School of Computer Science

National Cyber Security Centre certified degree (provisional)



Our MSc Cyber Physical Systems (12-month) degree is provisionally certified by the National Cyber Security Centre as a degree incorporating cyber security.

We offer a specific pathway through the degree for candidates that are interested in gaining cyber security knowledge and skills in a cyber physical systems context. The specific modules that are covered in this pathway are listed below.

 Autumn Semester Spring Semester
 Cyber Security  Topical Trends in Cyber Security
 Advanced Computer Networks   Malware Analysis
 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures  Designing Sensor-Based Systems
 Autonomous Robotic Systems  Research Methods


The modules are accompanied by a summer project, which would also have a relevant cyber security focus.

The Cyber Security, Topical Trends and Malware Analysis modules are fully focused upon security issues, while Advanced Computer Networks and Advanced Algorithms both incorporate additional related coverage.

The delivery of the degree and supervision of projects is supported by various members of the CybSec team, and makes use of our specialist facilities such as the Cyber Security Lab.

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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