A |
Alexander, Steve | 0115 82 30182 | Associate Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Allen, Harriet | 0115 84 67929 | Professor of Lifespan Psychology |  |
Amoaku, Winfried | 0115 951 5151 | Clinical Assoc Prof & Reader in Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences |  |
Auer, Dorothee | 0115 823 1178 | Professor of Neuroimaging |  |
B |
Bast, Tobias | 0115 84 67438 | Associate Professor |  |
Bath, Philip | 0115 823 1765 | Stroke Association Professor of Stroke Medicine/Head of Division of Clinical Neuroscience |  |
Bayraktutan, Ulvi | 0115 82 31764 | Associate Professor |  |
Bonardi, Charlotte | 0115 84 67927 | Associate Professor |  |
Brameld, John | 0115 951 6133 | Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry |  |
Brook, David | 0115 823 0345 | Professor of Human Genetics |  |
Brown, Angus | 0115 82 30173 | Associate Professor of Neuroscience |  |
C |
Carter, Wayne | 01332 724738 | Associate Professor |  |
Chakrabarti, Lisa | 0115 951 6450 | Professor of Mitochondrial Biology |  |
Coombes, Stephen | 0115 8467836 | Professor of Applied Mathematics, Head of Section Applied Mathematics |  |
Cragg, Lucy | 0115 84 67926 | Professor |  |
D |
Dajas-Bailador, Federico | (0115) 82 30108 | Research & Teaching |  |
Dening, Tom | 0115 748 4230 | Professor of Dementia Research |  |
Devonshire, Ian | 0115 82 30586 | Chief Scientific Officer |  |
Dewey, Rebecca | 07762187556 | Senior Research Fellow in Neuroimaging |  |
Dineen, Rob | 0115 823 1173 | Professor of Neuroradiology |  |
Drummond, Avril | 0115 82 30493 | Professor of Healthcare Research, Lead for Rehabilitation Research Group, REF Co-ordinator |  |
Dua, Harminder | 0115 849 3354 | Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences |  |
E |
Elsheikha, Hany | 0115 951 6445 | Professor of Interdisciplinary Parasitology |  |
England, Tim | 01332 724 668 | Professor of Stroke Medicine |  |
Evangelou, Nikos | 0115 8231449 | Clinical Professor of Neurology |  |
F |
Finelli, Mattéa | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Fone, Kevin | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Francis, Sue | 0115 846 6518 | Professor of Physics |  |
G |
Gowland, Penny | 0115 951 4754 | Professor of Physics |  |
Groom, Maddie | 0115 82 30267 | Professor of Neurodevelopmental Conditions |  |
H |
Hardman, Jonathan | 0115 823 1002 | Professor & Consultant in Anaesthesia |  |
Harris, John | 0115 951 6316 | Lecturer in Neurophysiology |  |
Hartley, Douglas | 0115 924 9924 x63933 | Professor of Otology & Consultant ENT Surgeon |  |
Harvey, Pete | n/a | Assistant Professor of Molecular Imaging |  |
Haselgrove, Mark | 0115 84 67353 | Professor of Experimental Psychology |  |
Hathway, Gareth | 0115 8230152 | Professor |  |
Havard, Diane | 0115 8231775 | Senior Clinical Trials Manager |  |
Haywood, Lee | n/a | Web application/database programmer |  |
Henshaw, Helen | 0115 8232606 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Hollis, Chris | 0115 823 0269 | Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Director, NIHR MindTech MIC |  |
J |
Jackson, Stephen | 0115 84 66020 | Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience |  |
Jethwa, Preeti | 0115 951 6604 | Assistant Professor in Human Nutrition |  |
K |
Katshu, Mohammad Zia Ul Haq | +44-(0)-0115 823 1287 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Kendall, Dave | 0115 82 30156 | Emeritus Professor |  |
King, Madeleine | 0115 82 30402 | Assistant Professor |  |
L |
Liddle, Elizabeth | 0115 748 4013 | Associate Professor in Translational Mental Health |  |
Logan, Pip | 0115 823 0235 | Professor of Rehabilitation Research |  |
M |
McIntosh, Owen | 07929 666 450 | Senior Operations Manager - Technical Services |  |
Mellor, Ian | 0115 9513257 | Assistant Professor in Molecular Neuroscience |  |
Moppett, Iain | 0115 823 0959 | Professor of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine |  |
Mougin, Olivier | 0115 95 18276 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Mullinger, Karen | 0115 951 4752 | Associate Professor |  |
N |
Nixon (Georgiadi), Elena | 0115 823 0428 | Assistant Professor of Applied Neuropsychology |  |
P |
Palmer, Alan | n/a | |  |
R |
Ralevic, Vera | 0115 82 30183 | Associate Professor & Reader in Cardiovascular Sciences |  |
Randall, Michael | 0115 82 30185 | Professor of Pharmacology |  |
Roberts, Richard | 0115 82 30190 | Associate Professor and Lecturer in Pharmacology |  |
S |
Sayal, Kapil | 0115 823 0264 | Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry |  |
Schluppeck, Denis | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Sereda, Magdalena | 01158232625 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Smith, Sandra | 0115 8232634 | Research Assistant |  |
Smith, Paul | 0115 82 30135 | Associate Professor |  |
Sprigg, Nikola | 0115 823 1778 | Professor of Stroke Medicine |  |
Stöger, Reinhard | 0115 951 6232 | Associate Professor in Epigenetics |  |
Swift, Karen | 0115 82 32027 | Medical School Senior Technician |  |
T |
Targett, Mike | 0115 951 6407 | Professor of Clincal Veterinary Neurology |  |
Thust, Steffi | 0115 924 9924 ext 32865 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Toledo-Rodriguez, Maria | 44 (0) 115 82 31 478 | Associate Professor |  |
Trueman, Rebecca | (0115 82) 30077 | Associate Professor |  |
W |
Woodhouse, Lisa | 0115 82 31670 | Medical Statistician |  |