Manuscripts and Special Collections reading room, Kings Meadow campus

History and Politics BA

University Park Campus, Nottingham, UK

Course overview

Contemporary political ideas and practice are heavily influenced by modern history. For example, the political institutions and culture of contemporary America and France can only be understood with reference to the American and French Revolutions of the late 18th century.

Politics and history are complementary disciplines. Both explore the nature of power across time and offer a critical understanding of the world today. They use many different methods of research and analysis, opening the door to a wide range of exciting careers.

You will use primary and secondary historical sources to research, write and debate history. You'll also learn how to compare and contrast different political institutions, systems and behaviours.

The second year module, 'History and Politics: A Problem or Solution?', is specifically designed for this course. It explores the overlaps and tensions between the two subjects, setting you up for more advanced study in year three. It sits alongside optional modules in both history and politics, covering a wide chronological and geographical range.

Indicative modules


Year 1

British Constitution in Crisis


Year 1

Introduction to Political Theory


Year 1

Learning History


Year 1

Understanding Global Politics


Year 1

Themes in Early Modern European History c.1500-1789


Year 1

Making the Middle Ages, 500-1500


Year 1

Roads to Modernity: An Introduction to Modern History 1750-1945


Year 1

The Contemporary World since 1945


Year 2

History and Politics: A Problem or a Solution?


Year 2

Exile and Homeland: Jewish Culture, Thought and Politics in Modern Europe and Mandatory Palestine between 1890 and 1950


Year 2

The Tokugawa World: 1600-1868


Year 2

Conquerors, Caliphs, and Converts: The Making of the Islamic World, c.600-800


Year 2

A Tale of Seven Kingdoms: Anglo-Saxon and Viking-Age England from Bede to Alfred the Great


Year 2

British Foreign Policy and the Origins of the World Wars, 1895-1939


Year 2

Central European History: From Revolution to War, 1848-1914


Year 2

Consumers & Citizens: Society & Culture in 18th Century England


Year 2

De-industrialisation: A Social and Cultural History, c.1970-1990


Year 2

Environmental History: Nature and the Western World, 1800-2000


Year 2

European Fascisms, 1900-1945


Year 2

Heroes and Villains in the Middle Ages


Year 2

Imagining 'Britain': Decolonising Tolkien et al


Year 2

International History of the Middle East and North Africa 1918-1995


Year 2

Kingship in Crisis: Politics, People and Power in Late-medieval England


Year 2

Liberating Africa: Decolonisation, Development and the Cold War, 1919-1994


Year 2

Poverty, Disease and Disability: Britain, 1795-1930


Year 2

Rule and Resistance in Colonial India, c.1757-1857


Year 2

Sex, Lies and Gossip? Women of Medieval England


Year 2

Sexuality in Early Medieval Europe


Year 2

'Slaves of the Devil' and Other Witches: A History of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe


Year 2

Soviet State and Society


Year 2

The British Empire from Emancipation to the Boer War


Year 2

The Rise of Modern China


Year 2

The Second World War and Social Change in Britain, 1939-1951: Went The Day Well?


Year 2

The Venetian Republic, 1450-1575


Year 2

The Victorians: Life, Thought and Culture


Year 2

Travel and Adventure in the Medieval World


Year 2

A Protestant Nation? Politics, Religion and Society in England, 1558-1640


Year 2

The Early Modern Global Spanish Empire (1450-1850)


Year 2

Rethinking the Tudors: Monarchy, Society and Religion in England, 1485-1603


Year 2

Gender, Empire, Selfhood: Transgender History in Global Context


Year 2

Commodities, Consumption and Connections the Global World of Things 1500-1800


Year 2

In the Heart of Europe: Histories of Modern Poland


Year 2

Villains or Victims: White Women and the British Empire c.1840-1980


Year 2

France and its Empire(s) 1815-1914


Year 2

The politics of memory in postwar Western Europe


Year 2

British Party Politics


Year 2

Democracy and its Critics


Year 2

Global Security


Year 2

How Voters Decide


Year 2

International Political Economy and Global Development


Year 2

International Politics in the 20th Century


Year 2

Politics and Public Policy in China


Year 2

Social and Global Justice


Year 2

The Transformation of European Politics


Year 2

Experiencing National Identity


Year 2

Life and Demise of the GDR


Year 2

Screening Russia: Film and Society from the Tsars to Putin


Year 2

Employing the Arts


Year 2

Arts Work Placement Module


Year 3

Dissertation in History


Year 3

Dissertation in Politics and International Relations


Year 3

Overseas Exploration, European Diplomacy, and the Rise of Tudor England


Year 3

China in Global Politics


Year 3

Politics Placement


Year 3

The Politics of Ethnic Conflict


Year 3

African Politics


Year 3

Theories of the Modern State


Year 3

The Politics of Human Rights


Year 3

Responding to Extremism: Politics, Power, and Ethics


Year 3

Gender and Political Representation


Year 3

The Middle East and the World


Year 3

Special Relationship? Anglo-American Security Relations


Year 3

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: The Morality of Capitalism


Year 3

Political Parties and Party Systems Around the Globe


Year 3

Left and Right in Contemporary Politics


Year 3

Political Challenges and Multiple Crises in the Global Economy


Year 3

The EU as a Global Power


Year 3

The Middle East and the World


Year 3

Race and Politics


Year 3

Ideas and Politics in Contemporary Britain


Year 3

The Struggle for Democracy


Year 3

Political Violence


Year 3

Inside Out: The UK and the EU


Year 3

The Politics of Inequality


Year 3

The Russo-Ukranian War


Year 3

European colonialism and the boundary of the human in the long eighteenth century


Year 3

The 1960s and the West, 1958-1974


Year 3

Russia in Revolution 1905-21


Year 3

The Reign of Richard II


Year 3

'World wasting itself in blood': Europe and the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)


Year 3

Rebels Against Empire: Anticolonialism and British Imperialism in the mid 20th Century


Year 3

The British Civil Wars c.1639-1652


Year 3

Sexuality and Society in Britain Since 1900


Year 3

Alternatives to War: Articulating Peace since 1815


Year 3

Windrush and the (Re)Making of a Nation: Myth and Memory


Year 3

Zero Hour: Germany, Poland, and post-war reconstruction in Europe, 1945-1955


Year 3

Britain in the Age of the French Revolution: 1789-1803


Year 3

Victorians in Italy: Travelling South in the Nineteenth Century


Year 3

Faith and Fire: Popular Religion in Late Medieval England


Year 3

The Black Death


Year 3

The Chimera: British Imperialism and Its Discontents, 1834-1919


Year 3

Disease and Domination: The History of Medicine and the Colonial Encounter


Year 3

The past that won’t go away: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939


Year 3

Plague, Fire and the Reimagining of the Capital 1600-1720: The Making of Modern London


Year 3

Slavery, Caste and Capitalism: Labouring Lives in Global History, 1750-2000

Information Icon

About modules

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer, but is not intended to be construed or relied on as a definitive list of what might be available in any given year. This content was last updated on Thursday 23 January 2025. Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

You will be taught via a mixture of large-group lectures and smaller, interactive seminars. You will also be taught through tutorials and supervisions. These are one-to-one meetings or discussions with an academic tutor.


All students are assigned a personal tutor at the start of each academic year. Your personal tutor oversees your academic development and personal welfare.

In the year one, your personal tutor will teach your weekly seminars on our 'Learning History' module. In year three, your personal tutor will teach your weekly special subject seminars. As a result, our students often develop highly supportive and collaborative relationships with their personal tutor.

Peer mentoring

All new undergraduate students are allocated a peer mentor, to help you settle into life at Nottingham. Find out more about the support on offer.

Teaching quality

98% of our class of 2022 graduated with a 1st or 2:1 degree classification. Source: UoN student outcomes data, Annual Monitoring (QDS) Analyses 2022.

Tutor's contributions to high quality teaching and learning are recognised through our annual Lord Dearing Awards. View the full list of recipients.

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops
  • Field trips

Your assessments will vary according to the topic studied. The majority of assessment is by different types of essay. However, other forms of assessment may include:

  • exams
  • individual or team presentations
  • group projects
  • student-led seminars
  • interpretation of document sources or images
  • poster presentations
  • reviews and reflections on the process of study
  • independently-researched dissertation

Assessment methods

  • Essay
  • Portfolio (written/digital)
  • Presentation
  • Reflective review
  • Written exam
  • Dissertation

You’ll have at least the following hours of timetabled contact a week through lectures, seminars and workshops, tutorials and supervisions.

Year one: minimum of 12 hours

Year two: minimum of 9 hours

Final year: minimum of 7 hours

Your tutors will also be available outside these times to discuss issues and develop your understanding. 

We reduce your contact hours as you work your way through the course. As you progress, we expect you to assume greater responsibility for your studies and work more independently.

Your tutors will all be qualified academics with PhDs. Some of our postgraduate research students may also support teaching after suitable training. You will have a personal tutor from the Department of History and a joint-honours adviser from the School of Politics and International Relations.

Lectures on our largest modules, 'Learning History' and 'Introduction to Political Theory', are typically attended by up to 350 students. The corresponding seminars have a maximum size of 25. Year-two module lectures may be attended by up to 75 students. History special subject groups are limited to a maximum of 20.

As well as scheduled teaching, you’ll carry out extensive self-directed study such as:

  • reading, researching and note taking
  • analysing primary sources
  • planning and writing essays and other assessed work
  • collaborating with fellow students

As a guide, 20 credits (a typical module) is approximately 200 hours of work (combined teaching and self-directed study).

As a History and Politics graduate, you will have gained the following key transferable skills:

  • critical thinking
  • data analysis
  • constructing logical arguments
  • communication
  • teamworking
  • presentation

Read our Department of History student and alumni profiles for more about the range of skills you will gain, as well as the careers which our graduates go into.

You can learn more about subject-related careers opportunities from our Careers and Employability Services:

Average starting salary and career progression

85.70% of undergraduates from the Faculty of Social Sciences secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual starting salary for these graduates was £29,197.

78.8% of undergraduates from the Faculty of Arts secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual starting salary for these graduates was £23,974.

HESA Graduate Outcomes (2017 to 2021 cohorts). The Graduate Outcomes % is calculated using The Guardian University Guide methodology. The average annual salary is based on graduates working full-time within the UK.

Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.

Throughout your time with us, our Careers and Employability Service can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.

Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.

The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers (Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2020, High Fliers Research).

From Britain's Prime Ministers to the works of Plato and Aristotle, the history of Modern Medicine to the historical significance of street lighting; studying History and Politics has opened my eyes to a plethora of topics I had previously not considered researching. I have been afforded the opportunity to develop my independent research, source analysis, and presentation skills thanks to friendly and approachable tutors in both departments. 

Emily Oxbury

History and Politics BA

Course data

Open Day June 2022