


  • Dr Javier Eskauriatza

    Javier's researches international law and criminal law, and has a special interest in post-conflict law and drug-wars.
    Crime International Relations Law War and security international Law justice Post-Conflict War crime Mexican drug Mexico us America politics
  • Alexus McNally

    Alexus is an Haitian-American human rights attorney with a background in criminal defence, international law, and project management, as well as a children's book author.
    Children Crime Equality International Relations Law World Haiti Haitian law Law international criminal law crime Criminal children books
  • Dr Natalie Hodgson

    Natalie is available to speak about the law and processes of the International Criminal Court, as well as issues of international criminal law more broadly.
    Equality Law Migration Politics Sociology World international Criminal court asylum Rwanda offshore processing
  • Jamie Thomas

    Jamie's focus is on public procurement law and policy, with a particular expertise and interest in "horizontal policy", that is, the use of public procurement regulation to drive other public policy goals. Specific areas of horizontal policy interest include the interaction between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and public procurement, sustainable development or "social value" in public procurement, and in the development of devolved public procurement policy in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
    Business and economy Law Public policy Law Procurement scotland Wales Northern Ireland horizontal policy
  • Dr Katarina Schwarz

    Dr Katarina Schwarz is an Associate Professor in Antislavery Law and Policy in the School of Law and Associate Director of the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. Her research explores the intersections between slavery and the law, from the historical to the contemporary. Schwarz works at the interface of research and policy to deliver evidence-based guidance for contemporary antislavery action. Her Rights Lab research interrogates the law and policy frameworks operating at the global, regional, and domestic level to determine the elements of effective antislavery governance and map trends, successes, and failures.
    History Law Politics Rights Lab Trade modern slavery human trafficking forced labour forced marriage International Law human rights reparations transatlantic slave trade historical injustice
  • Mariana Almeida Kato

    Mariana expertise surrounds French Constitutional Law, mainly focused on French Constitutional Council, Separation of Powers, Governmental Powers, and Presidential Powers; Brazilian Constitutional Law, mainly focused on Brazilian Supreme Courts, Separation of Powers and Democracy; United States Supreme Court, mainly focused on ethics, transparency, appointment of judges; Courts and social media communications, ethics, transparency, public participation.
    Communications Law World France Brazil constitutional law constitution Government supreme courts separation of powers democracy United States ethics social media communication
  • Rachel Saunders

    Rachel has expertise in human rights, transgender legal issues in the UK, and women's legal issues more broadly. She has also actively been campaigning for LGBTQI+ rights since 2000.
    Equality Gender Law Sociology transgender rights human rights Law Rights Equality Gender sexuality women LGBT LGBTQ transgender
  • Dr Sarah White

    Dr White's research interests combine law, history, and religion, particularly the historical development of English ecclesiastical law, Common Law, and the courts of equity in the medieval period. Broadly, her research looks at the intersection of law and religion through the works of the canon (ecclesiastical) lawyers of twelfth- and thirteenth-century England.
    Cultures History Law Religion Religion church Law equity Medieval state litigation
  • Dr Matthew Windsor

    Dr Windsor can comment on and has expertise in constitutional Law, with a particular emphasis on the role and responsibilities of the civil service and government lawyers (Whitehall).
    07743 193252
    Business and economy International Relations Law Politics War and security World Law constitution constitutional law Civil Service Government foreign office
  • Professor Estelle Derclaye

    Copyright law relating to the protection of works (literary, artistic, musical, dramatic, computer programs, databases, sound recordings, films, technological protection measures), performances and their copyright holders' economic and moral interests. Fair use of works by the public. Use of works on the Internet. Designs (works of applied art). Trade mark law (distinctive signs). Patent law (inventions). Prevention of piracy and counterfeiting. Expertise in UK, European and international aspects of these laws.
    +44 (0)115 951 5735
    Arts and Culture Law Technology World Copyright Law Internet trade mark patents Piracy Counterfeiting Artifical Intelligence AI
  • Prof Aoife Nolan

    Aoife Nolan is an internationally recognised expert in human rights law, with a particular focus on children's rights, climate justice, the connection between human rights and decent living standards (e.g., poverty, housing, social security and education) and the role of law and lawyers in bringing about social and legal change.
    Children Education Environment Equality Geography Law Politics Sociology World child rights Law climate justice Austerity poverty human rights housing rights United Nations Future generations education Security
  • Dr Christopher Pich

    Dr Christopher Pich's topic area focuses on political marketing, political branding and voter engagement.
    0115 846 6687
    American Politics Brexit Business and economy Communications Gender Geography International Relations Law Politics Sociology War and security World political brands political marketing communications elections uk international local voter engagement voter behaviour Polls referendum politics Parties Labour conservative
  • Dr Luis Torres

    Impact of the international hard/soft regulation framework on corporate responsibility strategies, the development of models for corporate social performance and sustainability reporting, and the implications of the international human rights framework for Chinese businesses.
    +86 74 8818 8706
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Gender Law corporate social responsibility human rights China Belt and Road Initiative
  • Dr Klara Polackova Van der Ploeg

    International law; International courts and tribunals; International dispute settlement; United Nations (UN); UN Security Council; International peace and security; International investment law and investment arbitration; Business and human rights
    Equality International Relations Law Politics Security War and security World international Law court tribunal justice Security United Nations peace investment human rights Equality business
  • Victor Kattan

    Victor Kattan is an expert in international law (especially laws of war, territorial disputes) with special knowledge of the longstanding Israel-Palestine dispute.
    Crime International Relations Law War and security World International Law arab-israeli dispute International Criminal Court international court of justice laws of war laws of territorial disputes israel-palestine Decolonisation apartheid Palestine
  • Dr Oliver Butler

    Privacy and data protection law; the influence of the GDPR beyond Europe; Brexit and data protection; algorithmic governance.
    0115 951 5559
    Brexit Law Privacy Data Protection GDPR privacy law data protection law Brexit brexit and data protection GDPR beyond europe european GDPR EU Europe algorithmic governance
  • Fernando Casal Bertoa

    Comparative Politics, focusing on party regulation, political party funding, democratic constitutional design, party development, party system institutionalization and democracy promotion.
    Law Politics World Corruption Governance
  • Dr Sascha Auerbach

    My research focuses on race and migration in the nineteenth century, with a particular interest in the Indian and Chinese labour diasporas, the legacies of slavery, and the dynamics of colonial governance.
    Cultures History Law Governance human rights
  • Dr David Birchall

    I have written on aspects of Hong Kong including the housing markets, socio-economic rights compliance, and the use of corporal punishment. I am currently looking at China's poverty alleviation strategy as related to business.
    Business and economy Law Politics human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Aditya Jain

    Dr Jain's expertise lies in public policy and risk management of the psychological and social work environment, aimed at business and societal sustainability and promotion of wellbeing at work.
    0115 828 3033
    Business and economy Education Law Politics Psychology Sociology Governance human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Public Policy risk management psychological work environment social work environment business sustainability societal sustainability wellbeing at work wellbeing business in society labour law employment relationship business responsibility sustainable development working conditions decent work voluntary standards social dialogue corporate social responsibility future of work
  • Dr Yingfa Lu

    Accounting, accounting profession, accounting history, auditing, corporate governance, business law, and professional negligence.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8480
  • Dr Casey Watters

    Commercial law in East Asia, published on corporate insolvency, bankruptcy, cross-border insolvency, mergers and acquisitions and piercing the corporate veil. Previously the Yong Pung How Research Fellow at Singapore Management University School of Law's Centre for Cross-Border Commercial Law in Asia ("CEBCLA").
    +86 574 8818 8702
    Business and economy Law Commercial Law East Asia corporate insolvency bankruptcy cross-border insolvency Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Dr Eleanor Seymour

    Dr Seymour is an expert in gender and conflict. She has a specific focus on sexual and gender based violence in conflict and post-conflict societies
    Crime Gender Law Rights Lab Sociology War and security sexual violence gender-based violence Gender relations Conflict society post-conflict societies international courts sociology anthropology Gender studies human rights International Law
  • Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan

    I am scholar from the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), my focus is the international law and human rights from a decolonial perspective. I have written on the United Nations human rights engagement with Sri Lanka which was published in 2019: I have been invited to talks via webinars during the pandemic but also before predominantly by Global South institutions in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and elsewhere. I consider myself as expert in the area in its interdisciplinary approach.
    Cultures History International Relations Law Migration Security Sociology Governance human rights Identity and Rights colonialism nationalism Racism Third World elitism post-colonialism
  • Prof Paul Torremans

    I have travelled extensively and delivered guest lecture on legal topics. I therefore know the legal environment well.
  • Dr Aris Georgopoulos

    European integration, EU law, constitutional matters, European Defence and Security Policy (ESDP); defence procurement legislation and policy, competition law, state aids, public procurement, government contracts, public law.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6307
    Brexit Law European Integration Law Constitutional Defence Security legislation policy covid-19 procurement public law Public procurement law EU law Brexit trade
  • Dr Luke Butler

    Dr Butler is an expert in public procurement regulation and policy, namely the rules, policies and practices which govern how government contracts are organised (e.g. public-private partnerships and outsourcing), advertised, priced, awarded and challenged. Luke has a particular interest in industry sector-specific applications, most notably defence procurement.
    0115 84 66856
    Brexit Law Government contracts public procurement Procurement Outsourcing Brexit covid-19 coronavirus contracts covid contracts coronavirus-related contracts public procurement regulation public procurement policy international trade law single sourcing Public-Private Partnerships comparative law reform
  • Dr Qianlan Wu

    Law and business in China, competition law and merger regulation in China.
    0115 84 66309
    Law China Law business competition law merger regulation
  • Dr Nicola Carr

    Youth justice, prisons, probation and community sentences. Young people's transitions from custody, the effects of juvenile criminal records, the roles of pre-sentence reports in sentencing and LGBT prisoners' experiences.
    +44 (0)115 75 84 179
    Children Crime Law justice youth justice probation community sentences LGBT prisoners
  • Dr Simon Roberts

    PI on International Social Security Association study of gaps in social protection including Australia, India and Thailand. Senior EU Expert on EU-China Social Security Reform Co-operation Project, Senior EU Expert providing technical assistance for capacity building in social security for Turkey. Co-Investigator (Policy and Governance) on Leverhulme Trust Sustainable Urban Habitats programme with empirical data from Shanghai.
    0115 846 7767
    Environment Gender Law Migration social policy social security pensions healthcare EU law institutional capacity building Governance Evaluation China Thailand turkey India
  • Professor Bill Dixon

    Crime and criminal justice. Policing. Racially-motivated offending and crime and justice in contemporary South Africa.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5403
    Crime Law sociology social policy crime criminal justice race justice South Africa
  • Emmanuele Lazzara

    Sexuality, gender identity and related discrimination patters in Chinese society (China and Taiwan), also linked to Christianity and its impact upon attitudes towards sexual minorities(LGBT).
    +44 (0)7922 79 0434
    Arts and Culture China Crime Law sexuality gender identity discrimination China christianity IAPS
  • Dr Rachael Clawson

    Forced marriage Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities; Safeguarding and social work responses to forced marriage
    +44 (0)115 846 7010, +44 (0)7757 264 489
    Arts and Culture Children Education Law forced marriage learning disabilities mental health
  • Dr Melanie Jordan

    Criminology; Social Theory; Prisons & Punishment; Sex Crime; Criminal Justice System; Theoretical Criminology; Zoophilia & Bestiality Penal Reform
    +44 (0)115 951 5410
    Crime Health and Medicine Law Politics Rights Lab crime Criminology prisons sex crimes criminal justice system penal reform modern slavery trafficking
  • Professor Todd Landman

    Human rights in the world; global democracy; statistics and quantitative analysis; comparative analysis; US politics; Latin American politics.US political developments in domestic and foreign policy, elections, are relations, police violence; World politics with respect to trends and issues associated with democracy and human rights.
    +44 (0)7584615104, +44 (0)115 74 86270
    American Politics Business and economy Crime Law Politics Rights Lab World USA politics american politics democracy police violance human rights US political developments
  • Professor Peter Cartwright

    Consumer protection. Banking regulation and law. Criminal law. Financial regulation law.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5622 , +44 (0) 115 923 2003
    Law Law Legal consumer protection Banking regulation Criminal financial
  • Professor Robert McCorquodale

    International law. International human rights law. Self-determination. United Nations. Treaties. Globalisation.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6306
    Law Law Legal international human rights self determination United Nations treaties globalisation
  • Professor Nigel P Gravells

    Property law, especially land law, trusts and landlord and tenant. Intellectual property law, especially copyright. Constitutional law of the European Community/ Union, especially constitutional issues relating to the UK's membership.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5711
    Law Law Legal property Land Trust landlord tenant Copyright Constitutional European uk
  • Professor Peter Bartlett

    Areas if socio-legal history, particularly mental health. Health care law. Mental capacity and mental capacity law. History of mental disorder and poverty in the 19th-century and history of mental disorder in the 20th-century as a problem of governance of risk.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5709
    Law Law Legal history mental health health care health law health care law mental capacity law 19th and 20th century music Governance
  • Professor Jeff Kenner

    European Union law, employment law and human rights law.
    +44 (0)115 95 15956
    Brexit Law Politics World EU European Union Brexit Law human rights
  • Professor David Harris

    Human rights eg refugees and asylum seekers.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5701
    Law Law Human rights refugees asylum seekers
  • Dr Sandra Frisby

    Receivership. Corporate insolvency law. Company law. Commercial law. Property law.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6124
    Law Receivership corporate insolvency Law company commercial property
  • Dr Richard Hyde

    Food regulation, including the marketing and labelling of food. Food safety, in particular the response to food-borne illnesses caused by unsafe food. Consumer protection.
    +44 (0) 115 846 8095
    Law Law Legal food regulation standards marketing labelling safety illness consumer protection

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