School of Education

MA Education Alumni Profiles

This is a collection of reflective accounts from MA Education and MA Education (Online) alumni. They describe why they chose to study with the University of Nottingham, their experience of the course and how it has helped develop their career.

Click on an image below to go to that profile.

Links to go to MA Education and MA Education (Online) course information can be found at the bottom of the page.

Xinye Huangfu - MA Education student

Xinye fron China
Studied in Nottingham

Namra Mansoor - MA Education student

Namra from Pakistan
Studied in Nottingham

Zhe Wang - MA Education student

Zhe from China
Studied in Nottingham

Qili Chen - MA Education student

Qili from China
Studied in Nottingham

Praise Emma-Egoro MA Education student

Praise from Nigeria
Studied in Nottingham


Janith Jayatilkae Kananamalage

Janith from Sri Lanka
Studied in Nottingham

Nellicca Chong, MA Education student

Nellica from Malaysia
Studied in Nottingham

Hee Soo (Clara) Chung - MA Education (Flexible) student

Hee Soo (Clara) from South Korea
Studied online

Syed Siddique - MA Education (Flexible) student

Syed from India
Studied online

Tara Kurre - MA Education (Flexible) student

Tara from India
Studied online


Xinye Huangfu - MA Education studentXinye Huangfu

Year of graduation: 2023
Home country: China

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose the University of Nottingham because it is a reputed institution in China. The School of Education is ranked in the top 50 in the QS World Rankings by subject and is a research -based institution with considerable research power. I have the opportunity to access the sector-leading work in education during the course.

How do you think the course will help you with your career progression or future research?

This course is really expansive. It is not confined to the practical, pedagogical level, albeit pedagogy is definitely a focus of research and learning. This course discusses what is education, how education is practiced globally and how education works in society and influences people. This course elevates the latitude of conceptualisation of education in various ways and expands the knowledge repertoire. It also renders a critical perspective to how I think of issues, not just educational issues, but all sorts of issues. I had a plan for PhD or EdD study before starting this course and the course has definitely refined the research interest for future study.

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

The module I particularly liked is Social Theory and Conceptual Frameworks in Education. This module is depicted by Dr Lucy Cooker as a life-changing module because it renders learners with critical perspectives to look at issues through theoretical lenses. I think it is quite true that this module opens up ways of thinking - it allows learners to look at and think of issues in a way that has probably never occurred before. It is a great training for dialectical and critical thinking. Although the content involved in the module is quite complex and challenging, I believe taking the module is rewarding.

What was the best part of the course?

The best part of this course is beautiful friendships and social networking. The experience of discussing and group working with peers is fantastic.

During the course, except for routine learning. I have also been a course representative and student co-creator in the curriculum transformation programme. I really appreciate the two experiences of talking to and co-working with fellow students and staff to reflect on the overall designing and delivering of modules in this course. I think this dialogic way and negotiation to talk issues through is really great.

How have you been supported on the course?  

I have been supported by the devoted tutors. I have been supported by the thoroughly developed guidelines and readings on the webpage. I have been supported by peer working and collaborating.

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

It is a great opportunity to learn educational philosophy and psychology globally, expand knowledge repertoire and develop critical thinking.

Do you have any advice for someone considering the MA Education course?

Read massively. This is a taught course, but independent learning is really a large part of learning and it is expected that students solve issues independently. A broad repertoire of reading is likely to lead to a broad range of resources to draw upon and critical perspectives in solving issues and synthesising sources.


Namra Mansoor - MA Education studentNamra Mansoor

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: Pakistan

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose the University of Nottingham because of its international student population, Times Higher Education (THE) ranking and commitment to the environment.

How do you think the course will help you with your career progression?

The course has opened many opportunities for me to work in the UK. Through the knowledge and skills I have gained from the MA Education course, I was able to secure a manager-level role in the Higher Education sector even before completing my dissertation. I aim to focus on student engagement through different roles in the future.

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

Critical Perspectives in Curriculum and Pedagogy, especially the decolonization of the curriculum and lectures on what is pedagogy. Learning from academic research from my country, Pakistan, made me feel represented and I could relate to the content.

What was the best part of the course?

The flipped classroom approach was the best part, it helped me in familiarising myself with the content before in-person seminars. This way I was better prepared, actively participated in classroom discussions with instructors and benefitted from peer collaborations.

How have you been supported on the course? 

The biggest support was the library and not just the physical space it provides for independent study. The university e-library  provided me access to all the academic work I wanted to read for my coursework throughout the year. Additionally, the availability of relevant books in Djanogly Learning Resource Centre was immensely helpful and elevated my independent study sessions.   

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

If you are looking for a peaceful yet culturally diverse and environment-friendly city to live in the UK, Nottingham is the place to be. Nottingham is a haven, with a great transport network and discount offers for students from across the world.  

Do you have any advice for someone considering the MA Education course?

  • Build a strong network of friends through your course as it will help you navigate not just academic, but also residential and postgraduate life in the UK.
  • Make full use of the study spaces available throughout the campus, including the libraries. 
  • Participate in course briefings to understand course learning outcomes and assessment criteria. 

Zhe Wang - MA Education studentZhe Wang

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: China

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

Before applying for the postgraduate programme, I heard that the University of Nottingham's campus is lovely and peaceful, with lots of cute animals, and the education is nice too, so I chose to study there. 

How do you think the course will help you with your career progression?

I was a secondary school teacher before, and because of the intensive workload and working hours, I felt burnt out and did not want be a teacher. The course helped me reduce my feelings of burnout and therefore, I have more courage now to return to teaching. My English skills (such as spoken and written English) have also progressed through the course. 

I have secured a job in London as a nursery school teacher, but I also want to do more research on educational fields, and apply for a PhD. I think the reflection of my teaching and learning is important for the research, so I will work first and then apply for a PhD.

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

School, Society, and Mental Well-Being. This module uses many experiential activities to explore and discuss the mental well-being of students and teachers, and some interesting topics, such as the culture of nationalism and marginalisation. Because of this module, I know the importance of self-care and self-acceptance and try to focus more on myself rather than outside voices. This is also why I can reduce the feelings of burnout.

What was the best part of the course?

I think it’s the excellent key readings. Every time our tutor gave us reading materials, I always read them with passion. The readings helped me learn more about the critical topics and some new ideas in the educational field and helped me reflect on myself too. 

Most of the time, education is always related to society, culture, politics, and economics. It’s also the reason that I can learn more about this world through those kinds of readings.

How have you been supported on the course? 

Every time I had problems with a module, I always sent an email to the tutor, sometimes also to talk about the key readings and share my thoughts with them. They always replied quickly, with inspiration and patience. It helped me progress more.

The CELE courses were also important and useful to me. With those kinds of courses, my English skills, especially academic writing, progressed. 

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

Because of the friendly, professional, patient teachers, well-designed courses and nice staff. With beautiful campuses and lots of cute small animals, you can find a nice work and life balance here.

Do you have any advice for someone considering the MA Education course?

Don’t hesitate, just come to the University of Nottingham. You will love the life here.


Qili Chen - MA Education studentQili Chen

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: China
Current role: Working for an educational technology company - read about Qili's work experience since graduating.

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

The University of Nottingham has a great advantage in the world rankings in education and I felt the course would greatly complement and enhance my professional knowledge. Two of my colleagues graduated from the University of Nottingham and they are very professional in their work, so I hoped to gain a lot from my studies and I feel honoured to be an alumnus with them. I am really grateful for the opportunity to study here.

How do you think the course will help you with your career progression?

The course has broadened my knowledge, vision and perception of education. I have learnt advanced educational concepts and quality education models from other developed countries, which will provide me with a solid foundation for my future work.

I will continue to work in education-related jobs, in curriculum development and teacher training, because I already have several years of relevant experience and am confident in my work. I hope to be able to apply the professional knowledge to my work, to continue to deepen my love of education and to be an educator who truly loves children and understands their education.  

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

I was very interested in the Schools, Society and Mental Well Being module and was lucky enough to get a distinction for this module. The teachers worked very well together and the module was very interesting. There were often interactive activities in class for us to meditate, reflect and summarise, and the class was active and participatory. 

The module would be very helpful for students who become teachers in the future, as it involved a lot of research on educational psychology, for example attachment and loss; working with marginalised young people such as LGBT; racism; understanding the nature and impact of trauma; working with presenting issues: power and bullying and so on. These are hot topics that often arise in schools. Learning the theory behind these topics will provide better ideas and approaches to deal with similar issues in the future, such as how to get along with students, understand them and communicate more effectively.  

What was the best part of the course?

  • Meeting excellent teachers from different fields who are very patient, friendly and professional.
  • Reading literature to improve my reading comprehension skills and expand the width, breadth and depth of my professional knowledge
  • Writing papers and thinking more deeply about a particular topic, which improved my writing skills and critical thinking skills
  • Meeting international students and learning about different cultures, beliefs and habits from them

How have you been supported on the course? 

I had a personal tutor to consult with, we discussed different questions together and found solutions, it felt like a warm family. I was also assigned a supervisor for my dissertation and we met regularly to discuss progress and any problems that I encountered. 

The university also offers free academic English language courses for students which cover listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing. I particularly benefited from the writing course and would strongly recommend it.  

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

  1. The quality of the teaching staff, the fact that they are all very modest, friendly and professional, ensures that the lessons are effective
  2. The learning atmosphere is good at the University of Nottingham and students help and learn from each other, especially as many students have work experience and it is really worthwhile to communicate and learn more from them
  3. The support provided is very helpful, such as free writing courses and personal tutors, and helps reduce the pressure of studying and to solve problems in a timely manner
  4. The different clubs in the university can also help students to develop their hobbies and interests while studying and enrich their life abroad

Do you have any advice for someone considering the MA Education course?

It is very important to choose a course that you like and the course content is key. If you love and are interested in the course, you will have the motivation and direction to study hard. If you are considering studying the MA Education at the University of Nottingham, I don't think you will regret your choice. Good luck. 


Praise Emma-Egoro MA Education studentPraise Emma-Egoro

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: Nigeria
Study mode: Full-time 

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I love research so I chose to study at the University of Nottingham because of its world-class research reputation. I specifically chose the MA Education course because it has an outstanding faculty with internationally recognised research in education.

How do you think the course will help you with your career progression?

The MA Education has improved my academic writing and critical thinking skills tremendously. These skill sets are necessary for the higher research degree that I plan to pursue in the near future, and I am so excited about my improved skill set.

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

Yes, the modules I really enjoyed the most are: Critical Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy; Understanding and Planning Education Research; Leading Learning; and Practice-Based Inquiry. They were my favourite modules because I could relate the concepts taught in those modules to my career. 

I also enjoyed the fact that the course affords students the opportunity to take optional modules from other areas of specialisation within the School of Education. I took modules from the MA Education Leadership and Management  course, which I really enjoyed.

What was the best part of the course?

The best part of my course was attending in-person seminars and interacting with my tutors and peers on matters pertaining to the modules. It was indeed an exciting experience for me.

How have you been supported on the course?

I was supported through personal tutorials and feedbacks from tutors on my assignment drafts. I also found the Centre for English Language Education (CELE) sessions on academic writing and syntheses very useful for my assignments.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to pursue a PhD when I complete this MA Education course.  

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

Nottingham is a very student-friendly city. The University of Nottingham’s MA Education course has an outstanding faculty and a prestigious learning environment. The libraries are stocked with recent books and students have access to many relevant online and offline resources to support their studies. It is indeed an excellent place to study.

Do you have any advice for someone considering the MA Education course?

The MA Education course is not going to teach you how to be a teacher, no. Instead, it is going to expose you to theories and concepts that will likely cause you to reflect on your own practice and maybe, inspire your approach to teaching. So, please forge ahead bearing this in mind. The MA Education course is phenomenal, and there is a lot of support for you at every step of the way, so go for it!


Janith Jayatilkae KananamalageJayatilake Kankanamalage Janith Prabashwara Perera

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: Sri Lanka 
Study mode: Full-time 
Current role: Lecturer at the London School of Management Education
Achievements: Janith was awarded a Vice Chancellor's Medal in 2022

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

Choosing a university for your higher studies is one of the hardest decisions ever to make. To me, the University of Nottingham was very appealing from the very first time I took a virtual tour. I was also particularly impressed with what I had heard of the university being one of the most prestigious universities in the UK, belonging to the famous and elite Russell Group, which is known for excellence in teaching and research.

When I did my research on the School of Education, I was so happy to see that it ranked among the top universities to study education in the UK. Furthermore, the modules offered on the programme are very pragmatic in approach and provide the opportunity to combine your own research interests.

There are also many funding opportunities to study at the University of Nottingham. I was fortunate to be awarded a 100% tuition-fee scholarship: Developing Solutions Masters Scholarship. Do check the funding section to find what opportunities are available.  

How do you think the course will help you with your career progression?

The course will open up new avenues in the field of education back in Sri Lanka. I am interested in developing curriculum and pedagogy for students of all ages. What I have learnt from this course will be highly beneficial. 

Even though I am very new to the UK, my past teaching experiences, together with studying this course, has helped me find a part-time job as a supply teacher in Nottingham. The familiarity of the profession helps me to work stress-free in the UK and at the same time helps me to acquire a better understanding of the teaching profession in a totally different environment. 

The course has also prepared me for my higher studies, probably a PhD. As part of the MA, I have received a better insight of planning educational research, conducting both empirical and secondary research, as well as reflective writing. For module assessments, I have conducted different types of research and reflective writing. With the supervision and guidance of my tutors/supervisors I have enhanced my knowledge and skills. 

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

It was very difficult to select the optional modules as many of them were appealing and inviting. The module I enjoyed the most was Responding Mindfully to Challenging Behaviour. This was because the module follows a very pragmatic approach, incorporating theory into practice. Every other session included a mindfulness practice session and throughout the module we were asked to maintain a reflective journal which guided our assignment later on. I enjoyed how each theory and concept we discussed within the module, were encouraged to be self-contemplated using our experiences and perspectives. The module included multiple activities and each of them helped me to transform into a mindfulness practitioner in my profession as an educator and also to care more about equity, diversity and inclusion in my practice.  

What was the best part of the course?

For me the best part of the course is the ability to tailor-make each and every module around your own interests. My undergraduate degree is in conflict resolution and peace. When I look at education, what becomes more relevant to me is peace education or education that helps to promote peaceful living and social cohesion. For all my modules, I was able to tailor-make my assessments (6,000 words academic assignment) with reference to components of peace education. The ability to tailor the degree as per your interests is really helpful to ensure you can keep up with your own passions which will ensure the natural presence of commitment.

How have you been supported on the course?

Support has always been available when requested. The personal tutor has always been available for any academic, administrative or personal inquiries. The Students Academic Skills team in the libraries, as well as the Centre for English Language Education (CELE) have been very helpful in providing feedback on developing your assignments. 

What are your plans for the future?

Once I graduate, I have plans of publishing my research work which is centred on peace education and to advocate for the promotion of peace education in Sri Lanka, as well as in other countries around the world. The  MA Education has helped me develop a comprehensive understanding on peace education, as well as how I can utilise education as an instrument for making change on a social level. I believe the degree will provide more leverage for my advocacy aims.

I am also thinking of starting a PhD. I believe the MA Education course has prepared me to embark on that journey.  

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

Recently it was announced that the School of Education is one of the top five institutions for education. In the subject rankings, the University of Nottingham stands on the very top. This showcases the excellence in teaching and research that both the school and its faculty have. 

Do you have any advice for someone considering the MA Education course?

Always focus on your passion and interests. Combine your research interests and the core teachings of each module to explore what opportunities lie ahead. This will encourage you to pursue a future you really love and which could help you to become the best version of yourself.  


Nellicca Chong, MA Education studentNellicca Neleric Chong

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: Malaysia
Current role: Education Service Officer and Head of English Language Panel, Nanga Bawai National School, Malaysia

Why did you choose this course?

This was my preferred institution because of the quality of teaching and research, which I felt would assist me in advancing my career. With its outstanding reputation and 200 years of experience in the field of education, the latest and well-established thinking methods that this learning institution offered, has indubitably extended my knowledge. 

How has the course helped you in your career? 

The course has helped to open up a wider career path for me. My experience of studying the course in the UK has increased my capacity in examining issues from a different cultural perspective. The global perspectives gained related to education, influence the approaches that I can implement in my new workplace. By developing a greater understanding and view, I am more confident to initiate changes in my area of work productively. 

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most?

I enjoyed the Critical Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy module the most. It has expanded my thinking and understanding of the systems and contemporary issues pertaining to the field of education. This module has also enabled me to learn and explore current education topics deeply through recommended journals, lectures and seminars. I am also passionate in exploring wider perspectives on curriculum and pedagogy which can advance my teaching and learning experience.

What was the best part of the course? 

One of the best parts of my course was interacting and learning among diverse colleagues from all over the world. The opportunities to exchange ideas and insights has definitely widened my horizon in gathering more effective initiatives and plans. I find the freedom to choose from a wide range of optional modules as advantageous to my pursuit in this field of education. I selected one module from the MA Special and Inclusive Education course and another from MA Digital Teaching and Learning course.

What are your plans for the future?

I will be continuing my career in my home country under the Ministry of Education Malaysia. I will teach and train various subjects in educational institutions while also getting involved in more projects. This will help me to understand the ongoing development of education in my country and offer opportunities to contribute professionally at schools or private institutions where my expertise is needed. At the same time, I will partake in research work to form initial theories out of educational cases that I will engage in.

How have you been supported on the course? 

I was pleased to receive full support from lecturers, tutors and my supervisor on the course. They guided and cared not only in terms of academic progress, but also in other aspects such as my mental wellbeing and career progression. The courses and consultations provided by Centre for English Language Education (CELE) have  greatly assisted me in improving my academic writing and language skills.

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?  

Students should choose the University of Nottingham to study this course because it is ranked as a top 10 UK university in the QS World University Rankings 2023 for education. Nottingham is also ranked 9th in the UK in the QS Best Student Cities 2023. Located in a friendly and safe city, the university is one of the best choices to study this course.

The diverse modes of delivery and assessment for this course are appealing as well and the programme will definitely enhance your competencies in this area. This course will prepare you to face the world of education and expand your knowledge and skills in research. You will not only benefit from the course but also the network of people that you will come across while studying here. Studying at Nottingham will help to shape your identity as a global educator. 

Anything else you'd like to add about the course or your time studying?

The well-maintained facilities such as David Ross Sports Centre and lecture halls enriched my overall experience as a student in the university. The Hopper bus service eased my travelling between campuses as well. I benefited from the availability to stay in the postgraduate hall offered by the university. The accommodation within the campus has expanded my connection with many students from various countries and made meaningful memories in the UK. From being part of the Travel Society to KPOP Dance Society, I can confirm that the variety of clubs and societies available in this university are fantastic!  

Also, the renowned green environment of this university has managed to capture my heart and I enjoyed the refreshing environment at the university throughout my study. 


Hee Soo (Clara) Chung - MA Education (Flexible) studentHee Soo (Clara) Chung

Year of graduation: 2023
Home country: South Korea

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose to study at the University of Nottingham, as if offered a flexible MA Education course which allowed me to pursue both my studies and my full-time work at an international school. I appreciated the flexibility of the course in also allowing me to tailor my degree to my personal and professional interests. It is rare to find such a flexible yet rigorous programme, and I thought it was a perfect fit for what I was looking for, both for my personal and professional development.

How has the course helped you in your career?

I am currently a college counsellor at an international school, and I was able to grow both personally and professionally by taking this course. The course allowed me to reflect deeply on my practices and ways I can make actionable improvements in various ways. I believe this course will be a significant positive addition to my credentials, regardless of the path I end up pursuing.

Was there a particular module you enjoyed the most and why?

I enjoyed all the modules, but Responding Mindfully to Challenging Behaviour was a module that was especially memorable for me. As someone who has both social-emotional counselling and college counselling experiences, I related to a lot of the materials that were discussed in this module. The module taught me think deeply about my behaviours and actions at work, and also reminded me of the everyday impact that educators can have on students. 

What was the best part of the course?

I genuinely appreciated the flexibility that the course offered, allowing me to pursue my full-time job at the same time as pursuing a masters degree. I also loved the variety of students enrolled in these modules – the students were from so many different types of backgrounds, career paths, locations, interests, and so on. Although the course was conducted online, I appreciated the opportunity to communicate and work with everyone. 

How were you supported on the course?

My professors were all very supportive, and were willing to jump on a video call across time zones and answer my emails whenever I was stuck or had questions. There were also so many resources available on Moodle, and I found the workshops and webinars hosted by various groups on Teams to be super useful. There were webinars and workshops on all sorts of topics, and the tutors hosting those sessions were also resourceful and helpful.

How did you manage to balance your job/work/personal life?

It was definitely challenging to balance work with my studies, especially when the term papers came around at the end of each module. I tried to set aside time in the weekends or after work in the evenings to focus on my studies, and also allocated some time for my studies at work on the days when I wasn’t too busy. I think it’s important to break down big tasks and try to set little goals everyday, so that you aren’t overwhelmed when big papers or projects come around. 

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course? 

Especially for students who want to pursue both their work and their studies, this course offers the flexibility to do so without making any compromises on its educational quality. There is a great support network and resources, and this course will offer students the opportunity to develop personally and professionally regardless of where they are in their lives. 

Do you have any advice for someone considering this course? 

I would recommend getting in touch with someone who is currently taking or has taken this course to get their first-hand experience. For me, my co-worker, who has taken this course, really helped me get more information and insights before making my final decision to apply. I would also research the course and the modules that it offers to see whether they align with your interests.  

Once you are on the course, I would recommend taking full advantage of all the resources and the support network available at Nottingham. As this course is flexible, it is easy to let things slip through and not be as motivated to engage with your classmates, professors, tutors, and so on. However, I think the more you participate and engage with others in this course, the more you have to gain and learn after completing the course. 

Lastly, as it is a flexible course, time management is key! If you are considering the course, try looking at your schedule to see whether you can find ways to set aside some time in your day, week, and month for the course, and plan ahead.


Syed Siddique - MA Education (Flexible) studentSyed Siddique

Year of graduation: 2023
Home country: India

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose to study at the University of Nottingham primarily because they offered a Master of Arts in Education as an online program. This flexibility was crucial for me as it allowed me to pursue higher education while balancing other commitments in my life. Additionally, the University of Nottingham's reputation as a prestigious institution played a significant role in my decision. I was confident that studying at such a renowned university would provide me with a high-quality education and enhance my career prospects.

How has the course helped you in your career?

The course provided me with a strong foundation in my field of study, allowing me to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations in my work. Furthermore, the reputation of the University of Nottingham has helped bolster my credentials and credibility in the eyes of employers, which has been beneficial for career advancement.

What was the best part of the course?

The best part of the course at the University of Nottingham was undoubtedly the exceptional material it offered. The curriculum was well-designed and comprehensive.

How were you supported on the course?

Throughout my time on the course, I received excellent support from the University of Nottingham. The staff, including professors, tutors, and support services, were consistently helpful, responsive, and dedicated to ensuring students' success. Whenever I had questions or faced challenges, I could rely on their guidance and expertise. The university provided a range of resources, such as online libraries, research databases, and discussion forums, which facilitated interactive learning and fostered a strong sense of community among the students.

If you were working while studying, how did you manage to balance the job/work/personal life?

Balancing a job, coursework, and personal life while studying was indeed a challenge, but with proper planning and prioritisation, it was manageable. Time management was crucial. I created a schedule that allocated dedicated time slots for work, study, and personal activities. Setting realistic goals for week helped me stay on track and avoid procrastination.  

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

I believe students should choose this course at the University of Nottingham for several reasons.

Firstly, the university offers a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum that equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills in their chosen field. The course content is highly relevant and up-to-date, keeping pace with the evolving industry trends. 

Secondly, the University of Nottingham's reputation as a prestigious institution ensures that graduates are recognised for their academic achievements and are well-regarded by employers worldwide.

Finally, the flexibility of studying online provides an opportunity for individuals with various commitments to pursue higher education without compromising on the quality of their learning experience

Do you have any advice for someone considering this course?

My advice would be to fully embrace the resources and support available at the University of Nottingham. Engage with the course material actively, participate in discussions and collaborative activities, and make use of the online resources and support services provided. It's important to establish a routine and manage your time effectively to stay on top of coursework and assignments. Additionally, don't hesitate to reach out to professors and tutors whenever you have questions or need clarification. Finally, take advantage of the networking opportunities and connections that the University of Nottingham offers, as they can greatly enhance your professional prospects. 


Tara Kurre - MA Education (Flexible) studentTara Kiran Kurre

Year of graduation: 2022
Home country: India



Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

The University of Nottingham was introduced to me as a university which is popular for its teacher training courses. It attracted me for its unique flexible courses for in-service teachers to upgrade their portfolio through high standard courses that are designed by experienced academics. The university ranking (including the subject ranking) was a big factor in choosing Nottingham, along with the numerous funding opportunities it provides.

How has the course helped you in your career?

I was a high school chemistry teacher for 10 years and pursuing the MA Education (Flexible) has helped me to change my role from school teacher to a faculty position at a prominent university in India. I received the job offer while I was working on my dissertation, and I believe the course has helped me to develop the skills that led to this progression. 

Was there a particular module that you enjoyed the most? 

I particularly enjoyed the Practice-Based Inquiry module as it has practical applications where an instructor or a teacher can conduct their own classroom research. It has introduced me to action research, which I now rely on heavily. The module helped me to perform a small scale research project within my classroom and to evaluate my strategies and ideas, thus helping me to strengthen my skills as a teacher.

I also volunteered as student representative and was involved with collecting feedback from peers and voicing their concerns to the people concerned. This leadership opportunity helped me to connect with my peers and also tutors, and to contribute towards making the experiences more enriching for both parties.

What was the best part of the course?

The best part of the course was definitely the flexibility that it offers to suit full-time work commitments, allowing study alongside work.  

How were you supported on the course?

The tutors were helpful in guiding us through the course. The Student Services team was always there to help with enquiries and support when needed. 

If you were working while studying, how did you manage to balance the job/work/personal life?

As the course is a flexible course, I was working full-time while studying. I managed my studies during the Covid pandemic, having a toddler and with a full-time job. I had huge family support that helped me to get through this. Also the tutors at university were so considerate about the situations we were in and helped guide us through. Fellow students created a group on Whatsapp and helped each other out when needed.  

What do you want to do now you've completed your degree?

As I moved to a university from school, there is a lot of new learning. I wish to continue in higher education and contribute to the vision of the university where I am currently employed. The university is a part of philanthropic foundation, and as part of the foundation there are innumerable opportunities to work closely in projects related to education in rural India and I wish to work closely in them. I also wish to pursue my research interests and publish the work. 

Why do you think students should come to the University of Nottingham to study this course?

Firstly, for the flexibility. Secondly, for the content of the course based on current research and lays a strong foundation to pursue your own research by providing in-depth knowledge in the field of education. Thirdly, the great career opportunities that it provides.

Do you have any advice for someone considering this course?

  • Please look at the website and the work done by the staff to check if your research interests fit within the university’s current work.
  • Get in touch with alumni who studied the course you are interested in and and ask their opinion.
  • Spend enough time to decide on the course and apply in advance, allowing time to check for any scholarships available. I received a Commonwealth Scholarship from the Commonwealth Commission UK that covered 100% of my tuition fees and this was a huge motivation to pursue the course. 
  • Never hesitate to ask questions, people are more than happy to help you.
  • Check if your course allows part-time work if you rely on that for your tuition. Also, check if you are eligible to work in UK after your studies if that is important to you, as flexible courses don’t allow that option. 

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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