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Image of Ulvi Bayraktutan

Ulvi Bayraktutan

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Ulvi Bayraktutan is an Associate Professor at the Academic Unit of Mental Health and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Nottingham. His research aims to develop clinical biomarkers and novel therapeutics for (physio)pathological conditions associated with neurodegeneration and/or endothelial dysfunction, notably stroke, hypertension, diabetes and ageing. He performs preclinical, translational and clinical research to achieve these goals.

He acts as a reviewer for many high profile international journals and is an editorial board member of five different journals. He provides expert opinion or advice to a number of national and international research councils, charities, healthcare companies, societies and institutions.

He has been a Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) since 2007 and supervised many postgraduate studies for the degrees of MSc, MD and PhD.

Dr Bayraktutan is the Chief investigator of the Dunhill Medical Trust EPC study investigating the specific effect of ageing on the circulatory level and functional aspects of endothelial progenitor cells as well as the diagnostic and prognostic value of endothelial progenitor cells in elderly patients with lacunar or cortical stroke.

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Expertise Summary


Stroke, neuroscience, blood-brain barrier, stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells, regenerative medicine, cell-based and cell-free therapeutic approaches, novel therapeutics, neurodegeneration, neurovascular protection, ageing, age-related diseases, clinical biomarkers, senescence, cell biology, hypothermia, endothelial (dys)function, cytoskeleton, apoptosis, oxidative stress, experimental models of human disease and molecular biology.

Teaching Summary

Molecular Basis of Neurodegenerative and Vascular Diseases,

Cardiovascular Risk Factors for Stroke,

Blood-Brain Barrier in Neurodegenerative Diseases,

Novel therapeutics: cell-based and cell-free options,

BMedSci projects: Lab-based projects or Literature review,

Postgraduate student teaching,


Research Summary


  • Neurodegeneration,
  • Neurodegenerative diseases,
  • Blood-Brain Barrier,
  • Neurovascular Unit,
  • Translational Neuroscience,
  • Inflammation, Oxidative Stress,
  • Ischaemic injury,
  • Ischaemic Stroke, Haemorrhagic Stroke,
  • Multiple Sclerosis.


  • Healthy Ageing,
  • Vascular Ageing,
  • Age-Related Diseases: physiology, pathology, prevention,
  • Senescence: replicative senescence and stress-induced senescence,
  • SASP: senescence-associated secretory phenotype,
  • Organismal Ageing: transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics,
  • Senotherapeutics: senolytics, senomorphics, stem cells, therapeutic cocktails,
  • Clinical Trials.

Vascular Research

  • Macrovascular and Microvascular Disease,
  • Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Hypertension, Hyperglycaemia, Inflammation, Ageing,
  • Endothelium,
  • Endothelial dysfunction as source of disease and therapeutic target.

Stem Cells / Regenerative Medicine

  • Neurovascular Regeneration,
  • Endothelial Progenitor Cells, Outgrowth Endothelial Cells,
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Haematopoietic Stem Cells, Neural Progenitor Cells,
  • Clinical Biomarkers,
  • Allogeneic and Autologous Cell therapy.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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