Department of Philosophy

Meet our students

Our graduates have used the knowledge and skills they gained at Nottingham to launch successful careers. 



Headshot photo of Deborah Igunma, smiling in front of a brown background

Deborah Igunma, Philosophy BA, CEO at Peek

Philosophy changed me as a person...It gave me a toolkit to learn and think critically about anything.

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Andrew Schafer standing in an East Asian garden

Andrew Schafer, Philosophy MPhil, Product Specialist at Cloudflare

I have found that as I grow and mature my background in Philosophy serves me more and more. I know where to look when I need help dealing with the human condition, both in and out of the office.

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Rob Temple drinking from a tea cup

Rob Temple, English and Philosophy BA, freelance journalist and author

They’re both about how we live our lives. Philosophy is the most concentrated version of that, and English is the poetic version. If you want to write a book, then usually you need to know how people think. Relatability is key for my Very British Problems writing.

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Jodi Kiang in a garden, smiling

Jodi Kiang, Philosophy and Theology BA, Individual Giving Manager (legacies) at Diabetes UK

The highlight for me was being able to create my own degree. There was so much more freedom of choice, so I could really pick the things I loved.

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Sian-Kathryn Green, Philosophy BA

Why did you choose to study philosophy at Nottingham?

I chose Nottingham as the University has a fantastic reputation both nationally and internationally, it is campus-based (and the University Park campus is just beautiful), and the city is so close.

Which of the skills you gained studying philosophy have proved most useful subsequently?

My degree has taught me endless transferable skills including how to be concise, how to argue and explain effectively, and how to engage in a debate. All of which have definitely equipped me for life after university.

What about outside of studying?

I held a variety of positions within the Students’ Union including JCR (hall) President, member of the SU Elections Committee, NUS Delegate, Executive Sabbatical Officer (Community Officer), Ladies Cricket Vice Captain, and South African Society Treasurer!

What did you enjoy most about studying philosophy at Nottingham?

The course offered me the opportunity to deliberate questions that, I believe, are at the heart of humanity. How should we live? What is right? Does God exist? How do we know things are true? What many people parody as pointless questioning, I truly consider to be crucial to understanding people and the world we live in. It was so refreshing to be surrounded by likeminded people, who have a passion for questioning pretty much every aspect of life.

My two favourite modules were ‘Marx’ and ‘Philosophy of Art’. Marx, because it was so interesting to see how his philosophy has impacted everyday life and how people still strive to change the world as a result of his work. I enjoyed ‘Philosophy of Art’ for very different reasons, primarily because I had no prior interest in art, however looking at it philosophically is challenging and raises many questions that I wouldn’t otherwise have considered, including what makes art, art?

Any other thoughts…

I would advise everyone to get involved in the Students’ Union as well as work hard on their course from day one! Your university experience will FLY by and, though I was heavily involved in the SU in my first and second year, I wish I had concentrated on my course as much, and then my university experience would have been the best one possible.


Kate Clark, Philosophy BA

Why did you choose to study philosophy at Nottingham?

Nottingham is a redbrick, quality university – recognised by large employers – and I wanted the best uni I could get into with my A Level results!

Which of the skills you gained studying philosophy have proved most useful subsequently?

It taught me how to express my views and opinions – both written and orally – clearly and concisely; an invaluable ability.

What about outside of studying?

I was involved in the Cake Society and the Pole Dance Society (I was the Publicity Officer for the latter, so told employers it was for a ‘dance society’ so as not to be misconstrued!).

What did you enjoy most about studying philosophy at Nottingham?

The atmosphere around campus always felt hardworking and dedicated and this made me want to do really well. I also loved the intelligence and mind-set of the lecturers, they always had time for further discussion and encouraged me to think of angles I never would have considered myself.

My favourite modules were ‘Environmental Ethics’ – the convenor, Neil Sinclair, was concise, easy to understand, and always had time to chat about the issues.  Also ‘Normative Ethics’, which taught me to consider how extreme views could be valid.

Any other thoughts…

Do not think you know more about Philosophy than the lecturer does! And join a sports team or society… Overall, I would recommend Nottingham to anyone as a brilliant place to study.


Jennifer Moles, Philosophy BA

Why did you choose to study philosophy at Nottingham?

I’d heard that Nottingham had a fantastic reputation and, after attending an open day, I fell in love with the campus and was impressed by the friendliness of everyone I met. I loved the fact that although I was at University in a city, the campus offered a tranquil surrounding; you really had the best of both worlds.

Which of the skills you gained studying philosophy have proved most useful subsequently?

It taught me to remain calm in difficult situations (working in recruitment can be very stressful!) and to organise my time effectively to meet deadlines. I received a full scholarship to study for the Bar and know that this was partly due to the debating and mooting I got involved with. Philosophy definitely helped my written and oral advocacy – I am able to argue my point very successfully in mock trials!

What about outside of studying?

In second year, I became the President of the Revival Gospel Choir, one of the music societies at the University. Aside from the course, this was the most challenging but rewarding experience I’ve ever had. Many members are still close friends and I was very happy to learn that the choir were recently crowned Gospel Choir of the Year in a national competition. When I was headhunted for the recruitment consultant role, I was told that it was because of my experience of managing such a large society.

What did you enjoy most about studying philosophy at Nottingham?

Firstly, I felt the University offered the perfect balance between getting a brilliant education and ensuring that we had a great ‘student’ experience. The lecturers were also fantastic. We learnt so much more from them than just what was delivered in lectures and seminars; they were so passionate about their teaching that we’d often have philosophical discussions with them just for fun!

My favourite two modules were the ‘Philosophy of Sex’, which explored issues such as rape, prostitution and paedophilia and whether they can ever be morally justified as it really pushed me to consider the boundaries (if any) of sexual morality, and the ‘Philosophy of Language’ – I found it fascinating understanding the rules governing speech and communication.

Any other thoughts…

Go on an open day – as soon as you visit, you’ll be hooked! And join societies, there is literally something for every interest. My choir became my family at university; singing bonded us in a way that was different from my friends in halls. If I had my time again, I would probably get involved with even more extra-curricular activities!


Luke Gallimore, BA Philosophy, Digital Manager Volkswagen Group UK Ltd

How has your Nottingham qualification helped your career?

Studying Philosophy probably isn't the most conventional path into the automotive industry, but my time at Nottingham gave me more than just rigorous academic training. I left Nottingham with ways of thinking which have enabled me to thrive on a sought-after graduate scheme, and to secure an exciting job thereafter. In my second year at UoN I became Editor-in Chief of The Mic magazine, which gave me a taste of managing teams and delivering big projects. This experience was crucial in securing the job I was aiming for after graduation.

What did you enjoy most about studying here?

Get involved in societies, and make big changes. At the Mic I led a top-to-bottom rebrand of the magazine including building a brand new website. As a team, we improved our advertising revenue, readership and reputation. Being at university is a unique opportunity; a diverse and safe environment to try new things, take risks and fail fast. Even if things don't go 100% to plan, working towards positive change outside of study is a sure-fire way to show you have drive. 



Theology and Religion

Francis Adam standing outside, wearing a patterned shirt and smiling to the camera

Francis Adam, Theology and Religious Studies BA

You literally get to stop and think and understand people in a whole new way. I don't think we do enough of this as a society, which goes a long way in explaining why there were so many different tensions in the world currently.

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Kiri Jane Erb, Systematic and Philosophical Theology MA by Distance Learning 

I've been able to do some really fun things, such as bringing together previous areas of interest as well as expanding my horizons into new ones. In particular, seeing how they collide and relate to each other is really fruitful. 
Read more from Kiri

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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