Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

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Rebecca Senior granted funding to expand her monuments and memorials research with UCL's Legacies of Slavery database

Dr Rebecca Senior, Art Historian and UoN Impact Research Fellow in the Department of Culture, Media and Visual Studies, has received funding from the QR Strategic Priorites Fund to expand her research on monuments and memorials with plans for larger collaborative projects in the future.

Rebecca Senior granted funding to expand her monuments and memorials research with UCL's Legacies of Slavery database

Dr Rebecca Senior, Art Historian and UoN Impact Research Fellow in the Department of Culture, Media and Visual Studies, has received funding from the QR Strategic Priorites Fund to expand her research on monuments and memorials with plans for larger collaborative projects in the future.

Reading Week 8-12 November

Take a break from lectures.Get up to date with reading.Develop new skills and do some careers thinking.

Latest publication from Hongwei Bao: Queer China

Breaking new ground and bringing a non-Western perspective to the fore, this transdisciplinary work contributes to multiple academic fields including literary and cultural studies, media and communication studies, film and screen studies, contemporary art, theatre and performance studies, gender and sexuality studies, China/Asia and Global South studies, and cultural history and cultural geography.

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Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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