


  • Dr Dan Lomas

    Dr Dan Lomas is an Assistant Professor in International Relations, who joined the University of Nottingham in August 2023. He is a specialist in the UK intelligence community throughout the Twentieth Century to the modern day, and has published extensively on intelligence and security-related issues.
    +44 (0)115 748 5435, +44 (0)7534 897 269
    International Relations Politics Security War and security intelligence national security spying Espionage UK internal security issues UK intelligence security history
  • Dr Natalie Hodgson

    Natalie is available to speak about the law and processes of the International Criminal Court, as well as issues of international criminal law more broadly.
    Equality Law Migration Politics Sociology World international Criminal court asylum Rwanda offshore processing
  • Dr Katarina Schwarz

    Dr Katarina Schwarz is an Associate Professor in Antislavery Law and Policy in the School of Law and Associate Director of the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. Her research explores the intersections between slavery and the law, from the historical to the contemporary. Schwarz works at the interface of research and policy to deliver evidence-based guidance for contemporary antislavery action. Her Rights Lab research interrogates the law and policy frameworks operating at the global, regional, and domestic level to determine the elements of effective antislavery governance and map trends, successes, and failures.
    History Law Politics Rights Lab Trade modern slavery human trafficking forced labour forced marriage International Law human rights reparations transatlantic slave trade historical injustice
  • Dr Matthew Windsor

    Dr Windsor can comment on and has expertise in constitutional Law, with a particular emphasis on the role and responsibilities of the civil service and government lawyers (Whitehall).
    07743 193252
    Business and economy International Relations Law Politics War and security World Law constitution constitutional law Civil Service Government foreign office
  • Diego García Rodríguez

    Diego's area of expertise spans across the Sociology of Religion (Examining the role of religion in shaping individual identities and experiences, particularly within LGBTIQ+ communities); lived experiences of LGBTIQ+ individuals, paying particular attention to intersecting factors such as gender, sexuality, race, and religion; Refugee and Asylum Studies, including the experiences of LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum seekers, including the challenges they encounter in accessing protection, rights, and support services.
    Children Cultures Equality Gender Geography Politics Religion Sociology sociology Religion LGBTIQ+ Community Gender sexuality race refugee asylum seekers Support protection
  • Dr Hannah Wilkinson

    Dr Wilkinson's research explores the areas of war, state violence and social harm. Her expertise include theories and experiences of war, along with the mechanics of atrocity and genocide.
    Crime Cultures Equality International Relations Politics Security Sociology War and security War state violence social harm genocide crimes criminal law human rights terror Terrorism Criminology politics policing
  • Jason Klocek

    Jason's expertise investigates the causes, characteristics, and consequences of religious violence and repression, as well as the role of religion in peacebuilding.
    American Politics Crime Equality International Relations Politics Religion Security War and security World Religion religious violence peace Peacebuilding repression radicalization Terrorism rebellion Government regulation
  • Prof Aoife Nolan

    Aoife Nolan is an internationally recognised expert in human rights law, with a particular focus on children's rights, climate justice, the connection between human rights and decent living standards (e.g., poverty, housing, social security and education) and the role of law and lawyers in bringing about social and legal change.
    Children Education Environment Equality Geography Law Politics Sociology World child rights Law climate justice Austerity poverty human rights housing rights United Nations Future generations education Security
  • Dr Christopher Pich

    Dr Christopher Pich's topic area focuses on political marketing, political branding and voter engagement.
    0115 846 6687
    American Politics Brexit Business and economy Communications Gender Geography International Relations Law Politics Sociology War and security World political brands political marketing communications elections uk international local voter engagement voter behaviour Polls referendum politics Parties Labour conservative
  • Dr William Daniel

    William Daniel is an expert in European political parties, legislatures, elections.
    American Politics Brexit International Relations Politics Sociology World politics us European LGBTQ Gender representation society European Union electoral systems elections Politicians
  • Dr Klara Polackova Van der Ploeg

    International law; International courts and tribunals; International dispute settlement; United Nations (UN); UN Security Council; International peace and security; International investment law and investment arbitration; Business and human rights
    Equality International Relations Law Politics Security War and security World international Law court tribunal justice Security United Nations peace investment human rights Equality business
  • Dr Patricio Sanchez-Campos

    Dr Sanchez-Campos specialises in the influence of language on society and the way social power abuse and inequalities are reproduced and/or resisted by text and talk.
    Business and economy Communications Cultures Equality Politics Sociology Trade World Media Language higher education social inequality inequality marketing business consumer Consumerism market
  • Professor Steven Fielding

    Emeritus Professor. British politics/political history. The Labour Party. The representation of politicians and politics in films, on TV and in popular culture.
    07595 369364
    Brexit Politics politics British Politics political history Labour Party film Television popular culture
  • Dr Caitlin Milazzo

    British politics, especially elections, campaigns, and political parties.
    Politics politics British elections campaigns Parties
  • Dr Michael Connors

    Thai politics and culture, democracy and authoritarianism, international relations of the Asia-Pacific
    +60 3 8725 3573
    International Relations Politics Corruption authoritarianism Political Theory Asia
  • Professor William Case

    In terms of scholarly discipline (and inter-disciplinarily), my expertise lies in the field of politics and political economy. My interests includes the stability and organization of political and party systems, the pursuit of late-development, and the dynamics of divided social structures.
  • Julia Roknifard

    Specialized on Iranian and Middle Eastern Studies, matters surrounding Iran's nuclear program, Iran's domestic politics and foreign policy. Research interests lie with international security, including its non-traditional aspects, interweaving of religion and politics, evolution of Islamism, and counterterrorism.
  • Amira Halperin

    Dr. Amira Halperin's expertise includes Journalism/Media Technologies; Migration/Refugees; Middle East; Refugee integration and policy in Europe and Canada.Amira Halperin is an Assistant Professor in Mobile Studies, and Associate Director of Institute for Mobile Studies. She is an expert in migration and refugees and media technologies.
    +86 132 5096 2974
    China Communications International Relations Migration Politics War and security World journalism Media migration refugees human rights Diversity China Ukraine Russia middle east politics Europe EU policy Israel Conflict Bahrain diplomatic relations War canada world
  • Tyler Kustra

    Tyler Kustra is an expert on economic sanctions, political violence including civil wars and terrorism, and Canadian politics. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham and has previously been a visiting fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University and previously as an economic adviser to the Parliament of Canada.
    07842 694902
    Business and economy Politics War and security economic sanctions political violence civil wars Terrorism canadian politics canada Russia Ukraine sanctions politics International Relations
  • Dr Rory Cormac

    Intelligence: activities of intelligence agencies in Britain and the US from espionage to torture; relationship between intelligence and policymakers ie, how intelligence is used and abused; intelligence and warning of attacks e.g terrorism; oversight of intelligence. Covert action: secret foreign policy; special operations; propaganda/political warfare/bribery etc.
    +44 (0) 115 748 4576
    Politics War and security World politics intelligence Britain us Relations propaganda Secret Covert
  • Dr Arun Kumar

    My work explores the socio-economic history of modern India. I work on the history of Indian labour, modern education, and subaltern literary cultures.I work in the following areas: 1. History of Modern India 2. Colonialism and the British Empire 3. Labour Market and Labour Conditions 4. Education History 5. History of Capitalism and Inequality 6. Caste and Social History. I am willing to work in the field of labour, poverty and inequality, and education.
    0115 748 4098 or Press Office 0115 9515798
  • Hugo Drochon

    Hugo is a political theorist and historian of modern political thought, with interests in Nietzsche's politics, democratic theory, liberalism and conspiracy theories.
    Politics Conspiracy theories French politics Europe democracy populism Antisemitism
  • Dr Edmund Stewart

    I specialise in ancient Greek literature and history. My research covers specifically Greek myth, the performance of Greek drama in the ancient world, the history of work and the ancient economy, and tyranny and despotism in the ancient and modern worlds. for news stories: Tyrants and Dictators: ancient perspectives on modern dictatorships. Professions, Professionalism and the history of work.
    +44 (0)115 95 14810
  • Dr Anna Meier

    Anna Meier is Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations, specialising in terrorism and counterterrorism, white supremacist violence, and racism in national security institutions and policies.
    0115 84 68150
    American Politics Equality International Relations Politics Security War and security Terrorism Counterterrorism Far-Right Extremism
  • Dr Afzal Ashraf

    Terrorism; counter-terrorism; global security and conflict; international relations and diplomacy; regional political and security expertise in the Middle East and South East Asia; information exploitation; intelligence processes and agencies; information as a commercial commodity; cyber security
    +44 (0)7848 965 356
    Politics Security War and security World Terrorism global security International Relations diplomacy Cyber Security Security Al Qaeda Extremism violent extremism
  • Dishil Shrimankar

    Indian elections, voting behaviour, and quantitative methods
    +44 (0)115 84 66228
    Politics World India elections voting politics
  • Professor May-Tan Mullins

    My research interests are political ecology of rising China, environmental and energy justice, poverty alleviation and building resilience for the poorest and most vulnerable. One research strand is the rise of the smart eco city and a second strand of my work is to help communities alleviate poverty, particularly in a post-disaster context.
    Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Education Environment Gender History International Relations Politics Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Professor Paul Heywood

    As an expert on the politics of corruption and anti-corruption, I have worked on projects that look at various dimensions of (anti-)corruption in places such as China, Hong Kong, Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan. I am an Honorary Adjunct Professor at Hunan University and Senior Adviser to the Centre of Anti-Corruption Studies.
    0115 951 4869
    Politics Corruption Governance
  • Professor Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling

    Civil service management, anti-corruption, ethics and integrity management in developing countries including Nepal and Bangladesh in South Asia.
    Politics World Corruption Governance
  • Professor Katharine Adeney

    Government and politics of South Asia, especially relating to elections, centre-state/province relations, majoritarian nationalism and ethnic diversity; The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
    0115 951 4032
    Belt and Road Initiative History International Relations Politics War and security Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Governance
  • Ibtisam Ahmed

    I work on decolonial politics and utopias - how we envision futures that are equitable based on our experiences of the past. I give specific focus to queer identities, religious and spiritual minorities, literature and language, and cultural politics.
    Architecture and Built Environment Art Cultures Gender History Politics Sociology human rights Identity and Rights theology
  • Fernando Casal Bertoa

    Comparative Politics, focusing on party regulation, political party funding, democratic constitutional design, party development, party system institutionalization and democracy promotion.
    Law Politics World Corruption Governance
  • Dr Oana Burcu

    I am currently developing further my expertise in the determinants of migrants' vulnerabilities and forced labour, while maintaining my pre-existent interest and expertise in nationalism, diasporic communities, China's foreign policy and Asia-Pacific security.
  • Dr Hongyi Lai

    I study governance and domestic and international political economy of China. Concerning China's governance I have researched on political development, model of governance, crisis and epidemic management, central-local relations, and economic and political reforms. In addition, I have studied western development, domestic sources of foreign policy, energy diplomacy, the belt and road initiative, soft power, and cultural diplomacy in China.
    0115 846 6017
  • Dr Don Lee

    Comparative political institutions and regime types; Comparative political economy; public administration and policy in Asia
    07848 116 415
    Business and economy Gender Politics Political Economy comparative presidential studies Public Policy public management North Asia southeast asia
  • Dr Chun-Yi Lee

    Cross-Strait (China and Taiwan) relations, Taiwanese investment in China and Southeast Asia, the geo-political impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative on Southeast Asian countries, Taiwan's New South bound policy and its social economic impact on the Southeast Asian countries, the role of Chinese labour in the global value chain.
    0115 846 8150
    Belt and Road Initiative International Relations Politics cross-Strait relations China Taiwan investment southeast asia Geopolitics Belt and Road Initiative New Southbound Policy chinese labour
  • Dr Carole Spary

    Democratic politics and development in South Asia, especially India. Themes include gender inequality, political representation, political institutions such as Parliament and political parties, gender and development policy, legislation and practice, women's rights and empowerment, feminism, gender and multi-level governance and federalism, women's movements, elections, women in politics, state policy initiatives for gender equality and gender mainstreaming.
    0115 848 6812
    Business and economy Gender History International Relations Politics Sociology India gender inequality political representation political institutions development policy legislation and practice women's rights and empowerment feminism federalism women's movements elections women in politics gender mainstreaming
  • Jacqueline Hicks

    Indonesian politics, society, religion, economy; Indonesian elections, democracy; International politics of personal data economics, particularly Indonesia and India.
    +44 (0) 7923047791
    International Relations Politics World Indonesia Asia India politics
  • Dr Christopher Primiano

    International relations, Chinese politics and foreign policy, and comparative politics.
    +86 152 5743 4355
  • Professor Gary Rawnsley

    Media, communications, propaganda, public and cultural diplomacy, soft power. My research has focused mainly on China and Taiwan, but I have also conducted research on Vietnam and Korea.
  • Professor Stephen Morgan

    My research is multi-disciplined focused on China from the 18th century to the present, including business and economic history, economic development, international business and strategic management, politics and society, and health, nutrition and human welfare.
    Business and economy History International Relations Politics economic history Anthropometric History Heath and inequality Business and social networks FDI Communist Party of China
  • Professor Michele Geraci

    15 years experience in China/Asia policy research, first as head of China at Global Policy Institute London, then head of China Economic Research af Nottingham Uni, Ningbo. Advised western Governments on China policy, trade policy, international relations, china-Eu, China-US relations, China-EU investment agreement.
    +86 139 6712 1554
  • Dr Richard Common

    Comparative public policy and management - primarily East Asia and Middle East.
    Cultures Politics World public management international policy transfer public sector management; Public policy; Civil service ministers Training and development in public services and central government HR In public services pay and recruitment Local government International policy development
  • Dr Kun Jiang

    My research in China Economy addresses the dynamics of the political economy of Chinese private firms. I am also interested in how government R&D subsidies affect corporate innovation. The examination of the effects of China's industrial clusters is on top of my research agenda. In future, I aim to explore the mechanism and determinants through which FDI spillovers take place in China.
    Business and economy Politics Governance Sustainable development goals
  • Dr David Birchall

    I have written on aspects of Hong Kong including the housing markets, socio-economic rights compliance, and the use of corporal punishment. I am currently looking at China's poverty alleviation strategy as related to business.
    Business and economy Law Politics human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Aditya Jain

    Dr Jain's expertise lies in public policy and risk management of the psychological and social work environment, aimed at business and societal sustainability and promotion of wellbeing at work.
    0115 828 3033
    Business and economy Education Law Politics Psychology Sociology Governance human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Public Policy risk management psychological work environment social work environment business sustainability societal sustainability wellbeing at work wellbeing business in society labour law employment relationship business responsibility sustainable development working conditions decent work voluntary standards social dialogue corporate social responsibility future of work
  • Professor Peter Ling

    Gandhian nonviolence. My expertise is on Martin Luther King but this has entailed understanding Gandhi's influence. Indian reaction to the JFK assassination.
    0778 9374329
    Energy History International Relations Politics Sociology World human rights Identity and Rights
  • Professor Andreas Bieler

    Globalisation. European integration. Trade unions. European industrial relations.
    +44 (0)115 9514492
    Brexit Business and economy Politics World globalisation Europe European Integration trade unions industrial relations
  • Professor Andrew White

    China's creative industries with a specific focus on the protection and exploitation for online content, and their business models.
    +86 574 8818 9285
    Art Belt and Road Initiative Communications Cultures Politics Sociology China creative industries online content business models
  • Dr Usman Khalid

    Economist working on the relationships that exist at the cross-section of Economics and Politics. Usman has worked on a variety of topics in the Asian context such as exploring the relationship between firm ownership and carbon emissions in China, and understanding the relationship between trade, outward FDI and economic growth.
    +6 (03) 8924 8255
    Business and economy Environment International Relations Politics Trade Economy Asia Trade politics Sri Lanka Malaysia Pakistan carbon emissions Economic Growth
  • Dr Nancy Liu

    Mostly my research concerns with translation and interpreting related areas such as media and language in social, political and cultural contexts. I'm interested in the intersection of language presentation in the media driven by various stakeholders, policy makers and societies.
    Belt and Road Initiative Communications Cultures Politics media translation studies sociocultural translation interpretation
  • Dr Melissa Yoong

    I research and publish in the area of language, gender, employment, family care and female economic migration in Southeast Asia. My work critically examines how text and talk in institutional, media and public domains contribute to and present gender inequalities as natural and even desirable.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Sociology Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Andreas Fulda

    Dr Fulda has specialized in democratization studies, citizen diplomacy, and EU-China relations. His applied social and political science research bridges theory and practice and aims to shape German and European China policy.
  • Dr Vicente Reyes

    I engage in research and consultancy work in Asia. The theme that I explore revolves around reforms and governance as well as the political sociology of education in various contexts. A particular focus that I look at is the interface of technology, big data and education.
    +44 (0) 115 956 7201
    Education Politics Governance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Sabina Lawreniuk

    Labour rights and working conditions in the garment industry; Global value chains / global production networks; Trade and development; Gender and development; Cambodian politics and economy.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Trade Governance human rights Sustainable development goals
  • Dr Louise Kettle

    Britain's foreign and security relationship with the Middle East past and present, especially military interventions (e.g. 1956 Suez, 1958 Jordan, 1961 Kuwait, Gulf War, Iraq War). Process of learning from the history of these experiences. Currently researching Britain's Middle East strategy and relationship with Iran.
    07714 216459
    Politics War and security World middle east history politics Security Conflict War iraq war gulf war iran
  • Dr Luciano Pollichieni

    Dr Pollichieni can cover terrorism and organised crime, human slavery in Africa (especially Nigeria), terrorist financing through criminal activities, radicalization and drug trafficking.Drug Trafficking (especially county-lines), Far-right terrorsim, Jihadi terrorism, conflicts in Africa (especially the Sahel and the Horn of Africa), and Human Slavery.
    Crime International Relations Politics War and security World Terrorism organised crime county lines human slavery Africa nigeria terrorist financing criminal activitism radicalization drug trafficking far-right terrorism jihadi terrorism conflicts in Africa Sahel horn of africa
  • Dr Lucy Jones

    Language, gender and sexuality; feminism and language; queer linguistics; gay and lesbian language; gender politics and language; youth LGBT identities
    0115 748 6089
    Arts and Culture Equality Politics Gender Language and Applied Linguistics sexuality feminism queer linguistics gay and lesbian LGBT
  • Dr Kate Law

    Zimbabwean history, South African history, Imperialism and Empire, Gender history, Women's history, Feminist History,Also history of British Anti-apartheid movement, history of contraception.
    0115 748 7254
  • Professor Sue Pryce

    Drug policy.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4794
    Politics drugs policy politics International Relations
  • Professor Chris Pierson

    Property; contemporary welfare states; social policy.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4865 , +44 (0) 115 983 0118
    Politics property welfare States social policy Contemporary
  • Dr Matthew Rendall

    Climate ethics. The ethics of risk-imposition. Distributive justice. The precautionary principle. Utilitarianism.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6231
    Politics politics ethics climate justice Utilitarianism
  • Dr Lucy Sargisson

    Green politics. Direct action protests. Women's issues. Utopias and political utopianism. Intentional communities.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4870
    Politics politics Green women Gender feminism international
  • Dr David Stevens

    Civic education in multicultural societies (including National Curriculum). Citizenship. Information technology in society and questions of public policy for redressing economic imbalances caused by this impact.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4529
    Politics education Multicultural society citizenship
  • Daniel Lewis

    Political parties memberships and how they understand their own history. Specifically interested in the inter-generational aspects. Also on how this would play out not just in political parties memberships but in wider society.
    +44 (0)115 951 5559
    Politics British Politics inter-generational young people party membership
  • Lisa Gibson

    Libya/US relations; impact of terrorism; conflict prevention; US public diplomacy; citizen diplomacy
    American Politics International Relations Security War and security World War Conflict security and terrorism Libya US diplomacy US/Libya relations Conflict prevention and resolution
  • Dr Michael Hannon

    I work on topics like: democracy, post_truth, fake news, political ignorance and political irrationality, knowledge and justification, skepticism.Interested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities, also print, online and TV/radio contributions.
    0115 748 7270
  • Dr Benedict Rumbold

    Moral and political philosophy.My research is principally in practical reasoning, ethics and political philosophy, as well as in seventeenth century philosophy, particularly that of Descartes, Spinoza and Hobbes.In recent years I have written articles on a range of issues, investigating moral and political problems at varying levels of abstraction: rights' conclusiveness in moral reasoning and judgement; the right to privacy; the compossibility of human rights; distributive justice in the allocation of health resources; what, if anything, makes health care 'special'; biomedical moral enhancement.My current research considers questions around universalizability and the ideal worlds problem, as well as the normative significance of choices.
    0115 951 5151
  • Dr Maximilian Mayer

    Expert in the global governance of science, innovation, and technology; China's foreign and energy policy and International Relations theories. Current research is focused on digital infrastructures and emerging global digital orders in Eurasia. Dr Mayer leads the Research Priority Group on Global Technologies and Political Order at the Global Institute for Silk Road Studies.
    +86 574 8818 8285
    Belt and Road Initiative Energy International Relations Politics Foreign Policy Energy Policy China Taiwan Hong Kong North Korea International Relations Theories Belt and Road Initiative
  • David O'Brien

    Chinese identity and policy; the Chinese political system; social science methodologies
    +86 574 8818 0000 (Extension: 9421)
    Brexit Politics World China China policy Chinese politics
  • Dr Jonathan Sullivan

    China and Taiwan: politics, elections, foreign relations, security, media, internet, pop culture, Chinese football
    +44 (0)115 95 14046
    Belt and Road Initiative China Communications Cultures International Relations Politics World China Taiwan politics Chinese football Chinese media Chinese Internet
  • Chris Stafford

    British politics, UK political parties, UK/EU elections, Brexit
    +44 (0)1476 577 523
    Brexit Politics Brexit politics British Politics elections
  • Professor Nicola Pitchford

    mobile technologies, child development, basic skills, literacy, numeracy, primary school education, childhood cancer, preterm birth, childhood stroke, childhood deprivation, poverty, tablet technology, assisted learning, education, Malawi, South Africa, Brazil, childhood brain tumours
    +44 (0) 115 9515287
    Arts and Culture Children Education Health and Medicine Politics Science Technology World mobile technologies Child development basic skills Literacy numeracy primary school education childhood cancer preterm birth childhood stroke childhood deprivation poverty tablet technology assisted learning education Malawi South Africa Brazil childhood brain tumours
  • Dr Benjamin Barton

    Chinese foreign and security policy, with a particular focus on China's bilateral relations with the European Union and its security policy on the African continent.
    +60 3 8725 3591
    Belt and Road Initiative International Relations Politics China Foreign Policy Security Policy Africa Belt and Road Asia
  • Dr Pauline Eadie

    The Philippines, including politics, corruption, elections and 'People Power'; poverty ie. urban housing, population growth land reform; security including the Mindanao situation and terrorism, counter-terrorism and the Abu Sayyaf group; religion; the United States/Philippines relationship; migrant workers ie. overseas foreign workers. Disaster relief and rehabilitation.
    +44 (0) 7759544100
    Environment International Relations Migration Politics politics Philippines Corruption election population terroism overseas disaster relief
  • Dr Nagatomi Hirayama

    Political and intellectual history of modern China, Sino-Japanese Relations, history of socialism and socialist movement. Primary research focuses on the Chinese Youth Party during the Republican era, examining its transnational origin and local development as well as its visions for state construction.
    +86 574 8818 8326
  • Dr Gregory Moore

    Specialist in Chinese foreign policy and East Asian international relations and security. Also specialises in US foreign policy towards East Asia.
    +86 189 066 10487
    International Relations Politics China Foreign Policy East Asia International Relations Security US foreign policy
  • Professor Cecile Yvonne Wright

    Education, health inequality, lifestyle, children/youth, family, welfare, women's interests, race relations, social class divide, community cohesion, politics and representation, crime and policing, American civil rights.
    +44 (0) 115 846 8710
    Arts and Culture Politics education inequality lifestyle family youth race social class crime politics civil rights American
  • Ms Deborah Kitson

    Safeguarding procedures or vulnerable adults. Developing safer services.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5400
    Arts and Culture Politics sociology safeguarding Ann Craft Trust vulernable Vulnerable adults vulnerable people services
  • Dr Stephen Cope

    Public policy, particularly regulation of public services in the UK, local government/local governance, police reform, decision-making in government and rational choice theory.
    +44 (0) 115 846 8132 , +44 (0) 7946 366 717
    Politics World Public policy services uk Local Government police reform
  • Dr Tony Fitzpatrick

    Theories and ideologies of the welfare state. Welfare reform. New labour. Basic/Citizens Income. Environmentalism. Local exchange and trading systems. Information and communication technologies and social policy. New genetics and social policy.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5230
    Politics World Theories ideologies Welfare State reform New Labour Citizens environmentalism trading exchange communication social policy
  • Dr Melanie Jordan

    Criminology; Social Theory; Prisons & Punishment; Sex Crime; Criminal Justice System; Theoretical Criminology; Zoophilia & Bestiality Penal Reform
    +44 (0)115 951 5410
    Crime Health and Medicine Law Politics Rights Lab crime Criminology prisons sex crimes criminal justice system penal reform modern slavery trafficking
  • Séagh Kehoe

    Contemporary Tibet feminism; LGBTQ, gender and sexuality in contemporary China
    +44 (0)77 6587 4815
    China Politics World feminism Tobet LGBTQ Gender sexuality China
  • Professor Wyn Rees

    European security. Transatlantic security relations.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7510
    Politics politics International Relations Relations Security European transatlantic
  • Professor Kevin Bales

    Professor Bales has extensive expertise in modern slavery, with 25 years experience in the field at all levels from hands-on to UN policy development.He can comment on anything related to modern or historical slavery or human trafficking or slavery in supply chains or slavery and climate change or conflict or forced marriage.
    +44 (0)115 846 6230
    Crime Politics Rights Lab World slavery modern slavery policy politics Rights Lab human rights
  • Professor Mathew Humphrey

    Environmental politics, especially the ethics of and acceptability of forms of direct action protests such as the climate camp, sit ins, 'ecological sabotage', anti-roads protests etc. Ethics and political conflict — in democratic societies, how should citizens behave? Should we seek to make reasoned argument and pursue interests and beliefs through the ballot box or are more radical means, such as occupations, sit-ins, boycotting, attacks on property and even violence against the person, acceptable? Public attitudes to shale gas in the UK.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4864 , +44 (0) 7796 400 058
    Politics Environment politics ethics society climate change violence shale gas
  • Dr Simon Toubeau

    British and European politics; in particular, matters relating to: the demands of nationalist parties like the SNP; the launching of independence referendums or campaigns witnessed in Scotland and Catalonia; and the processes of constitutional reform that devolve powers to regional governments. Related to this, he can comment on: the sources of Euro-scepticism in the UK and across European countries; the content of UK-EU negotiations following the 'Brexit' vote; the influence of 'Brexit' on devolved governments; and the attempts of devolved governments to secure their demands during Brexit negotiations; the influence of 'Brexit' on EU integration. Also able to comment on the outcome of regional elections and the content of regional public policy in the UK and other European countries.
    +44 (0)7435 158 429
    Politics Brexit EU referendum Scottish referendum European politics nationalist parties UK-EU negotiations
  • Dr Edward Burke

    Edward Burke is an Assistant Professor in International Relations specialising in insurgency, terrorism and British/EU foreign and defence policy. He is currently researching the effect of the UK's exit from the EU on the British-Irish security relationship.
    +44 (0)77 9990 5327
    Brexit Politics World Brexit Terrorism politics insurgency Northern Ireland
  • Dr Anja Neundorf

    Young people and politics, public opinion, German politics, elections, turnout, democratisation, civic culture, partisanship.
    +44 (0) 7946947367
    Children Politics Rights Lab World politics young people German politics elections
  • Dr Catherine Gegout

    European Union politics; Foreign policy; Military intervention; EU-Africa relations; EU-developing world relations; Colonialism; International Criminal Court.
    +44 (0)115 9514 999
    Brexit Crime Politics War and security World politics Foreign Policy EU relations Brexit
  • Professor Jeff Kenner

    European Union law, employment law and human rights law.
    +44 (0)115 95 15956
    Brexit Law Politics World EU European Union Brexit Law human rights
  • Dr Ivaylo Gatev

    Eurasian Economic Union; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation; European Neighbourhood Policy InterregionalismNew Silk Road Sino-Russian Relations; Chinese Investment in Eastern Europe; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit meetings
    +86 (0)574 8818 0926
    Politics World EU European Integration EU policies politics Russia Ukraine China Belerus
  • Dr Grant Dawson

    Conflict and civil wars, peace keeping and peace processes; international military intervention.Can comment on situations in Libya, Syria, China and the changing world orderThe uses of force with or without UN Security Council approval and 'new wars'
    +86 (0)574 8818 0559
    China History Politics War and security World civil war peacekeeping peace international military intervention War Un syria Libya China
  • Professor Oliver Morrissey

    International trade policy: developing countries trade; trade agreements; WTO; EU-Africa trade International development: aid policy, effect of aid on developing countries; agriculture and trade in developing countries.
    +44 (0)115 951 54 75
    Brexit Business and economy Politics World Brexit International Trade Developing Countries Trade
  • Professor Zoe Trodd

    Contemporary slavery and human trafficking; historical and contemporary antislavery movements; antislavery campaigns; the voices of slavery survivors. Professor Trodd is Director of the Rights Lab, a University Beacon of Excellence.
    Arts and Culture History Politics Rights Lab Protest social justice Contemporary Slavery human trafficking American and British slavery civil rights Racism segregation and lynching gay rights photography America Literature American Civil War memory memorialisation
  • Dr Paul Smith

    French politics: parliament and parties mostly, but also executive and leadership performance. Responses to Brexit negotiations and whether or not a Frexit is likely. French political leadership post-Brexit, both domestically and within the EU and how France will try to guide negotiations.
    +44 (0)115 951 5875, +44 (0)7792219931
    Politics World politics France French French politics Brexit Europe Paul Smith
  • Dr Gareth Stockey

    Contemporary Spain; the history of the Spanish Civil war, Franco dictatorship; the history of Gibraltar and its relationship with Spain; archaeology; memory and tourism of the Spanish Civil War
    +44 (0)115 84 67487
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics War and security World gibraltar Spanish Civil War Franco dictatorship archeology Tourism
  • Dr David Norris

    Cultural, historical, linguistic and political issues relating to former Yugoslavia and its successor states (especially Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro).
    +44 (0)115 951 5828
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics World Former Yugoslavia Serbia Croatia Bosnia Montenegro history poltics
  • Dr Alison Gardner

    An experienced public sector professional and early-career researcher with expertise in local governance and public policy. I currently lead 'slavery free communities' a ground-breaking programme of research focussed on local and place-based responses to modern slavery. I am part of the University of Nottingham's 'Rights Lab', a global Research Beacon which aims to end contemporary slavery in our lifetime.
    +44 (0)7910 983 818
    Crime Politics Rights Lab modern slavery Local Government Public Policy

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