acute old age psychiatry wards? An exploration of factors affecting length of stay, delayed discharge and discharge destination INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 32(9), 1027-1036 LETHIN, CONNIE, RENOM-GUITERAS, ANNA, ZWAKHALEN, SANDRA, SOTO-MARTIN, MARIA, SAKS, KAI, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, CHALLIS, DAVID J., NILSSON, CHRISTER and KARLSSON, STAFFAN, 2017. Psychological well-being over time among informal caregivers caring for persons with dementia living at home AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 21(11), 1138-1146
ABENDSTERN, M., TUCKER, S., WILBERFORCE, M., JASPER, R., BRAND, C. and CHALLIS, D., 2016. Social Workers as Members of Community Mental Health Teams for Older People: What Is the Added Value? British Journal of Social Work. 46, 63-80 WILBERFORCE, MARK, CHALLIS, DAVID, DAVIES, LINDA, KELLY, MICHAEL P., ROBERTS, CHRIS and LOYNES, NIK, 2016. Person-centredness in the care of older adults: a systematic review of questionnaire-based scales and their measurement properties BMC GERIATRICS. 16, GIEBEL, CLARISSA, CHALLIS, DAVID, WORDEN, ANGELA, JOLLEY, DAVID, BHUI, KAMALDEEP SINGH, LAMBAT, AHMED and PURANDARE, NITIN, 2016. Perceptions of self-defined memory problems vary in south Asian minority older people who consult a GP and those who do not: a mixed-method pilot study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 31(4), 379-387 GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., JOLLEY, DAVID, ZUBAIR, MARIA, BHUI, KAMALDEEP SINGH, CHALLIS, DAVID, PURANDARE, NITIN and WORDEN, ANGELA, 2016. Adaptation of the Barts Explanatory Model Inventory to dementia understanding in South Asian ethnic minorities AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 20(6), 594-602
GIEBEL, CLARISSA, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, VERBEEK, HILDE, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, SOTO, MARIA, HALLBERG, INGALILL RAHM, SAKS, KAI, RENOM-GUITERAS, ANNA, SUHONEN, RIITTA and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Depressive symptomatology and associated factors in dementia in Europe: home care versus long-term care INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 28(4), 621-630 LEDGERD, RITCHARD, HOE, JUANITA, HOARE, ZOE, DEVINE, MIKE, TOOT, SANDEEP, CHALLIS, DAVID and ORRELL, MARTIN, 2016. Identifying the causes, prevention and management of crises in dementia. An online survey of stakeholders INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 31(6), 638-647 TUCKER, SUE, BRAND, CHRISTIAN, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, CHALLIS, DAVID, SAKS, KAI, VERBEEK, HILDE, CABRERA, ESTHER, KARLSSON, STAFFAN, LEINO-KILPI, HELENA, STEPHAN, ASTRID and SOTO, MARIA E., 2016. What Makes Institutional Long-Term Care the Most Appropriate Setting for People With Dementia? Exploring the Influence of Client Characteristics, Decision-Maker Attributes, and Country in 8 European Nations JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. 17(5), HUGHES, JANE, WILBERFORCE, MARK, SYMONDS, EILEEN, BOWNS, IAN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Occupational therapy roles and responsibilities: Development of a standardised measure of time use for staff working with adults in community settings BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. 79(6), 336-344 WILBERFORCE, MARK, HUGHES, JANE, BOWNS, IAN, FILLINGHAM, JOANNE, PRYCE, FAYE, SYMONDS, EILEEN, PADDOCK, KATIE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Occupational therapy roles and responsibilities: Evidence from a pilot study of time use in an integrated health and social care trust BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. 79(7), 409-416 JASPER, ROWAN, WILBERFORCE, MARK, VERBEEK, HILDE and CHALLIS, DAVID J., 2016. Multi-agency working and implications for care managers JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE. 24(2), 56-66 SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE L., JASPER, ROWAN, ROE, BRENDA, JOLLEY, DAVID, CROOK, ANTHONY and CHALLIS, DAVID J., 2016. Inter-professional perspectives of dementia services and care in England: Outcomes of a focus group study DEMENTIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. 15(5), 1002-1020 CLARKSON, PAUL, GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., CHALLIS, DAVID, DUTHIE, PAUL, BARRETT, ALAN and LAMBERT, HELEN, 2016. Outcomes from a pilot psychological therapies service for UK military veterans NURSING OPEN. 3(4), 227-235 WILBERFORCE, MARK, TUCKER, SUE, BRAND, CHRISTIAN, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, JASPER, ROWAN and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Is integrated care associated with service costs and admission rates to institutional settings? An observational study of community mental health teams for older people in England INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 31(11), 1208-1216 TUCKER, S., SUTCLIFFE, C., BOWNS, I., CHALLIS, D., SAKS, K., VERBEEK, H., CABRERA, E., KARLSSON, S., LEINO-KILPI, H., MEYER, G. and SOTO, M. E., 2016. Improving the mix of institutional and community care for older people with dementia: an application of the balance of care approach in eight European countries AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 20(12), 1327-1338
JASPER, ROWAN, HUGHES, JANE, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, LOYNES, NIKLAS and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Accessing care coordination information: the non-statutory sector contribution QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS. 17(4), 263-271 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, JASPER, ROWAN, LOYNES, NIK, HUGHES, JANE, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Care coordination for adults and older people The role and contribution of the non-statutory sector JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE. 24(5-6), 271-281 WILBERFORCE, M., CHALLIS, D., DAVIES, L., ROBERTS, C. and KELLY, M. P., 2016. EVALUATING THE EXPERIENTIAL QUALITY OF OLDER PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY CARE: A CONCEPT MAPPING APPROACH TO INSTRUMENT DESIGN VALUE IN HEALTH. 19(7), A616-A616 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, HUGHES, JANE, JASPER, ROWAN, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2016. Identifying standards for care coordination in adult social care: A multinational perspective INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARE COORDINATION. 19(3-4), 84-101 HUGHES, JANE, CHESTER, HELEN, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, XIE, CHENGQIU and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2015. Care coordination for older people: an exploratory framework QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS. 16(3), 130-139 ALVIRA, M. CARME, RISCO, ESTER, CABRERA, ESTHER, FARRE, MARTA, HALLBERG, INGALILL RAHM, BLEIJLEVENS, MICHEL H. C., MEYER, GABRIELE, KOSKENNIEMI, JAANA, SOTO, MARIA E. and ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, 2015. The association between positive-negative reactions of informal caregivers of people with dementia and health outcomes in eight European countries: a cross-sectional study JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1417-1434 SAKS, KAI, TIIT, ENE-MARGIT, VERBEEK, HILDE, RAAMAT, KATRIN, ARMOLIK, ANGELIKA, LEIBUR, JELENA, MEYER, GABRIELE, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, LEINO-KILPI, HELENA, KARLSSON, STAFFAN, SOTO, MARIA and TUCKER, SUE, 2015. Most appropriate placement for people with dementia: individual experts' vs. expert groups' decisions in eight European countries JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1363-1377 KARLSSON, STAFFAN, BLEIJLEVENS, MICHEL, ROE, BRENDA, SAKS, KAI, MARTIN, MARIA SOTO, STEPHAN, ASTRID, SUHONEN, RIITA, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA and HALLBERG, INGALILL R., 2015. Dementia care in European countries, from the perspective of people with dementia and their caregivers JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1405-1416 BEERENS, HANNEKE C., ZWAKHALEN, SANDRA M. G., VERBEEK, HILDE, RUWAARD, DIRK, AMBERGEN, ANTONIUS W., LEINO-KILPI, HELENA, STEPHAN, ASTRID, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, SOTO, MARIA, SAKS, KAI, BOKBERG, CHRISTINA, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE L. and HAMERS, JAN P. H., 2015. Change in quality of life of people with dementia recently admitted to long-term care facilities JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1435-1447 AFRAM, BASEMA, VERBEEK, HILDE, BLEIJLEVENS, MICHEL H. C., CHALLIS, DAVID, LEINO-KILPI, HELENA, KARLSSON, STAFFAN, SOTO, MARIA E., RENOM-GUITERAS, ANNA, SAKS, KAI, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA and HAMERS, JAN P. H., 2015. Predicting institutional long-term care admission in dementia: a mixed-methods study of informal caregivers' reports JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1351-1362 BLEIJLEVENS, MICHEL H. C., STOLT, MINNA, STEPHAN, ASTRID, ZABALEGUI, ADELAIDA, SAKS, KAI, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, LETHIN, CONNIE, SOTO, MARIA E. and ZWAKHALEN, SANDRA M. G., 2015. Changes in caregiver burden and health-related quality of life of informal caregivers of older people with Dementia: evidence from the European RightTimePlaceCare prospective cohort study JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1378-1391 STEPHAN, ASTRID, AFRAM, BASEMA, KOSKENNIEMI, JAANA, VERBEEK, HILDE, SOTO, MARIA E., BLEIJLEVENS, MICHEL H. C., SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, LETHIN, CONNIE, RISCO, ESTER, SAKS, KAI, HAMERS, JAN P. H. and MEYER, GABRIELE, 2015. Older persons with dementia at risk for institutionalization in eight European countries: a cross-sectional study on the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 71(6), 1392-1404 COSTA, N., WUEBKER, A., BINOT, I, DEMAULEON, A., ZWAKHALEN, S. M., CHALLIS, D., STOLT, M., STEPHAN, A., ZABALEGUI, A., SAKS, K., VELLAS, B., MOLINIER, L., SAUERLAND, D. and MARTIN, SOTO M. E., 2015. COST OF CARE OF AGITATION AND AGRESSION ASSOCIATED TO DEMENTIA IN 8 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: RESULTS FROM THE RIGHT TIME PLACE CARE (RTPC) STUDY VALUE IN HEALTH. 18(3), A118-A118 GIEBEL, CLARISSA M., CHALLIS, DAVID and MONTALDI, DANIELA, 2015. Understanding the cognitive underpinnings of functional impairments in early dementia: a review AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 19(10), 859-875
TUCKER, SUE, BRAND, CHRISTIAN, WILBERFORCE, MARK, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2015. Identifying alternatives to old age psychiatry inpatient admission: an application of the balance of care approach to health and social care planning BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 15, FILLINGHAM, J., MACKEY, H., PRYCE, F., HUGHES, J., CHALLIS, D. and WILBERFORCE, M., 2015. The Changing Role of Occupational Therapy Services: A Scoping Study BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. 78, 71-72
CHESTER, HELEN, HUGHES, JANE, CLARKSON, PAUL, DAVIES, SUE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2015. Approaches to Information Sharing and Assessment: Evidence From a Demonstration Program. CARE MANAGEMENT JOURNALS: Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 16(3), 150-8
FORSYTH, KATRINA, SENIOR, JANE, STEVENSON, CAROLINE, O'HARA, KATE, HAYES, ADRIAN, CHALLIS, DAVID and SHAW, JENNY, 2015. 'They just throw you out': release planning for older prisoners AGEING & SOCIETY. 35(9), 2011-2025
SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE L., ROE, BRENDA, JASPER, ROWAN, JOLLEY, DAVID and CHALLIS, DAVID J., 2015. People with dementia and carers' experiences of dementia care and services: Outcomes of a focus group study DEMENTIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. 14(6), 769-787 DAVIES, SUE, CLARKSON, PAUL, HUGHES, JANE, STEWART, KAREN, XIE, CHENGQIU, SAUNDERS, ROB and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2015. Resource allocation priorities in social care for adults with a learning disability: an analysis and comparison of different stakeholder perspectives TIZARD LEARNING DISABILITY REVIEW. 20(4), 199-206 GIEBEL, CLARISSA, CHALLIS, DAVID and MONTALDI, DANIELA, 2015. What makes people with dementia get lost in the supermarket? Relating cognition to everyday activities INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 27, S50-S50
CHESTER, HELEN, HUGHES, JANE, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE, XIE, CHENGQIU and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2015. Exploring patterns of care coordination within services for older people INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARE COORDINATION. 18(1), 5-17 GIEBEL CM, JOLLEY D, ZUBAIR M, BHUI KS, CHALLIS D, PURANDARE N and WORDEN A, 2015. Adaptation of the Barts Explanatory Model Inventory to dementia understanding in South Asian ethnic minorities. AGING & MENTAL HEALTH. 20(6), 594-602 CHALLIS, D, TUCKER, S, WILBERFORCE, M, BRAND, C, ABENDSTERN, M, STEWART, K, JASPER, R., HARRINGTON, V, VERBEEK, H, JOLLEY, D, FERNANDEZ, J L, DUNN, G, KNAPP, M and BOWNS, I, 2014. National trends and local delivery in old age mental health services: Towards an evidence base. A mixed methodology study of the balance of care approach, community mental health terms and specialist mental health outreach to care homes Programme Grants Appl Res. 2, 4 XIE, CHENGQIU, HUGHES, JANE, CHESTER, HELEN, SUTCLIFFE, CAROLINE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2014. Exploring the role of independent organisations in care coordination for older people in England JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 14(4), 419-438 CHALLIS, DAVID, HUGHES, JANE, XIE, CHENGQIU and JOLLEY, DAVID, 2014. An examination of factors influencing delayed discharge of older people from hospital INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 29(2), 160-168 TUCKER, SUE, WILBERFORCE, MARK, BRAND, CHRISTIAN, ABENDSTERN, MICHELE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2014. All things to all people? The provision of outreach by community mental health teams for older people in England: findings from a national survey INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 29(5), 489-496 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, HUGHES, JANE, CLARKSON, PAUL, TUCKER, SUE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2014. Exploring the Contribution of Self-Assessment to Preventative Services in Social Care BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 44(3), 729-746 CHESTER, HELEN, HUGHES, JANE and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2014. Commissioning social care for older people: influencing the quality of direct care AGEING & SOCIETY. 34(6), 930-950
WILBERFORCE, MARK, JACOBS, SALLY, CHALLIS, DAVID, MANTHORPE, JILL, STEVENS, MARTIN, JASPER, ROWAN, FERNANDEZ, JOSE-LUIS, GLENDINNING, CAROLINE, JONES, KAREN, KNAPP, MARTIN, MORAN, NICOLA and NETTEN, ANN, 2014. Revisiting the Causes of Stress in Social Work: Sources of Job Demands, Control and Support in Personalised Adult Social Care BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 44(4), 812-830 ABENDSTERN, MICHELE, HUGHES, JANE, TUCKER, SUE, CLARKSON, PAUL and CHALLIS, DAVID, 2014. Self-assessment and personalization in occupational therapy services: a managerial perspective on the challenges and opportunities of a service innovation BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. 77(10), 499-506 GIEBEL CM, SUTCLIFFE C, STOLT M, KARLSSON S, RENOM-GUITERAS A, SOTO M, VERBEEK H, ZABALEGUI A and CHALLIS D, 2014. Deterioration of basic activities of daily living and their impact on quality of life across different cognitive stages of dementia: a European study. INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 26(8), 1283-93 WÜBKER A, ZWAKHALEN SM, CHALLIS D, SUHONEN R, KARLSSON S, ZABALEGUI A, SOTO M, SAKS K and SAUERLAND D, 2014. Costs of care for people with dementia just before and after nursing home placement: primary data from eight European countries. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS: HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care. 16(7), 689-707 SUTCLIFFE C, HUGHES J, ABENDSTERN M, CLARKSON P, CHESTER H and CHALLIS D, 2014. An examination of assessment arrangements and service use for older people in receipt of care management. CARE MANAGEMENT JOURNALS: Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 15(2), 66-75
WILBERFORCE M, TUCKER S, BRAND C, ABENDSTERN M, JASPER R, STEWART K and CHALLIS D, 2014. Community mental health teams for older people: variations in case mix and service receipt (II). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 30(6), 605-13 TUCKER S, WILBERFORCE M, BRAND C, ABENDSTERN M, CROOK A, JASPER R, STEWART K and CHALLIS D, 2014. Community mental health teams for older people: variations in case mix and service receipt (I). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 30(6), 595-604 GIEBEL CM, SUTCLIFFE C, RENOM-GUITERAS A, ARVE S, HALLBERG IR, SOTO M, ZABALEGUI A, HAMERS J, SAKS K and CHALLIS D, 2014. Depressive symptomatology in severe dementia in a European sample: prevalence, associated factors and prescription rate of antidepressants. INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 27(4), 657-67 GIEBEL CM, ZUBAIR M, JOLLEY D, BHUI KS, PURANDARE N, WORDEN A and CHALLIS D, 2014. South Asian older adults with memory impairment: improving assessment and access to dementia care. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 30(4), 345-56 HUGHES, J. and CHESTER, H., 2013. Home care services for older people: findings from a national survey of social care commissioners Research, Policy and Planning. 30(1), 51-64
CLARKSON, P., GIEBEL, C M, CHALLIS, D and TRUE, M, 2013. Cost-effectiveness of a pilot social care service for UK military veterans JOURNAL OF CARE SERVICES MANAGEMENT. 7(3), 95-106 HAYS R, CLARKSON P, TUCKER S and CHALLIS D, 2013. Healthcare support services for care home residents. NURSING OLDER PEOPLE. 24(10), 26-30 WENBORN J, CHALLIS D, HEAD J, MIRANDA-CASTILLO C, POPHAM C, THAKUR R, ILLES J and ORRELL M, 2013. Providing activity for people with dementia in care homes: a cluster randomised controlled trial. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 28(12), 1296-304 CLARKSON P, BRAND C, HUGHES J, CHALLIS D, TUCKER S and ABENDSTERN M, 2013. Cost effectiveness of pilot self-assessment sites in community care services in England. AUSTRALIAN HEALTH REVIEW. 37(5), 666-74 TUCKER, S., HUGHES, J., BRAND, C., CLARKSON, P., CHALLIS, D., WENBORN, J., MCDONOGH, R., ABENDSTERN, M. and CHALLIS, D., 2012. Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care: lessons from an evaluation of the use of self-assessment in five English local authorities Research, Policy and Planning. 29(1), 21-35
ABENDSTERN, M., SUTCLIFFE, C., HUGHES, J., CLARKSON, P., UNWELL, J. and CHALLIS, D., 2012. Satisfaction with adult social care assessment: the development of a measure Research, Policy and Planning. 29(2), 95-114
VERBEEK H, MEYER G, LEINO-KILPI H, ZABALEGUI A, HALLBERG IR, SAKS K, SOTO ME, CHALLIS D, SAUERLAND D, HAMERS JP and , 2012. A European study investigating patterns of transition from home care towards institutional dementia care: the protocol of a RightTimePlaceCare study. BMC public health. 12, 68 XIE C, HUGHES J, SUTCLIFFE C, CHESTER H and CHALLIS D, 2012. Promoting personalization in social care services for older people. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK. 55(3), 218-32 SUTCLIFFE C, HUGHES J, XIE C, CHESTER H and CHALLIS D, 2012. Social care in older people's services--facilitating the flexible use of resources. Care management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 13(3), 100-7
HUGHES J, REILLY S, BERZINS K, ABELL J, STEWART K and CHALLIS D, 2011. Emergent approaches to care coordination in England: exploring the evidence from two national organizations. Care management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 12(4), 194-201
CHALLIS D, HUGHES J, BERZINS K, REILLY S, ABELL J, STEWART K and BOWNS I, 2011. Implementation of case management in long-term conditions in England: survey and case studies. JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH AND POLICY. 16 Suppl 1, 8-13 REILLY S, ABELL J, BRAND C, HUGHES J, BERZINS K and CHALLIS D, 2011. Case management for people with long-term conditions: impact upon emergency admissions and associated length of stay. Primary health care research & development. 12(3), 223-36 MANTHORPE, J, STEVENS, M, RAPAPORT, J, JACOBS, S. and CHALLIS, D, 2010. Gearing Up for Personalisation: Training Activities Commissioned in the English Pilot Individual Budgets Sites 2006–2008 SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION. 29(3), 319-331 CHALLIS, D., HUGHES, J. and SUTCLIFFE, C., 2010. Social work and care/case management in dementia. In: AMES, D., BURNS, A. and O'BRIEN, J., eds., Dementia 4. Hodder Arnold. 180-185
KNAPP M, MANTHORPE J, MEHTA A, CHALLIS D, GLENDINNING C, HASTINGS G, MANSELL J and NETTEN A, 2010. Developing the evidence base for adult social care practice: The NIHR School for Social Care Research. Journal of care services management. 4(2), 167-179 ABELL J, HUGHES J, REILLY S, BERZINS K and CHALLIS D, 2010. Case management for long-term conditions: developing targeting processes. CARE MANAGEMENT JOURNALS: Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 11(1), 11-8
SUTCLIFFE C, HUGHES J, CHESTER H, XIE C and CHALLIS D, 2010. Changing patterns of care coordination within old-age services in England. Care management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 11(3), 157-65
WILBERFORCE M, HARRINGTON V, BRAND C, TUCKER S, ABENDSTERN M and CHALLIS D, 2010. Towards integrated community mental health teams for older people in England: progress and new insights. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 26(3), 221-8 MANTHORPE J, STEVENS M, CHALLIS D, NETTEN A, GLENDINNING C, KNAPP M, WILBERFORCE M, JACOBS S, JONES K, MORAN N and FERNANDEZ JL, 2009. Individual budget projects come under the microscope. Mental health today (Brighton, England). 22-6
BERZINS K, REILLY S, ABELL J, HUGHES J and CHALLIS D, 2009. UK self-care support initiatives for older patients with long-term conditions: a review. CHRONIC ILLNESS. 5(1), 56-72 TUCKER S, BALDWIN R, HUGHES J, BENBOW SM, BARKER A, BURNS A and CHALLIS D, 2009. Integrating mental health services for older people in England - from rhetoric to reality. Journal of interprofessional care. 23(4), 341-54 CLARKSON P, ABENDSTERN M, SUTCLIFFE C, HUGHES J and CHALLIS D, 2009. Reliability of needs assessments in the community care of older people: impact of the single assessment process in England. Journal of public health (Oxford, England). 31(4), 521-9 HOE J, HANCOCK G, LIVINGSTON G, WOODS B, CHALLIS D and ORRELL M, 2009. Changes in the quality of life of people with dementia living in care homes. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. 23(3), 285-90 WORDEN A and CHALLIS D, 2008. Care Planning Systems in Care Homes for Older People. QUALITY IN AGEING. 9(2), 28-38.
ORRELL M, HANCOCK GA, LIYANAGE KC, WOODS B, CHALLIS D and HOE J, 2008. The needs of people with dementia in care homes: the perspectives of users, staff and family caregivers. International psychogeriatrics. 20(5), 941-51 TUCKER S, HUGHES J, SUTCLIFFE C and CHALLIS D, 2008. Care management for older people with mental health problems: from evidence to practice. Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association. 32(2), 210-22
SUTCLIFFE C, HUGHES J, ABENDSTERN M, CLARKSON P and CHALLIS D, 2008. Developing multidisciplinary assessment--exploring the evidence from a social care perspective. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 23(12), 1297-305 WILLIAMS AP, CHALLIS D, DEBER R, WATKINS J, KULUSKI K, LUM JM and DAUB S, 2008. Balancing institutional and community-based care: why some older persons can age successfully at home while others require residential long-term care. HEALTHCARE QUARTERLY (Toronto, Ont.). 12(2), 95-105
CHALLIS, D, HUGHES, J, JACOBS, S, WIENER, K and STEWART, K, 2007. Are different forms of care-management for older people in England associated with variations in case-mix, service use and care-managers' use of time? AGEING AND SOCIETY. 27(1), 25-48 WORDEN A and CHALLIS D, 2007. Factors associated with higher quality assessment tools in care homes. JOURNAL OF CARE SERVICES MANAGEMENT. 2(1), 79-91.
ORRELL M, HANCOCK G, HOE J, WOODS B, LIVINGSTON G and CHALLIS D, 2007. A cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce the unmet needs of people with dementia living in residential care. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 22(11), 1127-34 SUTCLIFFE C, BURNS A, CHALLIS D, MOZLEY CG, CORDINGLEY L, BAGLEY H and HUXLEY P, 2007. Depressed mood, cognitive impairment, and survival in older people admitted to care homes in England. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. 15(8), 708-15 WORDEN A and CHALLIS D, 2006. Assessing care home quality using routine regulatory information. QUALITY IN AGEING. 7(3), 33-44.
VENABLES D, HUGHES J, STEWART K and CHALLIS D, 2006. Variations in care management arrangements for people with mental health problems in England. Care management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 6(3), 131-8
CLARKSON P, VENABLES D, HUGHES J, BURNS A and CHALLIS D, 2006. Integrated specialist assessment of older people and predictors of care-home admission. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. 36(7), 1011-21 REILLY S, VENABLES D, HUGHES J, CHALLIS D and ABENDSTERN M, 2006. Standards of care in day hospitals and day centres: a comparison of services for older people with dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 21(5), 460-8 CHALLIS D, STEWART K, DONNELLY M, WEINER K and HUGHES J, 2006. Care management for older people: does integration make a difference? JOURNAL OF INTERPROFESSIONAL CARE. 20(4), 335-48 WORDEN A, CHALLIS DJ and PEDERSEN I, 2006. The assessment of older people's needs in care homes. AGING AND MENTAL HEALTH. 10(5), 549-57 JACOBS S, HUGHES J, CHALLIS D, STEWART K and WEINER K, 2006. Care managers' time use: differences between community mental health and older people's services in the United Kingdom. Care management journals : Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 7(4), 169-78
TUCKER S, BALDWIN R, HUGHES J, BENBOW S, BARKER A, BURNS A and CHALLIS D, 2006. Old age mental health services in England: implementing the National Service Framework for Older People. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 22(3), 211-7 HUGHES, J., STEWART, K., CHALLIS, D., JACOBS, S. and VENABLES, D., 2005. Exploring the Factors Influencing Care Management Arrangements in Adult Mental Health Services in England Research, Policy and Planning. 23(1),
CHALLIS, D, JACOBS, S, HUGHES, J, STEWART, K and VENABLES, D, 2005. Are Different Forms of Care Management Associated with Variations in Case-Mix, Service Use and Care Managers’ Time Use in Mental Health Services? RESEARCH, POLICY AND PLANNING. 23(2), 71-85 CHALLIS D, STEWART K, STURDY D, WORDEN A, MORRIS J, MURPHY K and NONEMAKER S, 2005. Ability Assessment for Older People: Assessment within Care Homes. The Stationery Office, London..
ABENDSTERN M, REILLY S, HUGHES J, VENABLES D and CHALLIS D, 2005. Levels of integration and specialisation within professional community teams for people with dementia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 21(1), 77-85 HANCOCK GA, WOODS B, CHALLIS D and ORRELL M, 2005. The needs of older people with dementia in residential care. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 21(1), 43-9 CLARKSON P and CHALLIS D, 2004. Quality assurance practices in care management: a perspective from the United Kingdom. CARE MANAGEMENT JOURNALS: Journal of case management ; The journal of long term home health care. 4(3), 142-51
STEWART, K., HUGHES, J., CHALLIS, D., WEINER, K. and DARTON, R., 2003. Care Management for Older People: Access, Targeting and the Balance Between Assessment, Monitoring and Review Research, Policy and Planning. 21(3), :13-22
STEWART K, WORDEN A and CHALLIS D, 2003. Assessing the needs of older people in care homes. Nursing and residential care. 5(1), 22-25
CHALLIS D and HUGHES J, 2003. Residential and nursing home care--issues of balance and quality of care. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 18(3), 201-4 PERRY M, CARPENTER I, CHALLIS D and HOPE K, 2003. Understanding the roles of registered general nurses and care assistants in UK nursing homes. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 42(5), 497-505 CHALLIS D, CLARKSON P, WILLIAMSON J, HUGHES J, VENABLES D, BURNS A and WEINBERG A, 2003. The value of specialist clinical assessment of older people prior to entry to care homes. AGE AND AGEING. 33(1), 25-34 CHALLIS D and HUGHES J, 2002. Frail old people at the margins of care: some recent research findings. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY: the journal of mental science. 180, 126-30 CHALLIS D, VON ABENDORFF R, BROWN P, CHESTERMAN J and HUGHES J, 2002. Care management, dementia care and specialist mental health services: an evaluation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 17(4), 315-25 CHALLIS D, REILLY S, HUGHES J, BURNS A, GILCHRIST H and WILSON K, 2002. Policy, organisation and practice of specialist old age psychiatry in England. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 17(11), 1018-26 BAGLEY H, CORDINGLEY L, BURNS A, MOZLEY CG, SUTCLIFFE C, CHALLIS D and HUXLEY P, 2001. Recognition of depression by staff in nursing and residential homes. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING. 9(3), 445-50 HUGHES J, STEWART K, CHALLIS D, DARTON R and WEINER K, 2001. Care management and the care programme approach: towards integration in old age mental health services. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 16(3), 266-72 CHALLIS D, DARTON R, HUGHES J, STEWART K and WEINER K, 2001. Intensive care-management at home: an alternative to institutional care? AGE AND AGEING. 30(5), 409-13 CHALLIS D, STEWART K, STURDY D, WORDEN A, MORRIS J, MURPHY K and NONEMAKER S, 2000. UK Long Term Care Resident Assessment Instrument User’s Manual MDS/RAI UK. interRAI UK, York.
CHALLIS D, DARTON R, HUGHES J, HUXLEY P and STEWART K, 2000. Emerging models of care management for older people and those with mental health problems in the United Kingdom. JOURNAL OF CASE MANAGEMENT. 7(4), 153-60
CHALLIS D, MOZLEY CG, SUTCLIFFE C, BAGLEY H, PRICE L, BURNS A, HUXLEY P and CORDINGLEY L, 2000. Dependency in older people recently admitted to care homes. AGE AND AGEING. 29(3), 255-60 CARPENTER, I, CHALLIS, D., HIRDES, J., LJUNGGREN, G. and BERNABEI, R., eds., 1999. Care for Older People, A Comparison of Systems in North America, Europe and Japan. Farrand Press.
CARPENTER GI, HIRDES JP, RIBBE MW, IKEGAMI N, CHALLIS D, STEEL K, BERNABEI R and FRIES B, 1999. Targeting and quality of nursing home care. A five-nation study. AGING (Milan, Italy). 11(2), 83-9
MOZLEY CG, HUXLEY P, SUTCLIFFE C, BAGLEY H, BURNS A, CHALLIS D and CORDINGLEY L, 1999. 'Not knowing where I am doesn't mean I don't know what I like': cognitive impairment and quality of life responses in elderly people. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 14(9), 776-83 STEWART K, CHALLIS D, CARPENTER I and DICKINSON E, 1999. Assessment approaches for older people receiving social care: content and coverage. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 14(2), 147-56 CHALLIS D, 1993. Case management in social and health care. Lessons from a United Kingdom program. JOURNAL OF CASE MANAGEMENT. 2(3), 79-90
BOWNS I, CHALLIS D and TONG MS, 1991. Case finding in elderly people: validation of a postal questionnaire. BRITISJH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. 41(344), 100-4
CHALLIS, D., 1990. Case Management: Problems and Possibilities. In: ALLEN, I., ed., Care Managers and Care Management. Policy Studies Institute.