


  • Professor Gary Winship

    Currently, Professor Winship is Course Leader MA Trauma Informed Practice, and Chair of School of Education Ethics Committee. Research focus and expertise: Addictions, Fire Setting and Arson, Psychosis, Violence and Suicide.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5798
    Crime Education Psychology psychotherapy Counselling Self harm suicide substance abuse drugs drugs and alcohol gangs bullying knife crime mental disorder mental trauma arson therapy personality disorder Human Relations mental health
  • Professor Kevin Browne

    Forensic and family psychology, child homicide, domestic homicide and family violence.Psychological assessment of violent and sexual offenders and their victims, online sexual offences.Assessment of parents and their children - child abuse & neglect, failure to protect, missing children, trafficking. Risk for antisocial and violent criminal behaviour in children, teenagers and adults.Knife crime.Potential for violent and sexual offending and/or re-offending in the family and the community.Consequences and developmental effects of children growing up in care, and/or in violent families.Effects of being a victim/witness of physical, emotional or sexual abuse as a child, intimate partner or elder relative.Effects of media violence on children and teenagers.
    Children Crime Health and Medicine Psychology Forensic Psychology family psychology child homicide family violence sexual offenders violent offenders child abuse knife crime child neglect antisocial behaviour criminal behaviour media violence
  • Professor Roshan das Nair

    Cognition (e.g. attention and memory) and cognitive rehabilitation following brain injuries and multiple sclerosis; supported test development, and the design of clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
    0115 823 0589
  • Dr Chuma Owuamalam

    My research aims to understand how social identities and inequalities that exist in societies shape the outcomes of people from a variety of backgrounds (including race, gender, sexual orientation and so on). One guiding goal is to find evidence-based solutions to issues arising from social class divides that does not create more side effects than the problem itself.
    +6 (03) 8924 8721
    Cultures Education Gender Psychology Identity and Rights Social identities system justification hate crime Terrorism compassion stereotypes/social judgements prosocial behaviour
  • Dr Xuan Feng

    I have extensive research experience with local Chinese government, Chinese and international companies and healthcare sectors in China. My research areas include: Leadership Development, Talent Policy Research, HRM, Organisational Career Development. I have won multiple municipal research grants and municipal teaching and research awards/recognitions. I also teaches in executive education programmes and has delivered teaching sessions in International HRM, change management and work design.
  • Dr Xi Chen

    How the transition in emerging market influences individuals' justice perception, identity, and behaviors. How can entrepreneurs build social networks and navigate the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8556
    Business and economy Gender Psychology Identity and Rights women entrepreneurship intergenerational cooperation Organizational change
  • Dr Michael Mustafa

    My expertise is on SMEs and Asian Family Business and how they have developed in response to the institutional environments of ASEAN
  • Dr Carol Hooi

    Competencies in the digital world, developing global human resources, mission accomplishment of expatriates, organisational best practices in professionalism, E-HRM, human capital management, human capital development, employee loyalty, change management, organisational justice, organisational citizenship behaviour, organisational learning capability, organisational performance, leadership succession planning, talent management, internship and cyber ethics and behaviour.
    +60 38924 8702
  • Dr Aditya Jain

    Dr Jain's expertise lies in public policy and risk management of the psychological and social work environment, aimed at business and societal sustainability and promotion of wellbeing at work.
    0115 828 3033
    Business and economy Education Law Politics Psychology Sociology Governance human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Public Policy risk management psychological work environment social work environment business sustainability societal sustainability wellbeing at work wellbeing business in society labour law employment relationship business responsibility sustainable development working conditions decent work voluntary standards social dialogue corporate social responsibility future of work
  • Dr Shih-wei Hsu

    Knowledge management in the Chinese context, leadership and social movement organisations.
    +86 574 8818 0293
    Business and economy Cultures Psychology China knowledge management leadership social movement organisations Asia
  • Dr Fui-Theng Leow

    Impact of digital media on information literacy and learning environments, as well as the development of creative media and networked-based pedagogy for education innovation and reform.
    +86 574 8818 8224
    Art Business and economy Communications Education Psychology multimedia instructional design pedagogy social media digital society
  • Dr Eun Hee Lee

    My research focuses on sustainability (e.g. liveability and communication behaviour in new media) of Asian society such as South Korea and Singapore.
    Communications Cultures Environment Psychology Governance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Neil Mennie

    Neil is a cognitive neuroscientist, and has worked in the UK, the US and Germany prior to Malaysia. He is interested in the use of vision and how we use it in everyday life. His interests include face recognition, attention, stress and anxiety, AI, machine learning and psychology. He is also very interested in sensory devices to assist the blind.
    Environment Health and Medicine Psychology Science neuroscience vision Psychology Cognition Animal applied biosciences life sciences pharmaceutical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Ping Du

    My expertise is in intercultural workplace communication in China, especially in the area of conflict resolution. My research is at the interface of sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and social psychology. I collect and analyse ethnographic data including audio-recordings of meetings, participant interviews, organizational documents, emails and observation notes. My monograph was titled as Intercultural Communication in the Chinese Workplace by Palgrave.
    Communications Cultures Gender Psychology intercultural communication workplace communication conflict communication Discourse analysis Conflict resolution Identity and Rights
  • Dr Marieke de Vries

    My research focuses on autism and the link to culture. Several factors that are linked to autism might be influenced by culture, such as Executive Functioning, Language (e.g., multilingualism), Imagination, and Music.
    +60 387 253 605
  • Dr Siti Khadijah Zainal Badri

    My expertise is in areas of wellbeing and health in the Malaysia setting. Currently, I am exploring various issues related to the professional and public Malaysian population in the aspect of work-life balance, mental health, and quality of life.
  • Dr Stephanie Coen

    Stephanie is a health geographer with expertise in gender and health. Areas include: the gender gap in physical activity; gendered aspects of gym environments; gender and health (men's health, women's health); gender/sex and health/medical research data and methods (e.g., male bias in medical research, gender/sex-sensitive approaches to health research); and arts and health research. Stephanie has extensive experience of media interviews both print and broadcast. She is also interested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities.
    0115 951 5455
  • Dr Christopher Woodard

    I am an expert on philosophical views about well-being and about what makes actions right or wrong.I can contribute to discussions about what well-being really is (as opposed to what causes long life, or good health, for example). I can talk about ethical values or different views about what makes actions right or wrong.Ethics and political philosophy. Especially utilitarianism and philosophical views about well-being.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5844
  • Professor Andrew Fisher

    Teaching Philosophy to the young - esp. primary school children. Philosophy of Education - who should teach what? And who decides? Inclusivity in the classroom, safe spaces and trigger warnings, private schools and faith schools - should they exist? Cases for positive discrimination in admission to university. Philosophy of religion - religion vs science, reasons for/against God, demarcation of religion etc; Ethics - moral truth, moral facts, God and morality - how could they be linked? Applied ethics, normative ethics. Equality, diversity and inclusion - implicit bias, stereotype threat, chilly climates, decolonization of the curriculum, microaggressions, gender and sex, etc.
    0115 846 7647
  • Nigel Hunt

    I am a health psychologist with a specific interest in traumatic stress, mainly but not entirely focused on war. I use a variety of approaches, but draw increasingly on narrative approaches to psychological understanding.I have also conducted research on the impact of alopecia (hair loss). Much of my work is international. and traumatic stress - Alopecia - Remembrance and memorialisation - History and psychologyPrevious media experience: Nigel has regularly appeared on local radio - Radio 4, e.g. Today, Woman's Hour, own programme on alopecia - Television, BBC, ITV, C4, Iranian TV - Most national and some local newspapersInterested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities.
    0115 846 6484
  • Hope Bastine Education

    Sleep, mindfulness, mental health, lifestyle wellbeing, recovering from abuse, being born and raised in extremist/terrorist/cults groups
    +44 (0) 7442 922 3461
    Education Health and Medicine Psychology sleep behaviour pschology Trauma mindfulness mental health
  • Dr Margaret Gillon Dowens

    Psycho/neurolinguistics, bi/multilingualism and the effects of ageing on language, using both behavioural and online techniques (EEG/ERPs). Direct the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Laboratory at UNNC. Among current projects are studies with children, adults and older adults looking at morphosyntax and visual word and character processing in Chinese, English and Spanish.
    +86 574 8818 0515

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