

Rights Lab

  • Dr Lara Bianchi

    Dr Bianchi's areas of expertise are Business and Human Rights; Workers' Rights in Global Value Chains; Stakeholder Engagement; Business Ethics.Dr Bianchi is an Associate Professor in Business and Society, who looks at the impacts and responsibilities of businesses on people and planet.
    +44 (0)115 846 6135
    Business and economy Gender Rights Lab War and security human rights Sustainable development goals business Workers’ Rights Global Value Chains stakeholder engagement Business Ethics
  • Dr Katarina Schwarz

    Dr Katarina Schwarz is an Associate Professor in Antislavery Law and Policy in the School of Law and Associate Director of the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. Her research explores the intersections between slavery and the law, from the historical to the contemporary. Schwarz works at the interface of research and policy to deliver evidence-based guidance for contemporary antislavery action. Her Rights Lab research interrogates the law and policy frameworks operating at the global, regional, and domestic level to determine the elements of effective antislavery governance and map trends, successes, and failures.
    History Law Politics Rights Lab Trade modern slavery human trafficking forced labour forced marriage International Law human rights reparations transatlantic slave trade historical injustice
  • Karma Tashi Choedron

    Karma's primary research focus is on modern-day slavery (Trafficking in Persons), i.e. on migrant workers in Malaysia, South and Southeast Asia. Research is primarily focused on oil palm companies and the manufacturing industry and its supply chain, including certification bodies.
    +6 03 8925 3563
    Environment Gender International Relations Religion Rights Lab Trafficking in Persons Marginalised/Displaced Communities Gender Environmental Ethics conservation Traditional/Indigenous Knowledge buddhism sikhism modern-day slavery modern slavery migrant workers oil palm companies manufacturing industry supply chains certification bodies Social Injustice
  • Sabina Lawreniuk

    Expertise includes labour rights; working conditions; health and safety; women's rights; women's health; gender-based violence; sexual harassment and violence; human rights; labour activism; trade union organisation; union rights; and labour repression.
    Equality Fashion Rights Lab Trade garment manufacturing industry clothing manufacture labour rights working conditions Women's rights Health and Safety women's health gender-based violence sexual harassment sexual violence human rights labour activism trade union organisation union rights labour repression
  • Dr Thomas Chesney

    People's interaction with, and reaction to, information systems. Virtual worlds.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7759
    Business and economy Rights Lab business people interactions Information systems virtual world
  • Dr Alexander Trautrims

    Logistics and supply chains ie. the operations that are run behind every business, with a focus on the retail sector. How products get to the supermarket shelf, collaboration between retailers and suppliers, sustainability issues ie. food miles, and the impact of online shopping on the retail sector. Vulnerability of supply chains and logistics networks.
    +44 (0) 115 823 1414
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Environment International Relations Rights Lab Logistics supply chains business retail supermarkets retailers Sustainability modern slavery human rights sustainability scandals
  • Caroline Emberson

    Modern slavery risk in UK public services such as adult social care
    +44 (0)115 8466 121
    Business and economy Rights Lab modern slavery Rights Lab social care public services
  • Dr Eleanor Seymour

    Dr Seymour is an expert in gender and conflict. She has a specific focus on sexual and gender based violence in conflict and post-conflict societies
    Crime Gender Law Rights Lab Sociology War and security sexual violence gender-based violence Gender relations Conflict society post-conflict societies international courts sociology anthropology Gender studies human rights International Law
  • Lucy Mahaffey

    Modern slavery, human trafficking, exploitation, US trafficking laws, local focus, state of Oklahoma, comparative public policy
    Rights Lab Rights Lab modern slavery US trafficking laws exploitation
  • Dr Benedict Rumbold

    Moral and political philosophy.My research is principally in practical reasoning, ethics and political philosophy, as well as in seventeenth century philosophy, particularly that of Descartes, Spinoza and Hobbes.In recent years I have written articles on a range of issues, investigating moral and political problems at varying levels of abstraction: rights' conclusiveness in moral reasoning and judgement; the right to privacy; the compossibility of human rights; distributive justice in the allocation of health resources; what, if anything, makes health care 'special'; biomedical moral enhancement.My current research considers questions around universalizability and the ideal worlds problem, as well as the normative significance of choices.
    0115 951 5151
  • Dr Nicola Wright

    Mental health recovery, service user perspectives and involvement, barriers and facilitators of safe and effective care transitions from community to hospital, modern slavery and mental health.
    0115 822 4604
  • Vicky Brotherton

    Research and policy on modern slavery - with a particular focus on the UK; UK modern slavery and human trafficking trends, research and policy; the National Referral Mechanism and the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner
    Rights Lab modern slavery human trafficking policy
  • Dr Sarah Jewitt

    Gender and environmental management. Forest use and management in India during the colonial and post-colonial period. Socio-cultural importance of forests and their role in community-based resource management. Technology transfers and the displacement of indigenous agro-ecological knowledge. The impact of 30 years of Green Revolution in India. Political ecology of natural resource management in Eastern India, intra- and inter- community variations in environmental knowledge possession and management capacity in Jharkhand, India.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5450
    Environment Gender Geography Rights Lab Geography Environment Gender Forest India Colonial post-colonial Community technology political Indian IAPS
  • Professor Louise Crewe

    Fashion; fast fashion; slow fashion; consumption; retailing; fashion and the internet; sensory clothes and future fashion; fashion store design and flagship stores; consumer desire for objects and why we buy what we buy; touch-screen shopping; emotional shopping; the victims of the fashion industry; brands and the value of clothes.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5441
    Environment Fashion Rights Lab Fashion consumption Internet retailing shopping clothes
  • Dr Melanie Jordan

    Criminology; Social Theory; Prisons & Punishment; Sex Crime; Criminal Justice System; Theoretical Criminology; Zoophilia & Bestiality Penal Reform
    +44 (0)115 951 5410
    Crime Health and Medicine Law Politics Rights Lab crime Criminology prisons sex crimes criminal justice system penal reform modern slavery trafficking
  • Professor Kevin Bales

    Professor Bales has extensive expertise in modern slavery, with 25 years experience in the field at all levels from hands-on to UN policy development.He can comment on anything related to modern or historical slavery or human trafficking or slavery in supply chains or slavery and climate change or conflict or forced marriage.
    +44 (0)115 846 6230
    Crime Politics Rights Lab World slavery modern slavery policy politics Rights Lab human rights
  • Dr Anja Neundorf

    Young people and politics, public opinion, German politics, elections, turnout, democratisation, civic culture, partisanship.
    +44 (0) 7946947367
    Children Politics Rights Lab World politics young people German politics elections
  • Dr Nick Baron

    Modern Russian/Soviet history, especially Lenin and Stalin - regional policy, economic development, the Gulag, the Great Terror; the Russian region of Karelia in the 20th century; contemporary Russian political, economic, social and cultural developments.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5928
    History Rights Lab russian Soviet history Lenin Stalin policy Economy Culture Social
  • Professor Stuart Marsh

    I am an expert in the applications of Earth Observation data from satellites and aircraft to environmental and engineering problems.
  • Professor Zoe Trodd

    Contemporary slavery and human trafficking; historical and contemporary antislavery movements; antislavery campaigns; the voices of slavery survivors. Professor Trodd is Director of the Rights Lab, a University Beacon of Excellence.
    Arts and Culture History Politics Rights Lab Protest social justice Contemporary Slavery human trafficking American and British slavery civil rights Racism segregation and lynching gay rights photography America Literature American Civil War memory memorialisation
  • Dr Alison Gardner

    An experienced public sector professional and early-career researcher with expertise in local governance and public policy. I currently lead 'slavery free communities' a ground-breaking programme of research focussed on local and place-based responses to modern slavery. I am part of the University of Nottingham's 'Rights Lab', a global Research Beacon which aims to end contemporary slavery in our lifetime.
    +44 (0)7910 983 818
    Crime Politics Rights Lab modern slavery Local Government Public Policy

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Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798