


  • Dr Alastair Campbell Ritchie

    My primary research is in tissue engineering of tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. I also research physiological responses to mental and physical demands in workplaces. Artificial lung, artificial kidney, blood contacting biomaterials and extracorporeal circulation - teaching expertise and current member of the UK ISO TC 150 Implants for Surgery Standards committee. I am a member of the European Society for Artificial Organs' working group - education.
    0115 951 3812
  • Professor Estelle Derclaye

    Copyright law relating to the protection of works (literary, artistic, musical, dramatic, computer programs, databases, sound recordings, films, technological protection measures), performances and their copyright holders' economic and moral interests. Fair use of works by the public. Use of works on the Internet. Designs (works of applied art). Trade mark law (distinctive signs). Patent law (inventions). Prevention of piracy and counterfeiting. Expertise in UK, European and international aspects of these laws.
    +44 (0)115 951 5735
    Arts and Culture Law Technology World Copyright Law Internet trade mark patents Piracy Counterfeiting Artifical Intelligence AI
  • Professor Dominic Foo

    Chemistry Engineering Environment Technology Carbon Emissions Pinch Analysis CEPA CO2 emission reduction Pinch Analysis Process design process optimisation process integration process simulation
  • Dr Annie Yi RUAN

    Dr. Yi Ruan is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at Nottingham University Business School China. Previously she worked as a Senior Manager of Technology Transfer at the Public Utilities Board (PUB) in Singapore and an Adjunct Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before that, she worked as a senior research fellow at the Division of Engineering & Technology Management and Institute of Engineering Leadership in NUS. Her research covers topics on the technology transfer between public and private sectors, technology commercialisation and entrepreneurship. She has published book chapter, case studies, and academic papers on the topics of Disruptive Innovation, Innovations in China and India, Technology Transfer in reputable journals. Her current research interests include entrepreneurial decision making process, academic entrepreneurship, business ecosystem in China, technology upgrading of Chinese SMEs, etc.
    Business and economy Technology innovation technology entrenpreneurship China
  • Professor Meryem Duygun

    Banking; insurance; risk; SMEs access to finance; Artificial intelligence and Financial services; FinTech
    +44 (0) 115 9515 267
    Business and economy Technology Banking finance Insurance artificial intelligence
  • Paraskevas Vezyridis

    Studies of big data and Artificial Intelligence, based on Electronic Health Records in the context of National Health Services. Data ethics. Health Informatics. Scientometrics.
    +44 (0) 115 8466082
    Health and Medicine Technology Health Informatics Scientometrics Big Data Analytics artificial intelligence NHS
  • Mark Idelson

    Comparative Sino-Western thinking; effective cross-cultural experential learning; technology, society, economy and culture's interplay applicable to situations where negotiations, mergers, alliances develop between parties with diverse perspectives
    Business and economy Technology World technology entrenpreneurship Mathematics Financial services software engineering
  • Dr Byungchul Choi

    As an innovation expert, Dr Choi's research focuses on understanding how firms create value through Management of Technology (MOT). More specifically, on the decision making mechanisms and management systems to achieve successful technological innovation.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 0996
    Business and economy Technology World business Management technology China
  • Andrew Corcoran

    Digital technologies; internet of things, chatbots, artificial intelligence, cybercrime, fake news, cloud, blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, 3D prinitng, sensors, big data analytics.
    +44 (0) 115 8467652
    Business and economy Technology Big Data Analytics chatbots artificial intelligence cybercrime fake news Cloud Blockchain augmented and virtual reality 3D prinitng sensors internet of things
  • Roderick MacKenzie

    Solar energy; advanced materials; computer modelling
    Energy Engineering Technology Solar energy; advanced materials; computer modelling
  • Mikko Hänninen

    Mikko's expertise lies on any topic related to retailing, specifically e-commerce, the platform economy and customer experience.
    Business and economy Technology Trade retail developments Amazon digital business models digital technology Digital platforms retail consumer services e-commerce platform economy customer experience Business School digital intermediaries black friday consumer behaviour customer behaviour purchase behaviour consumer trends customer trends shopping trends online shopping shopping online high street covid-19 Alibaba
  • Dr Pierre-Alexis Mével

    Alex is an expert in the translation of works of fiction and can talk about audiovisual translation, film subtitling, dubbing, audio description, language in films and questions of accessibility for diverse audiences. He can also comment on audience reception and reaction to translation and its methods in film and TV.
    +44 (0)115 951 5893
  • Dr Jai Mackenzie

    My primary expertise lies in online parenthood, with my research focusing on how parents build identities, communities, social support and expertise in digital contexts. I am currently working on a British Academy funded project that explores the role of digital media in the lives of LGBT, single, and/or adoptive parents in the UK.During the coronavirus pandemic, digital media has become absolutely essential to the maintenance of our work and social lives, and even our basic survival. As we shift more and more of our daily practices to the digital sphere, we are seeing unprecedented levels of information, advice and social support being offered online. This will be new to a lot of us, at least at these levels, but it is old news to many of the people involved in my research, who are often parenting in extra-ordinary circumstances. The phenomenon of parenting with connection that I have observed in the lives of marginalised families is now becoming relevant to many more people and situations, as we begin to access extra-ordinary levels of social support, expertise and community building through digital networks and technologies.
    0115 748 7215
  • Dr Wayne Carter

    Toxciology: understanding how the body responds and defends itself against environmental toxic exposures, and an examination of which and to what level exposures are causal for ill-health.Dr Carter has featured in the UK national press and media re the Salisbury Novichok attack, food supplements and environmental contaminants, given expert comment to the Science Media Centre, and has experience of live radio interviews.
    01332 724738
  • Franziska Schrodt

    Diversity - ecosystem functioning relationships; plant functioning traits, plant ecology; remote sensing (e.g from satellites) use for conservation and global change studies; use of vegetation models to study global change; Essential Biodiversity VariablesChanges in plant distribution and function with climate change; change in the functioning of ecosystems with environmental change; prospects of using new technology (e.g. in remote sensing or mathematical models and 'Big data' in ecology) to study ecosystem change with climate change.
    +44 (0)115 84 66071
    Geography Science Technology World climate change biodiversity
  • Professor Nicola Pitchford

    mobile technologies, child development, basic skills, literacy, numeracy, primary school education, childhood cancer, preterm birth, childhood stroke, childhood deprivation, poverty, tablet technology, assisted learning, education, Malawi, South Africa, Brazil, childhood brain tumours
    +44 (0) 115 9515287
    Arts and Culture Children Education Health and Medicine Politics Science Technology World mobile technologies Child development basic skills Literacy numeracy primary school education childhood cancer preterm birth childhood stroke childhood deprivation poverty tablet technology assisted learning education Malawi South Africa Brazil childhood brain tumours
  • Elvira Perez Vallejos

    Dr Elvira Perez is a senior research fellow in the Horizon Digital Economy Research Group. Her expertise lies in Citizen-centric approaches to Social Media analysis, participatory research, cyber security, research ethics, children and older adult involvement in research. Mental health and wellbeing. Digital humanism.
    +44 (0) 115 7484022
    Children Health and Medicine Science Technology War and security social media Cyber Security research ethics ethics children Adults mental health wellbeing humanism digital digital humanism
  • Dr Gabriele Neher

    Northern Italian Renaissance painting, especially in Venice, Brescia, Moretto and Romanino. The Italian courts in the Renaissance. Renaissance women. Altar pieces 1500-1600. Caravaggio. Tudor and Elizabethan courts; prodigy houses, especially Hardwick, Wollaton and Burghley. Also Thoresby Hall and Estate. The use of social media for teaching and peer mentoring.
    + 44 (0)115 9513184, +44 (0)115 942 1507
    Architecture and Built Environment Arts and Culture Education Gender Technology Art Italy renaissance painting Venice Brescia Moretto Romanino women Altar pieces Caravaggio Tudor Elizabethan Hardwick Hall wollaton hall Burghley Thoresby Estate social media Mentoring Peer mentoring
  • Dr Denis Schluppeck

    brain, neuroscience, brain imaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging, visual illusions, sensory illusions, public engagement in science
    +44 (0) 115 8468580
    Education Health and Medicine Science Technology brain neuroscience Brain Imaging Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging visual illusions Sensory Illusions public engagement in science
  • Professor Andrew Leyshon

    Geographies of money and finance, especially financial exclusion such as bank branch closure, financial literacy and alternative financial institutions such as Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). Geographies of the music industry, especially the impact of 'software formats' such as MP3, internet distribution systems and peer-to-peer networks. Geographies of e-commerce.
    +44 (0)115 8466147/07944 686843
    Arts and Culture Business and economy Technology Geography money finance bank branch closure Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) music software MP3 Internet peer-to-peer networks e-commerce
  • Dr Tom Cox

    Amusement Rides. Rollercoasters. Electromagnetic Launch. MAGLEV. Electrical Machines. Electric Motors.
    Engineering Technology Amusement rides rollercoasters electrical machines Electric motors Engineering
  • Professor Tony Pridmore

    Plant phenotyping, biological image analysis, computer vision.
    +44 (0) 115 84 66510
    Food Science Technology plant science computer science 3d imaging CT scanning Image analysis 3D reconstruction visual tracking phenotyping micro-computed tomography Crops Plant phenotyping biological image analysis Computer Vision
  • Professor Steve Benford

    Mixed reality. Virtual reality. Augmented reality. Groupware. Digital art and performance
    +44 (0) 115 951 4203 , +44 (0) 115 943 1628
    Science Technology Computer Science mixed reality virtual augmented reality Groupware digital art performance
  • Professor David Brailsford

    Digital documents. Electronic publishing. Document metadata. XML and PDF technologies. Compression techniques for bitmapped documents.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4205
    Science Technology Computer Science digital documents Electronic publishing metadata PDF Bitmapped
  • Professor Derek McAuley

    Ubiquitous computing. Computer architecture. Networking. Distributed systems and operating systems. Interdisciplinary issues of ethics, identity, privacy, information policy, legislation and economics within a digital society. The risks of naive adoption of technology.
    0115 823 2553
    Science Technology Computer architecture networking operating systems Information policy
  • Dr Thorsten Altenkirch

    Logic in computer science. Logical rules that can be used to reason about software systems and computer programs. Prorgramming language Epigram, which enables programmers to express properties of programs. Quantum programming.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6516
    Technology Computer Science software systems Programs programming Quantum Programming
  • Dr Julie Greensmith

    Computer security and protection.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7663
    Science Technology Computer Science Security protection
  • Professor Simon Mosey

    Technology-based entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education; managing the commercial exploitation of science and technology within higher education; the development of technology-based innovations within networks.
    +44 (0)115 951 3763
    Business and economy Education Science Technology technology Entrepreneurship education Science higher education innovation

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