Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Undergraduate study

Come and study at one of the UK’s largest modern language departments, where learning a language is just the beginning. 

Undergraduate modern languages courses 

Study two or three languages

Study two languages

Modern Languages (with a year abroad)

Modern Languages (without a year abroad)

German and Contemporary Chinese Studies

Russian and Contemporary Chinese Studies

Modern Languages with Translation

Modern Languages with Business


Study three languages

You can choose three from post-A level French, German, Russian, Portuguese or Spanish, or two post-A level languages along with a beginners' language.

Modern Language Studies


Beginners welcome!

We love people who love languages and having studied a language previously isn't a prerequisite for all our courses.

Learn more about your options to start a first, second, or even third language as a beginner.

Beginners' languages


Take the Foundation route

Designed for talented UK students whose personal circumstances make achieving our usual entry requirements difficult.


Explore some of the many optional modules you can choose from

Year Abroad

Alumni-Freddie-Field (1)

"My year abroad gave me the most life skills I think of any year of my education. It was phenomenal" Freddie Field


Learn more about the year abroad

What our students say


Hear more from our students

A group of students on a night out

Language societies

Two students study in the Monica Partridge building

Employability and personal support


Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact us