Additional course costs
Read about the additional costs that are not included in your tuition fees. Please note that although any prices stated are correct at this time, these are subject to change.
DBS check
All Home UK students registering on the MPharm are required to undertake a DBS (formerly CRB) check. The cost of this is £40, plus an additional £13 per year if you wish to register for the update service. The DBS check is compulsory for all incoming Home UK students.
You will not be allowed to undertake placements without a completed check.
EU/International students must also provide a police check/certificate of good conduct for which there may be a cost involved. You are advised to check with your local police or Homeoffice for further information.
Overseas study
During the course of your studies you will have the opportunity to apply to study abroad. Studying abroad does not have to be any more expensive than studying in Nottingham if you budget well and take advantage of any funding for which you may be eligible.
Additional costs to consider include travel, insurance, visa costs and vaccinations/medicals (if applicable).
There is a wide range of sources of funding to help make study abroad affordable for all, including reduced tuition fees, bursaries, grants and scholarships.
Travel to/from placements
The cost of any travel to and from MPharm placements is not included in the tuition fee and therefore this will be an additional cost you will need to budget for.
The vast majority of placements are within the East Midlands region. All are accessible via public transport so travel costs are kept as minimal as possible.
For placements slightly further afield the school will make every effort to minimise costs for students by checking that any one student is not placed in these locations repeatedly.
Additional transcripts/confirmation of studies
Letters confirming that you are a student are provided by Student Services free of charge.
You will be able to access and print your transcript via BlueCastle, or order an official transcript for £3. If following graduation you require additional transcripts or confirmation that you studied at the University then a small charge will be made.
Official documents and letters
Replacement laboratory coats, glasses and name badges
We issue all students with a laboratory coat and a pair of safety glasses at the start of the course. If you require replacements, these cost around £5 for the safety glasses, around £18 for the lab coat, and approximately £6 for a replacement name badge (prices subject to change).
Replacement student ID cards
If your University ID card is lost, stolen or damaged there is a fee for a replacement. Security may waive the fee for stolen cards if a crime number is supplied.
How to obtain a replacement University Card
Resit examinations
These include placements that are part of the professional competencies modules.
Students who are required to undertake resit examinations will be charged a flat fee of £80. Regardless of the number of re-assessments they take. If students have approved extenuating circumstances from their initial attempt, there will be no charge for a first sit examination.
Resit professional pre-registration placements (5 year MPharm only)
Students who are required to undertake resit examinations will be charged at a pro-rata rate and will vary depending on the length of the resit. Resit fees are reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Exceptional fee table
The School of Pharmacy is now covering the cost of any required vaccinations relating to your course (if applicable).
There is one compulsory textbook for a year three module that may cost around £50.
Gown hire for graduation
There will be costs associated with the hiring of gowns for graduation ceremonies.
Other fees
The University may set other fees and charges, such as for accommodation, field trips, library deposits and sports facilities. You will be notified of the amounts, payment requirements and other conditions at the appropriate time.
Budget planner
Updated October 2020.